Agenda for ATAP Membership Call

January 20, 2016


  1. ACL Update
  2. Washington Update
  3. Staff Training in other states
  4. ATAP Conference
  5. Newsletter on ICT Webinar

2)ACL – Rob Groenendaal

  1. All 56 programs have submitted their data in the CATADA system
  2. ACL is looking forward to moving forward with building a data system using the model prepared by CATADA.
  3. State plan will be stood up in an overarching system that will be developed by a contractor at ACL.
  4. All states should know their funding allocation for FY2016 by next week and the $1 million increase will be reflected in that amount. This will represent the remainder of your FY2016 awards. If you do not receive an email by next week, please reach out to Rob. It is not clear what each state will receive based on the formula at this time, however.
  5. Successful in the submission of FS425 – now closing out in compliance.

3)Washington Update – Audrey Busch

  1. Fast track of appropriations bills this year and there will be action needed by the membership much earlier than normal. February will be the month when funding requests will be submitted to both the House and Senate. The first step is asking the state delegation to include AT Act funding in their request to the Appropriations Committee.
  2. Schedule visits for February Conference – Audrey will be sending out a notice to schedule visits with staff for the Feb/March Conference. Meetings will be at a very sensitive time this year during the appropriations process and ATAP would like as MANY states as possible to make the effort to meet with their state delegations while in Washington. It is even more pressing if a state has members that sit on the Appropriations Committee.

4)ATAP Conference – Audrey Busch

  1. Please let ATAP know if you are either not staying at the hotel where there is a block of rooms or if you received a better rate and are not included in the block. We need to get a firm count in order to not be charged for the unoccupied rooms in the block.

5)Newsletter on ICT Webinar- Linda Jaco

  1. Link for webinars on ATAP’s website and there will be a newsletter paired with the webinars every other month

6)Training Programs in States – John Vastag

  1. Looking for best practices that ND could borrow, beg or steal from and ND will share the final product of what they assemble. Once best practices are assemble, John will share this with ATAP’s membership and ATAP will also post this on their website.

7)John Vastag shared that his program will be hosting open house at their program’s site to with state legislatures which will provide exposure to their program. Contact John Vastag in ND with questions on this.