Blazer Action News
Course Syllabus for the 2017- 2018 School Year
Prerequisite: AV Prod 1
Location: C204
Teacher Information:
Andrew Valencia
A/V Production Instructor
Planning/Office Hours: 5th Period
Welcome to Audio Video Production! I look forward to a productive, rigorous, and most importantly fun year. This is a hands-on, project-based learning class. Therefore, we will work in both crews and individually to complete various audio video production assignments. We will demonstrate knowledge of audio/video pre-production, production and post-production techniques to complete class projects by deadline. See calendar for specific material that will be covered.
Behavioral Expectations: All students are expected to behave in a respectful, mature, and appropriate manner. If you are not willing to conduct yourself accordingly, action will be taken. Students will demonstrate a positive attitude and willingness to participate during class.
Any form of plagiarism, forgery, or copyright infringement will NOT be tolerated.
There is an appropriate time and place for cell phones, portable electronic devices, make-up and other personal belongings. Please keep these items to yourself during class time. Should a need arise, I will refer to and follow the SISD Discipline Policies and Procedures. Also, students are to abide by the “Rules and Expectations for Americas High School Audio Video Production Program” contract.
NO FOOD/DRINKS are allowed in the computer lab.
Textbooks and Materials: Textbooks may be used during instructional time. Should a long-term illness or special circumstance arise, books will be available for check-out. The following textbooks will be used:
Video Communication and Production
by Jim Stinson/published by GW Publisher
Television Production and Broadcast Journalism
by Philip L. Harris
Adobe CS6 Training “The Video Collection”
by Debbie Keller
Students Must Provide: Composition Journal, Note taking materials (folder, paper, pen or pencil), 2GB or larger flash drive, Headphones. Please be prepared with necessary materials.
Attendance/Tardy Policy: Your attendance in this class is imperative to a quality score. A large percentage of your grade is based on your direct participation. Therefore, if you are not present you will be unable to participate. Generally, an assignment that is due on the day of a student’s absence will be due on the day the student returns to class. Make up work for assignments and exams will be accepted with a note that includes a contact number of a parent or guardian to verify absence. Otherwise, grades for late work will be significantly effected. This industry is deadline driven. If a deadline is missed, it can’t be made up. If you learn anything in this class, meeting a deadline is what matters most.
Grading System:
Projects: 60%
Daily Assignments: 30%
Exams: 10%
Each Semester Grade Determination
50% - 1st 2nd 9 weeks
50% - 3rd 4th 9 weeks
100-90 = A
89-80 = B
79-70 = C
69-60 = D
59 and below = F
Course Calendar:
Month / Topic CoveredAugust / Advanced Camera Operation. LIVE Production News Production
September / LIVE Production, Film Production. Sound/Lighting for Film
Blazer Action News Prod
October / LIVE Production, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Effects
November / LIVE Production, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects
December / LIVE Production, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects
January / Skills USA Film Festival prep, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects, test prep
February / Skills USA/ TSA Film Festival prep, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects , test prep
March / Film Festival prep, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects, test prep
April / Film Festival prep, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects, test prep
May / Film Festival prep, Blazer Action News Prod, Special Projects, test prep
Dates and curriculum are subject to change.
Student Name (print):
Parent Signature: