Ms. Jennifer Hoffman

Fairfield East Elementary


Dear East Family,

My name is Jennifer Hoffman, and I will be your child’s teacher this year for second grade. I am excited to begin our new school year together on Thursday, August 20th. I would like to invite you and your child to attend our Meet the Teacher Nigh on Tuesday, August 18th at 5:30 p.m. It would be great if you could plan on getting here just a couple of minutes early, as I will be doing a short presentation.After I share some information,you and your child may look around the classroom. Your child will be able to drop off school supplies (see other side), greet new friends, and maybe see some familiar faces. You will also receive an information packet and forms that need to be completed and returned to school. The meeting will last untilaround 6:15. (I have included directions to our room on the other side.)

If your child goes by a different name than I have used on the student letter (nickname, middle name, etc.), you can email me and I’ll try to begin using that on nametags and other things I’m preparing.

I encourage you to send your child to school on the bus the first day. It is a very organized process of getting the children into school with extra assistance and will help familiarize your child with his/her bus location. The buses use the same parking spot every afternoon. It is best to let him/her go through the new routines from the beginning while extra people are around to show the way and ease any fears.

I hope to see you and your child at the Meet the Teacher Night at 5:30 PM! I am looking forward to an exciting and successful year with you and your child. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any information, questions or concerns.


Ms. Jennifer Hoffman

Dear Second Grader,

I am so excited that you will be part of my classroom this year! Second Grade is awesome and I know we will have a great year! Our room has a movie theme. Every student gets to be the Star of the Week and we take turns being the Helper of the the Day! Come and meet me and our class pets! Ms. Hoffman


If you have already purchased items from the standard list, please do not worry about it! These are just the items our classroom finds most useful!

We will work with whatever we get. Thank you!

2 packs of #2 pencils with erasers—sharpened IF POSSIBLE
1 box of crayons – 24 count only
School box (just large enough to hold school supplies---not too big---around 8” x 5”)
Box of Kleenex tissues
Magazine/File Holder (paper or plastic)
6 glue sticks
1 bottle of liquid white glue
1 or 1 ½ inch binder with 3 rings
5 paper pocket folders with fasteners (1 blue, 1 red, 2 yellow, 1 purple) PLEASE DO NOT WRITE NAMES ON THESE.
Fiskars Scissors
2 Dry thin line/tip erase markers
2 Yellow highlighters
2 Large pink erasers
Optional: 1 bag of individually wrapped candy (Smarties, Sweet Tarts, Starbursts, etc.),
ziplock baggies, napkins, paper plates or Clorox wipes,
* No mini staplers, individual pencil sharpeners, colored pencils or markers please
*If you would be interested in donating any extra items for classroom supplies or students in need, simply send then in with a note marked “Extra Supplies”.  Thanks!!

*Names only need be on school box, binder, and magazine/file holder.

*Extra items will be collected until needed.

Directions to our room:

Enter the building at the front doors near the office.

Turn right down the first hall past the office.

Turn left into the first quad area.

We are the last room in the quad, on the right. 402!

Now Showing, Second Grade!