Gap Analysis of Marshall’s Administrator Rubric
against Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards
All Oregon districts are required to develop or adopt an Educator Evaluation System. This system must include an administrator rubric with four performance levels that is aligned to Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards.
Staff at the Regional Northwest Comprehensive Center (NWRCC), conducted a match gap analyses of several rubrics already in use in Oregon districts for the purpose of determining their degree of alignment to the Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards. The organization of the results is as follows:
- Performance indicators related to each of the Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards are listed in Column 1.
- In Column 2, is text from the rubric that is comparable to the indicators from the Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards.Language from the rubric that describes a “proficient” teacher is used as evidence. Any indicator for which there is no evidence from the rubric is considered a gap.
- The gap is summarized in column 3.
It was not expected that every rubric would address every indicator listed. Rather, once the language from the rubric was inserted the result was viewed holistically to see whether the rubric met the overall goal for each standard.In the event that the majority of the indicators for a particular standard had no evidence, language describing a proficient administrator was inserted in the “Addressing the Gap” column. This language appears in red.Districts choosing to use a rubric with a standards gap would need to add the necessary language in their district rubric for every level for each of the gaps identified
Standard #1: Visionary Leadership
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by stakeholders.
Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards / Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators / Identifying the Gaps / Addressing the GapsEducational Leaders:
a)Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and mission; / Produces a memorable,
succinct, results-oriented
mission statement that's
known by all staff. (A.d) / Vision, collaboratively develop
b) Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning; / Carefully assesses the school’s
strengths and areas for
Provides teacher teams with
previous-year test data and
asks them to assess students’
current levels. (C.b)
Works with grade-level and
subject-area teams to set
measurable student goals for
the current year. (C.c)
Orchestrates common interim
assessments to monitor
student learning several times
a year. (C.e)
Monitors teacher teams as
they analyze interim
assessment results and
formulate action plans.(C.f)
Asks that data meetings go
beyond what students got
wrong and delve into why. (C.g) / Organizational effectiveness, promote organizational learning
c) Create and implement plans to achieve goals; / Researches and writes a
convincing theory of action
for improving achievement.(A.f)
Gets input and writes a
comprehensive, measurable
strategic plan for the current
year. (A.g)
Periodically measures
progress, listens to feedback,
and revises the strategic plan.(A.j) / Implement plans to achieve goals
d) Promote continuous and sustainable improvement; and
e) Monitor and evaluate progress and revise plans. / Periodically measures
progress, listens to feedback,
and revises the strategic plan.(A.j)
Orchestrates common interim
assessments to monitor
student learning several times
a year. (C.e)
Monitors teacher teams as
they analyze interim
assessment results and
formulate action plans.(C.f)
Draws attention to student,
classroom, and school-wide
successes, giving credit where
credit is due.(C.j) / Continuous and sustainable improvement
Standard #2: Instructional Improvement
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by sustaining a positive school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards / Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators / Identifying the Gaps / Addressing the GapsEducational Leaders:
a) Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning and high expectations; / Motivates colleagues by
comparing students’ current
achievement with rigorous
expectations. (A.c)
Builds staff support for a 3-4-
year student achievement
Manages resistance, low
expectations, and fear of
Ensures that key teams (e.g.,
leadership, grade-level,
student support) meet
Asks teams to follow up each
interim assessment with
reteaching and remediation. (C.h)
Uses all-staff meetings to get
teachers sharing strategies and
becoming more cohesive.(D.a)
Orchestrates regular teacher
team meetings as the prime
locus for professional
Asks teacher teams to
cooperatively plan curriculum
units following a common
Praises student achievement
and works to build school
spirit.(E.c) / Sustain / g) Minimizes interruptions during the school day, adjusts the master schedule to provide some collaboration time for all teachers, and monitors students’ time on task in classrooms.
h) Is aware of many of the most effective and appropriate technologies that support teaching and learning, funded purchase of these tools when possible, and promotes their use in many classrooms.
b) Create a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular program; / Asks teacher teams to
cooperatively plan curriculum
units following a common
format.(D.f) / Create a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular program
c) Create a personalized and motivating learning environment for students; / Draws attention to student,
classroom, and school-wide
successes, giving credit where
credit is due.(C.j)
Praises student achievement
and works to build school
Identifies struggling students
and works to get support
services to meet their needs. (E.e)
Provides programs for most
students whose parents do not
provide adequate support.(E.j) / Personalized learning environment for students
d) Supervise and support instruction; / Gets teachers effective
literacy, math, science, and
social studies materials and
Tells teachers exactly what
students should know and be
able to do by the end of each
grade level.(C.a)
Makes unannounced visits to a
few classrooms every day and
gives helpful feedback to
Provides redirection and
support to teachers who are
less than proficient.(D.h)
Recruits and hires effective
Uses all-staff meetings to get
teachers sharing strategies and
becoming more cohesive.(D.a)
e) Develop assessment and accountability systems to monitor student progress; / Provides teacher teams with
previous-year test data and
asks them to assess students’
current levels. (C.b)
Works with grade-level and
subject-area teams to set
measurable student goals for
the current year. (C.c)
Orchestrates common interim
assessments to monitor
student learning several times
a year. (C.e)
Monitors teacher teams as
they analyze interim
assessment results and
formulate action plans.(C.f)
Asks that data meetings go
beyond what students got
wrong and delve into why. (C.g)
f) Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff; / Recruits and develops a
leadership team with a balance
of skills. (A.a)
Delegates appropriate tasks to
competent staff members and
checks on progress.(B.f)
Uses all-staff meetings to get
teachers sharing strategies and
becoming more cohesive.(D.a)
Reads and shares research and
fosters an on-going,
schoolwide discussion of best
Organizes aligned, on-going
coaching and training that
builds classroom proficiency.(D.c)
Orchestrates regular teacher
team meetings as the prime
locus for professional
g) Maximize time spent on quality instruction; / None / Maximize time spent on quality instruction;
h) Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning; and / None / Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning;
i) Monitor and evaluate the impact of instruction. / Monitors data in several key
areas and uses them to inform
improvement efforts.(C.i)
Asks teacher teams to
cooperatively plan curriculum
units following a common
format.(D.f) / Evaluate impact of instruction
Standard #3: Effective Management
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards / Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators / Identifying the Gaps / Addressing the GapsEducational Leaders:
a) Monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems; / Manages bureaucratic,
contractual, and legal issues
efficiently and effectively.(F.f)
Manages the school’s budget
and finances to support the
strategic plan.(F.g)
Fulfills compliance and
reporting responsibilities to
the district and beyond.(F.h) / Evaluate management and operational systems
b) Obtain, allocate, align and efficiently use human, fiscal and technological resources; / Manages the school’s budget
and finances to support the
strategic plan.(F.g)
Is effective in bringing
additional human and financial
resources into the school.(F.j)
Recruits and hires effective
Gets teachers effective
literacy, math, science, and
social studies materials and
technology. (C.d) / Alignand efficiently use human, fiscal and technological resources
c) Promote and protect the welfare and safety of students and staff; / Makes sure staff know what is
expected for management
procedures and discipline.(B.e)
Supervises orderly student
entry, dismissal, meals, class
transitions, and recesses.(F.c)
Sets expectations for student
behavior and establishes
schoolwide routines and
Deals quickly with disruptions
to learning and looks for
underlying causes.(E.b)
Organizes workshops and
suggests articles and books on
classroom management.
Provides programs for most
students whose parents do not
provide adequate support.(E.j)
Supervises staff to keep the campus clean, attractive and safe. (F.d) / Promotes “welfare” of students and staff
d) Develop the capacity for adaptive leadership; and / Recruits and develops a
leadership team with a balance
of skills. (A.a) / Capacity for adaptive leadership
e) Ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support quality instruction and student learning. / Is effective at preventing
and/or deflecting many time wastingcrises and activities.(B.h)
Uses all-staff meetings to get
teachers sharing strategies and
becoming more cohesive.(D.a)
Creates a schedule that
provides meeting times for all
key teams.(F.b)
Suggests effective macro
strategies (e.g., looping, team
teaching) to improve student
learning.(F.a) / High quality instruction student learning
Standard #4: Inclusive Practice
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources in order to demonstrate and promote ethical standards of democracy, equity, diversity, and excellence, and to promote communication among diverse groups.
Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards / Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators / Identifying the Gaps / Addressing the GapsEducational Leaders:
a) Collect and analyze data pertinent to equitable outcomes; / Provides teacher teams with
previous-year test data and
asks them to assess students’
current levels.(C.b)
Asks that data meetings go
beyond what students got
wrong and delve into why.(C.g) / Pertinent to equitable outcomes / b)Develops and implements adequate plans for building and sustaining relationships with all members of the school community (staff, students, families, and community partners) in order to understand and integrate the community’s diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources and to more regularly communicate and implement the school’s vision.
Systems and procedures were put in place for monitoring, evaluating, and maintaining existing community relationships and for identifying and establishing new ones that support school and district goals.
d)Initiates and responds to many opportunities for school-community collaborations and partnerships. Systems and procedures put in place for monitoring, evaluating, and sustaining existing community relationships and for identifying and establishing new ones that support school and district goals.
b) Understand and integrate the community’s diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources; / None / Understand and integrate the community’s diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources;
c) Build and sustain positive relationships with families and caregivers; and / Makes parents feel welcome,
listens to their concerns, and
tries to get them involved.(E.f)
Sends home information on
the grade-level learning
expectations and ways parents
can help at home. (E.g)
Works to maximize the
number of face-to-face parent/
teacher report card
Sends home a periodic school
newsletter and asks teachers to
have regular channels of
communication of their
own.(E.i) / Sustain positive relationships with families and caregivers.
d) Build and sustain productive relationships with community partners. / None / Build and sustain productive relationships with community partners.
Standard #5: Ethical Leadership
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards / Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators / Identifying the Gaps / Addressing the GapsEducational Leaders:
a) Ensure a system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success; / Provides teacher teams with
previous-year test data and
asks them to assess students’
current levels. (C.b)
Works with grade-level and
subject-area teams to set
measurable student goals for
the current year. (C.c)
Orchestrates common interim
assessments to monitor
student learning several times
a year. (C.e)
Monitors teacher teams as
they analyze interim
assessment results and
formulate action plans.(C.f)
Asks that data meetings go
beyond what students got
wrong and delve into why. (C.g) / System of accountability
For student’s social success / e)Is aware of many of the school and/or district-provided student support personnel, resources, and services (e.g., counselors, nurses, social workers, support groups, etc.) and external community-based, volunteer and family services and used these resources to promote social justice and to meet the mental, physical, and emotional needs of the student population.
Maintains an appropriate evaluation system, but it is not consistently used to evaluate the effectiveness of school, district, and external resources and services in promoting social justice and meeting the needs of the students.
b) Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency and ethical behavior; / Ensures that staff members
know how and why key
decisions are being made.(F.e) / Model self-awareness, reflective practice, ethical behavior
c) Safeguard the values of democracy, equity and diversity; / Regularly reaches out to staff,
students, parents, and external
partners for feedback and help.(B.c) / Safeguard the values of democracy, equity and diversity
d) Evaluate the potential ethical and legal consequences of decision-making; and / Manages bureaucratic,
contractual, and legal issues
efficiently and effectively.(F.f) / Evaluate the potential ethical consequences of decision-making
e) Promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling. / None / Promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling.
Standard #6: Socio-Political Context
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Indicators from Oregon’s Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards / Rubric Text Aligned to Indicators / Identifying the Gaps / Addressing the GapsEducational Leaders:
a) Advocate for children, families and caregivers; / Regularly reaches out to staff,
students, parents, and external
partners for feedback and help.(B.c)
Identifies struggling students
and works to get support
services to meet their needs.(E.e) / Advocates for (families and caregivers) / b)Develops relationships with a range of stakeholders and policymakers to identify and influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning.
c)Routinely assesses, analyzes, and anticipates emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies.
b) Act to influence local, district, state and national decisions affecting student learning; and / None / Act to influence local, district, state and national decisions affecting student learning; and
c) Assess, analyze and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies. / None / Assess, analyze and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies.
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