DeKalb Middle School Mrs. Moore/7th Grade Reading Language Arts

Class Periods: 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th 2nd Nine Weeks: Week two October 31, 2016 to November 4, 2016

Essential Question for the week. / Standards Covered / Focus / Teaching Structure / Homework
Monday / What are the characteristics of a drama/play? / L.7.4b I can use grade appropriate affixes and root words to understand the meaning of a word.
L.7.4c I can refer to both print and digital reference materials to find the pronunciation, meaning, and part of speech of a word.
L.7.6 I can acquire and use grade appropriate words and phrases and expand on vocabulary knowledge that relates to comprehension or expression. / Vocabulary Words / 1.Bellwork
2. Introduce new vocabulary words and their definitions. Academic, Root and Affixes and vocabulary from this week’s lesson / Any work not completed in class
Tuesday / What are the three main points-of-view an author can use in a story, an why would he or she choose to use each one?
How could a story change if the point-of-view changed? / RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact
RL.7.6 Explain how differences in the point of view of characters and the audience or reader creates such effects as suspense or humor. / Point of View / 1.Bellwork
2. lesson on Point of view
5. Color Groups / Any work not completed in class.
Wednesday / Literacy Assessment Test / All CC-Standards covered this year.. / 1.Bellwork
2. Literacy Assessment / Plot Diagram Worksheet
Thursday / RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). / Characterization / 1.Bellwork
2 Lesson on Characterization (Steal Method)
3. Color Groups / Characters Traits Work sheet
Friday / 7.R.I.2 I can identify two or more central ideas of a text.
7.R.I.3 I can identify key ideas about individuals, events, and ideas stated in text.
7.R.I.4. // 7.R.I.5 / comprehension / 1.Bellwork
2.. Article of the Week
“Empatica Begins Shipping Seizure-Tracking Wristband (1350L”) / Any work not completed in class
Excel / Application lesson / Monday-
1.  Read on own
2.  Summary writing / Tuesday
2. Worksheet / Wednesday Thursday
1.I-ready 1. I-Ready / Friday