Belmont Heights Community Association

2010-2011 Board: Dianne Sundstrom, Gordana Kajer, John Fries, Maureen Neeley, Christine Gonzalez, Craig Starnes, Cindi Rogan

Location: Belmont Heights United Methodist Church meeting room

Attendance: 25 - 30

Minutes from February 8, 2012 Monthly Meeting

I. Welcome – Dianne Sundstrom

- other board members present: John Fries, Cindi Rogan, Gordana Kajer, John Shisko, Craig Starnes

II. Treasurer's Report – John Fries

A.  John – Account balance approximately $3,000

III. Vote for 2012 BHCA Board

A. Dianne asked for a vote on the proposed slate of candidates including: Dianne Sundstrom, Maureen Neeley, John Fries, Cindi Rogan, John Shisko, Gordana Kajer and Craig Starnes. Dianne noted that if candidates were approved, a board meeting would be convened and the board decide who would assume the 4 officer positions. A motion was made and seconded to approve the slate of candidates with the motion approved.

B. Dianne thanked Christine Gonzalez for her contributions as a 2011 board member. Christine was very instrumental in getting our new website and facebook page up and running.

IV. Presentation on Renovation of Temple Israel: Alan Pullman and Alan Hirsch

A presentation on the status of renovations was made including showing picture boards of finished plans as well as the background and history of aesthetic and functional design decisions. Overall, the design was driven by the need to make the space available more functional; external design changes were made to improve the approach to the Temple and were generally viewed as positive changes by those present.

V. BHCA Updates

A. Broadway Improvement Project between Park and Nieto is asking for donations from the Community for plants and trees. Donations should be made out to the BHCA with a memo for “Broadway Planting” and mailed to the BHCA.

B.  4th & Ximeno – Cindi Rogan

- The project has fallen behind schedule but a meeting is planned for March, 2012 to get back on track.

C.  Pacific Electric Right-of-Way – Dianne

- a meeting of BHCA residents interested in involvement in pre-planning for this project will be held February 18 convening at the corner of 4th and Park at 10 am. In addition, the Councilman’s office has scheduled a meeting for 3/7 @6 pm at Rogers Middle School to begin community outreach.

D.  Redondo/Broadway Project - Dianne

- we have reached out to all relevant community groups and have scheduled a meeting on February 13 with the project team and City staff to determine next steps.

E.  330 Eliot Lane – Dianne

- An application for a 280 ft addition to this home in the Eliot Lane Historic district is scheduled for discussion at the CHC on 2/13. Update: Dianne and Maureen Neeley attended the meeting, supported the addition and voiced concerns about changes made to the front of the home that were not permitted and were not historically appropriate. Similar concerns were voiced by members of the Commission. The Commission approved the addition but did ask the owner to make some changes to the front of the home.

F.  Debate among candidates for the 47th Congressional District seat – Dianne

- asked and received support to work with Belmont Shore, Bluff Park and Bluff Heights to schedule a debate among candidates.

G.  SEADIP Update - Dianne

- Dianne attended the City Council meeting where staff was asked to move forward with a plan to update SEADIP. Council recommended putting together a “Community Advisory Committee” to steer the process.

H.  Newsletter – work in progress on Spring 2012 newsletter

- Bill Orton, a member who coordinated distribution, has moved out of BH. John Shisko and John McKenna are taking over that responsibility. Thank you to Bill!

- Gordana commented that there has been a great deal of interest in advertising and that space is almost full.

I.  Totes & T’s

- both are available for sale; a new style of t-shirt for women is in the works.

VI. New Business

A. Bette McKinney, one of the founders of BHCA, fell and is at Pacific Palms recovering from a hip injury if anyone would like to visit her. Update: Bette is back at home and doing well.

B. Long Beach Municipal Band fundraiser Casino Night with St. Patrick’s day theme is being planned. Date and time to be determined.

C. Julie Maleki - Community event to raise funds for the Broadway project between Park and Nieto is being planned. Date and time and details to be determined.

D. Julie Maleki - 2012 funds have been approved to repave Livingston between 2nd and Termino. Plans are not complete but include reducing westbound traffic to 2 lanes and adding a bike lane. Crosswalk and landscaping changes are also planned. Once available, plans will be shared with the BHCA.

E. Julie Maleki – Sidewalk repairs in the 3rd district are to begin mid March.

F. Julie Maleki - Neighborhood Council Meeting schedule for 3/15 at the Yacht Club. Call Julie for details @ 562-570-8756

G. Craig Starnes inquired about plans to replace windows at 614 Loma in the Historic District. Julie will f/u with Craig.

VII. Guest Speaker: Michael Beckman, Commander of East Division LBPD

-  Has been commander of the East Division (ED) since October 2011

-  biggest problem in ED is property crimes; property crimes and auto burglary have increased 14% and 11%, respectively; in Belmont Heights over a 2 – 3 month period, there were 9 residential burglaries, 10 garage burglaries, 26 auto thefts, and 11 stolen bikes.

-  7 am to 5 pm is most popular time for residential burglaries to occur

-  Termite tent burglaries have seen an increase

-  Commander warned residents not to leave anything of value in cars, lock all doors and windows. Most residential burglars enter through unlocked doors and windows

-  Residents concerned about rummaging through garbage cans can obtain locks by contacting Julie Maleki @ 562-570-8756

-  All residents should be alert to suspicious people/activity in their neighborhoods. Trust your gut feeling in these situations and call 911 if concerned

-  violent crimes in ED has gone down by 50%

VIII. March meeting is scheduled for March 14 @ 7 pm. Maureen Neeley will do a presentation on “How to Research the History of Your House”. Don’t miss it! She does a great job.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm

Thank you to Cindi Rogan, BHCA member-at-large, for taking minutes or (562) 221-5518. Join BHCA Today! or (562) 221-5518. Join BHCA Today!