Simple Tips for Travel in Major Urban Centers

1) Listen attentively to your tour leader’s information and recommendations. Make sure you understand the instructions and ask the leader to repeat the information if you are unsure.

2) Carry identification and emergency phone numbers on your person, as well as a copy of your itinerary. It will have the phone number of the hotel where you are staying.

3) On your day of arrival, your tour leader will distribute a sticker for the students to stick in their wallet. Jumpstreet Emergency #1-800-663-4956

4) Use the “buddy system”

a) Always stay in groups of 4. In an emergency, at least 2 people can go find help.

b) Enter stores and restaurants with your group instead of having your friends wait outside.

5) Know where you are and where you are going. Give the aura that you have a purpose and a destination. In other words, blend in with the locals.

6) If you get lost:

a) Stay calm and remember to breathe! Smile, you are having a travel adventure!

b) Stay in a public place where there are people.

c) Call the Jumpstreet 1-800 emergency number (above).

d) If you feel the need to, you can call the police. In most urban centers, they can be reached by dialing 911.

7) If you are at the meeting point and the group has already left… stay put and do #6, above, parts A and C.

8) When you are confronted with something new, learn to soak it up like a sponge. Learn about what’s different instead of pointing, staring or laughing.

9) Be careful about buying stuff from street vendors - the kind with watches in their trench coats or glasses in a suitcase – they don’t provide a warranty AND often cannot be traced back if the product becomes defective. To see if the vendor is “legit”, look to see if he/she has a city permit.

10) Be aware of your surroundings and count your money in private. Always keep your wallet on your body (front pocket or purse with an over the shoulder strap).

11) Blend in with the crowd and avoid carrying big backpacks or purses.

12) Be careful crossing streets. Only cross at crosswalks, street corners with lights or at stop signs and designated crossing areas. Be aware that traffic laws vary in different places and always look all around before crossing.

13) At the hotel, ask your chaperones if you are allowed or have time to go to the lobby or the pool.

14) At the hotel, always wear shoes in the lobby and in hallways.

15) Listen when your tour leader speaks, they have so many interesting stories to tell you! Also, they know many tricks to help you be safe, comfortable and having a good time on tour!