SPRING Spiritual Warfare Conference, #47
598 Buffalo Rd./Seneca Street
E. Aurora, NY14052
(March 27th Weekend)
Kicking – off Fri. Eve. at 7:00 – Pastor James Mobley from Chicago,
"Uncovering the Roots of Hostility"
Sat. 11:00 AM - VIDEO - Win Worley - "Occultic Psychology in the Church"
12:00 PM - Lunch Break
1:30 PM - Time for Praise
2:00 PM - Elder G. Craige Lewis (DVD)
3:00 PM - Break/Intermission
3:30 PM - Pastor John - "Shackled by Doubt-Aholism + Unbelief"
4:30 PM - Question + Answer
5:30 PM - Dinner Break (FREE Catered Meal)
7:00 PM - Mass/Group Deliverance
Sun. A. M. Service: 10:30 – Pastor John - "I Will Bless Those Who Bless Thee..."
Dear Saints in Light,
Jesus said something amazing in Luke's Gospel,
"Now when these things BEGIN to come to pass/to happen, BE ELATED and
LIFT UP your heads, because your DELIVERANCE (RESCUE) is IMMINENT."
[Wuest Expanded Xlation, Lk. 2:18]
Don't you just love the Savior's words here? Dr. Wuest does an outstanding job of capturing
the sense of the original. As world events grow worse and even worse, what's the true Christian
to do? How is the Messiah's church to respond? Well, considering the rest of God's Word
and knowing the truth of our being snatched away (raptured) before the 7 Year Tribulation
Period starts, when we see initial signs, we are to do two things: be full of joy and exultant
gladness AND be lifting up our heads in expectation. The deliverance or rescuing of God's
people is not demonic in nature here. Rather, it's referencing Jeshua rescuing us OUT OF
this world, from God's judgment and wrath that will fall upon it (Rev. 3:10; 1 Thess. 5:9).
We live in truly exciting times! Now's not the time to go A.W.O.L. (Away WithOut Leave)
on the Lord. In fact, just the opposite, for as Jesus plainly says: our rescuing is IMMINENT
(could happen at any moment). Come, get free - er for Heaven's sake!
DIRECTIONS TO:598 Buffalo Rd./Seneca Street, E. Aurora14052
From InterState 90 West or East, take Exit 54 (Route 400) South from I-90
(it only goes one way toward E. Aurora), then take the 4th Exit (Jamison
Road) turning right at the end of the ramp, then go appx. 1 m. until it dead-
ends into Seneca Street. Turn left, travelling appx. 1 m. til you come upon
a gray/brown + tan trim building on the left (look for our sign out front, right
after “Opener’s Grill”).
1. HAMPTON INN - $134.10 + tax - (716)655-3300 [Closest to ABF]
2. HOUGHTONCOLLEGE – “1st come, 1st serve” - $20.00/person/nite,
space is limited, call Kathy now, don’t wait!] *BEST DEAL*
3. MICROTEL - $65.00 + tax; $55 + tax AARP/AAA Rate (Continental Breakfast) – (716)633-6200, on I-90, take Exit 49
4. COMFORT INN- $79.99 + tax - (716)896-2800 (Breakfast + Pool)
475 Dingens Street, I-90, Exit 53
Naturally, space does not permit listing of all the quaint Bed-'N-Breakfasts, camps
and lodgings in the E. Aurora area. Pray + plan, come early to look around. What
a great way to spend some personal time, or vacation days from work, investing
in things eternal and your family's spiritual freedom!
The church literally sits across from KnoxFarmState Park (across the street)
with over 300 acres of hiking/walking trails. We’re also only 55 min. from wonder-
ful Niagara Falls and 25 min. from Canada.
+ 3 opportunities for Deliverance and Healing prayer.
+ The Agape Bible Bookroom contains hundreds of different titles of
books, tapes, CD’s and materials available, some of the best in Deliverance.
+ Adult Registration is $20, with youth under 13 FREE.
+ Please dress modestly and clothing-ready for Deliverance ministry.
Church Office at (716)655-5008.Our WebSite is AGAPEBIBLE.ORG or
the Church Secretary, Kathy’s e – mail is