Manasquan Sending District CurriculumHealth 7-8
Unit: WellnessGrade: 7
Stage 1- Desired Results
Established Goals: NJCCCS, 2009STANDARD 2.1 (Wellness) All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Growth and Development
- Discuss how body systems are interdependent and interrelated.
- Investigate the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes that occur at each life stage and how those changes impact wellness.
- Discuss how heredity, physiological changes, environmental influences, and varying social experiences contribute to an individual’s uniqueness.
B. Diseases and Health Conditions
- Investigate current and emerging methods to diagnose and treat diseases and health conditions.
- Classify diseases and health conditions as communicable, noncommunicable, acute, chronic, or inherited.
- Compare and contrast diseases and health conditions, including hepatitis, STDs, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, and testicular cancer.
- Analyze local and state public health efforts to prevent and control diseases and health conditions.
- Investigate various forms of mental illness including impulse disorders such as gambling or shopping, depression, eating disorders, and bipolar disorders.
C. Safety
- Assess situations in the home, school, and community for perceived vs. actual risk of injuries.
- Investigate the short- and long-term impacts of injuries on the individual, the family and the community.
- Describe and demonstrate first aid procedures including, situation and victim assessment, Basic Life Support, and the care of bleeding and wounds, burns, fractures, shock, and poisoning.
- Discuss the short- and long-term physical, social, and emotional impacts of all forms of abuse.
- Describe and demonstrate strategies to increase personal safety while in public places and discuss what to do if one’s safety is compromised.
D. Social and Emotional Health
- Analyze how personal assets, resiliency, and protective factors support healthy social and emotional development.
- Investigate factors and choices that contribute to the incidence of conflict, harassment, bullying, vandalism, and violence and demonstrate strategies to deal with each.
- Analyze the effectiveness of home, school, and community efforts to prevent conflict, harassment, vandalism, and violence.
- Debate the consequences of conflict and violence on the individual, the family, and the community.
- Analyze how culture influences the ways families and groups cope with crisis and change.
A. Communication
- Analyze health ideas, opinions, and issues from a variety of valid and reliable health sources.
- Assess the use of refusal, negotiation, and assertiveness skills and recommend strategies for improvement.
- Assess the use of active and reflective listening.
B. Decision Making
- Demonstrate and assess the use of decision-making skills in health and safety situations.
- Compare and contrast the influence of peers, family, the media, and past experiences on the use of decision-making skills and predict how these influences may change or conflict as one ages.
- Predict social situations and conditions that may require adolescents and young adults to use decision making skills.
- Discuss how ethical decision making requires careful thought and action.
C. Leadership, Advocacy, and Service
- Demonstrate the ability to function effectively in both leadership and supportive roles.
- Discuss motivational techniques used to improve personal and group achievement and develop rewards and sanctions for group accomplishments.
- Develop and articulate a group’s goals, shared values, and vision.
- Plan and implement volunteer activities to benefit a health organization or cause.
- Develop and defend a position or opinion on a health issue or problem and educate students and parents about the health issue or cause.
D. Health Services and Careers
- Compare and contrast health and fitness services available in the school and community, demonstrate how to access them, and evaluate each comparing benefits and costs.
- Compare and contrast preparation and job requirements for health and fitness careers.
A. Relationships
- Discuss changes in family structures and the forces that influence change.
- Analyze how relationships evolve over time, focusing on changes in friendships, family, dating relationships, and lifetime commitments such as marriage.
- Discuss factors that enhance and sustain loving, healthy relationships.
- Describe the signs of an unhealthy relationship and develop strategies to end it.
- Develop standards for dating situations, such as dating in groups, setting limits, or only dating someone of the same age.
Enduring Understandings:
At the end of the unit students will understand that…
- Current and future personal wellness is dependent upon applying health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors.
- An individual’s health at different life stages is dependent on heredity, environmental factors and lifestyle choices.
- Being consistently aware of the environment and taking safety precautions can reduce the risk of injury to oneself and others.
- Effective communication skills enhance a person’s ability to express and defend their beliefs.
- Developing and implementing a plan to reach realistic wellness goals increases the likelihood of reaching those goals.
- Character can be developed and supported through individual and group activities, the influence of positive role models and involvement in community service.
- Character is who you are when no one is looking.
- Leadership and advocacy to promote personal and community wellness can impact the immediate community and society as a whole.
- Reliable personal and professional resources are available to assist with relationship problems.
- Technological advances continue to provide increased opportunities to develop relationships anytime and any place with a worldwide audience.
At the end of the unit students will be able to answer…
- What are the consequences (especially unforeseen) of our choices in terms of wellness?
- How can you learn to like yourself and others?
- How do you know whether or not health information is accurate?
- How do I learn to stand for and communicate my beliefs to others without alienating them?
- In order to achieve lifetime wellness, what should I plan for and what should I just let happen?
- How are character and health related? What aspects of our character can be changed?
- How do we learn to understand and respect diversity in relationships?
Content Knowledge:
Students will know…
- How body systems are interdependent and interrelated.
- Explain what diseases are and details how both their spread and risk of infection can be decreased.
- Awareness of possible hazards is the first step to recognizing dangerous situations to avoid for their own safety and the protection and aid of others.
- Describe and demonstrate strategies to increase personal safety.
- Students will be able to determine what positive qualities are necessary for healthy relationship.
- How to distinguish between depression and sadness and learn how to deal with the danger of suicide.
Students will understand that..
- One’s uniqueness is affected by many influences
- Developing positive self concept, coping with stress recognizing mental disorders and knowing where and how to seek help with mental and emotional problems will afford them aspects of good health.
- Students will understand the concept of total health and wellness.
- Students will learn about the different influences on their health and how they can take responsibility for their health.
Content Skills:
Students will be able to…
- Research the physical, social, emotional and intellectual changes that occur in life stages.
- Students will be able to role play strategies to deal with conflict, violence, harassment, vandalism, and bullying.
- Develop a brochure to address reliable health sources.
- Role-play refusal, negotiation, assertive, passive and aggressive skills.
- Develop and defend a position on a health issue or problem.
Predictable misconceptions to address are…
- Mental health may not apply to them, but to those that seek psychiatric care.
- Students may not understand how prevention applies to them, but that prevention is about healthy habits that prevent illness, injury and disease.
- Inducing vomiting is always necessary for a victim who has been poisoned.
- Tolerance may not always be acceptable when it can harm people property or is dangerous to their health.
- Some threats of violence may not be taken seriously.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Summative AssessmentsTraditional Tasks:
- Vocabulary Quiz
- Essay on health topic
- Essay on health career
- Unit tests
- Worksheets
Performance Tasks:
- Role playing
- Oral presentation
- Brochure
- Note taking
- Poster
- Current events article
Formative Assessments:
- Pre and post tests
- Oral testing
- Homework
- Group interaction (fro review research and brainstorm ideas)
- Class discussion
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Activities:- Students will create a health triangle for physical, social and mental wellness.
- Students will draw a map of their home and describe a list of things related to their health in that room.
- Make vocabulary flashcards.
- Students will complete reading assignment related to subject matter.
- Have students work in small groups to brainstorm ways that they can use assertive behavior and their refusal skills to stop harassment.
- Students will research and write report on a health related topic and present to the class, along with visual aid and quiz.
- Design a pamphlet of a list of places to either go or call in a health crisis, for example a counselor at school or a hotline.
- Videos
- Internet Activity
- Team work
- Group discussion
- Active listening
- Group participation
- Active reading
- Visualize
- Predict
- Summarize
- Connect
- Making charts, brochures, and posters.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
_x__ Art- design brochures, posters
___ Music –
_x__ Physical Education – progression relaxation, stress management, class presentation on fitness
___ World Language –
___ Health –
_x__ Science – Body systems
_x__ Social Studies – Culture, environment, heredity
_x__ Mathematics – Goal setting
_x__ Language Arts – Reports, discussions
Technology Connections: United Streaming, Videos, Internet, DVDs
Resources: Workbooks, textbooks, Current Health I and II magazines, Newspapers
HealthPage 101/02/2019