Ag Ed Resumes Rubric Name ______

Category / 3 / 2 / 1 - 0 / Total
Identifying Information / Includes Name, Address, Phone Number(s), Email Address (if Applicable) which is presented in a creative, unique way. / Includes Name, Address, Phone Number(s), Email Address (if Applicable). / Missing at least one or more of the following: Name, Address, Phone Number(s), Email Address (if Applicable). / ____X 2 = ______
Objective Statement / Clear statement that states the goal for the job position your applying for. Must be a complete sentence. / Clear statement of the goals intended for this job position. / Incomplete sentence that relates to the goals of this job position. / ____X 2 = ______
Education / Includes complete information about your educational background including relevant courses. / Includes complete information about your educational background. / Incomplete educational information/background. / _____X 2 = ______
Employment Experience / Lists at least two experiences that include the job title, date, business name, and location of the business. For each experience at least three duties are listed in the correct tense. / List at least one experience that includes the job title, date, business name, and location of the business. For each experience at least three duties are listed in the correct tense. / Incorrect format is used; missing information for one or more experiences; or no employment experience is listed. / _____X 2 = ______
Activities & Honors / Complete list of all activities in chronological order in two different categories (community and school). / Complete list of all activities in chronological order in one category. / No activities are listed; or activities are not in chronological order. / _____X 2 = ______
Specialized Skills / At least 4 skills that set you apart from the competition, preferably relate to the job position. / At least 3 skills that relate to the job position. / At least two skills that relate to the job position. / _____X 2 =______
References / Have three complete references in the format that was presented in class. / Have only two references in the format that was presented in class. / Only have one reference in the format that was presented in class. / _____X 2 = ______
Overall Look / Professional look; easy to read font; creative and unique. / Easy to read font and professionally looking. / Professionally looking. / _____X 2 = ______

Total Points ______