Thursday 8th June 2017 at 7.30PM. at Oak Farm Demountable.
1. Public Session. One member of the public was present to find out about the directional signpost at Upper Netchwood. Plus, he had a proposal for marking the boundary of the Parish with bulbs.
- Acceptance of apologies. Apologies were accepted from Councillor Jones. Present Councillors Lowe, Mottershead, Barker, Wentworth, Smith, Howells, Collingridge and Mathews.
3. Dispensations:None required.
4. Shropshire Council Report. No report.
5. Community Land Trust in Station Road.There will be a new bigger porta cabin. There is still a need for a new water heater. There is a fund raising Caribbean evening on 30th June 2017.
6. Minutes: Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th May 2017. It was RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th M ay 2017.
7. Matters Arising a. None.
8. Shropshire Local Joint Committee:No Meeting.
9. BT Consultation regarding removal of Phone Box Station Road Ditton Priors. It was RESOLVED to raise no objection to the removal of the phone equipment from the Phone box subject to West Mercia Police adopting the phone box and if West Mercia Police do not take up the adoption that the Parish Council can.
10. Proposal from West Mercia Police to adopt Phone box and install a defibrator. It was RESOLVED to support the Project asking that West Mercia Police consider providing facilities to the Level 3 stage in theirliterature.
11. Roads: a. any new problems. Clerk to report condition of the road at the junction of Chapel Lane and South Road near Wheelwright Cottage.
b. update on previous reports. no update.
c. Speeding traffic. The Safer Roads Partnership are doing their research on the speed of traffic in Ditton Priors.
d. Highway Maintenance update on funding. No update no information or money has been received. Ask Contractor to review works carried out. Clerk to contact Housing Associations STAR and Bromford to see if they can contribute to the works.
e.Derrington Road Road closure 11th June. Noted.
12. Planning: a. Consider the following planning applications:
- 17/02278/FUL Erection of agricultural building for grain storage. Ditton Farm Station Road Ditton Priors. It was RESOLVED to raise no objection tothis application.
b. Decisions:
- 17/00285/FUL Erection of dormer bungalow and detached garage (amendment to 14/03766/FUL). Grant Full Planning Permission. Noted.
- 17/00716/FUL 9 St Johns Court Ditton Priors Erection of an oak framed rear conservatory. Amended plans. Grant Permission. Noted.
- 17/01367/FUL Conversion of outbuilding to office facilities for existing cattery and associated works Glebe Cottage Hillside Ditton Priors. Grant Full Permission. Noted.
c. Any other planning matters.
13. Finance: a. Invoices to pay: It was RESOLVED to pay the following invoices:
1. Willow Environmental £216.67 chq no.462
2. Vision ICT £594.00 chq no 464
3. Mrs J Madeley £549.57 chq no 465
4. HMRC £130.60 chq 466
5. Mr B Williams. Chq 467
b.Consider a defibrator project. Defer until it is known if the phone box can be adopted.
c. New bank account. Defer.
d. Noticeboard Doors Consider funding. Upper Netchwood. A small working party will visit the noticeboard to see what can be done.
e. cast iron directional post. Clerk to ensure residents are happy with the painting.
f. Consider grant to Ditton Priors PCC. It was RESOLVED to pay 500.00 chq no 468
g. Approve Internal Audit It was RESOLVED to adopt the internal audit subject to chair and vice chair viewing it.
h. Approve Annual Governance Statement. It was RESOLVED to fill in the annual governance statement.
i. approve accounts for year ended 31.3.17. It was RESOLVED to adopt the accounts for the year ended 31.3.17.
14. Allotments. a. Suggestions of contact for signage will be provided.
15. Annual Parish Meeting. The meeting went well. Photos have been posted on Facebook for all to see. A press release has been issued and information sent to SALC.
16. Village of The Year update. The programme will contact the clerk is required.
17. Correspondence: a. Battle’s over 11 November 2018. Information noted.
18. Item at Chair’s discretion.None.
19. Website. Clerk is now managing the website so any information can be posted.
20. Date of next scheduled meeting Thursday 13th July2017. The meeting was declared closed at 9.10pm.