Agency Wellness Champions Meeting Agenda


Objective: Questions to think about to discuss as a needs assessment

Date: July 7, 2017 Location: Ladyslipper Room, Centennial Building

Time: 2:00-3:30 pm Meeting Type: Monthly Agency Wellness Champions

Call-in Number: 1-888-742-5095 Conference Code: 643 380 1392

WebEx Meeting Number: 749 043 208 Passcode: u6SJDFww

Preparation for Meeting

Please Read: N/A

Please Bring: Ideas for programming going forward

Action Items from Previous Meeting

1.  Agency Wellness Champions program updates

Noel Gageby (MDH) reported:

MDH is engaging in a 100 mile challenge for three months. The goal is engage in extra activity more than normal. Challenge started July 1st and has a little over 100 participants. Those involved in the challenge personally track on their own for their miles. MDH will utilize prizes of hats and water bottles.

MDH engaged in a hydration challenge in June that had 90 participants. Drink 8 oz. of water get a participant a point each time to track how much water a participant is drinking throughout the day.

Tari Vanelli (Lottery) reported:

Sending out information about Stand Up Desks

Chris Painter (Revenue) reported:

Revenue also had a hydration challenge with around 175 participants. Similar format to MDH with receiving points for ounces of water participants drank. Hydration challenge was in teams of three compared to an individual effort. Prizes were given for the top three teams. Hydration challenge was four weeks in duration.

Revenue also had a registered dietician come in and speak about two weeks ago. Around 250 participants in attendance. Topic was about general nutrition.

Deb Bergeron (MNIT) reported:

About partnership with Nice Rice for bike rides over the lunch hour. MPCA can bike to meetings which was approved by leadership.

Agenda Items

1.  Collective Bargaining Update

No extra money/benefits allocated to wellness program. What can we focus on now that has more intrinsic value rather than monetary to increase participation to improve wellness in employees.

2.  Running Clinic for State Employees

The second of three free running clinics for state employees considering participation in the 2017 State Capitol Run@Work Day 5K on Friday September 15th was held on Wednesday July 12.

The 2017 State Capitol Run@Work Day 5K Run/Walk will be held Friday, September 15th, at the Minnesota State Capitol Mall. More information about registration will be available in August. There is no cost to participate in the race.

The third clinic is being planned for Monday, August 7th, at the Minnesota Department of Human Services’ Elmer L. Andersen Human Services Building, room 2380, from noon to 1:00 pm. No registration is necessary to attend the running clinics. State employees can attend on their own time.

Follow Run@Work on social media sties

Follow the Minnesota State Capitol Run@Work 5K Walk/Run on social media sites for the latest updates:

Twitter: @mncapitol5K

Facebook: Minnesota State Capitol Run@Work 5K Walk/Run

Contact the Minnesota State Capitol Run@Work 5K Walk/Run Committee via email at for more information.

3.  Newsletter for communication

A newsletter is in the works for agency wellness champions. This will help to be able to communicate more on a regular basis, utilize online marketing for programs, and a e-newsletter follow up system to help boost retention. Looking at either communication twice per month or looking at once per month. Main objective is to highlight agencies/individuals, promote programs, and deliver content/information.

4.  Work Well Program Ideas – AWC’s and proposal

The idea was brought up about incorporating more challenges. This could be individual or agencies competing against one another. Justin Roberson, Health Promotion Manager, brought up the idea of 30-day challenges that agencies can engage in. This will give program ideas that we can use across the board. They are also done for you programs to incorporate as well saving you some work. The challenge topics are from four separate categories which are the following:

·  Mental Health

·  Nutrition

·  Physical

·  Financial

This would include Monthly challenges and Annual challenges. Monthly examples are:

·  Fitness: Heavy Metal – strength training for at least 250 minutes over the next 30 days

·  Mental: Connect 40 – engage in 40 meaningful conversations with different people over 30 days

·  Nutrition: Go Green – enjoy 20 salads in the next 30 days

·  Financial: Frugal Diner – prepare your own food and dine in for at least 20 days of the next 30

Annual challenges would include the following:

Fitness: FiveK – completing a 5K run/walk

Nutrition/Mental Health/Financial/Nutrition/Fitness/Prevention: Healthy Party – attend a wellness fair

New Action Items

Annual health/fitness activities involving leadership

Other Notes or Information

Idea was brought up to figure out a system for programs for each agency such as logistics, permits if needed, waivers, etc.

Also brought up was the idea to create a survey for agency wellness champions to administer to agency employees of programs they would like to see happen depending on needs.

Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Time: 2:00-3:30 pm

Location: Centennial Office Building

Ladyslipper Room, ground floor

658 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55155

Topic: Monthly Challenges, Annual Challenges, Survey