Unit 10: Personality


After you have mastered the information in this unit, you will be able to:

1.  Understand the nature of personality

2.  Describe the three levels of consciousness that Freud believed comprise the human mind

3.  Explain the structures of personality in Freud’s theory

4.  Identify psychological defense mechanisms

5.  Discuss the five stages of psychosexual development in Freud’s theory

6.  Name some of the major contributions of other psychodynamic theorists

7.  Explain the three types of traits in Allport’s trait model

8.  Describe Cattell’s view on the organization of traits

9.  Identify the three traits represented in Eysenck’s model of personality

10.  Understand the “Big Five” trait model of personality

11.  Discuss the role our genetic heritage plays in personality

12.  Discuss Rotter’s concept of locus of control, including the nature of expectancies and

13.  subjective values

14.  Describe Bandura’s concept of reciprocal determinism and the role of expectancies

15.  Distinguish between Mischel’s situation and person variables

16.  Describe self-theory as proposed by Rogers

17.  Understand the characteristics associated with Maslow’s concept of self-actualization

18.  Discuss how collectivistic and individualistic cultures view the concept of self

19.  Describe self-report personality inventories

20.  Explain projective tests of personality


Unit 10: Personality


Free association






Psycholsexual stage

Oedipus complex



Defense mechanisms



Reaction formation




Collective unconscious

Projective test

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Rorschach inkblot test

Terror-management theory


Unconditional positive regard



Personality inventory

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Empirically derived test

Social-cognitive perspective

Reciprocal determinism

Personal control

External locus of control

Internal locus of control

Learned helplessness

Positive psychology

Spotlight effect


Self-serving bias

Unit 10: Personality



·  Constant or change

·  Environmental or genetics

Psychoanalytic Explanations

·  Freud

o  ID, ego, euperego

o  Eros, thanatos

o  Psychosexual stages (oral, anal **fixation**, phallic (penis envy, castration complex, Oedipus complex, Electra complex, identification), latency, genital)

o  Defense mechanisms (denial, displacement, intellectualization, identification, projection, rationalization formation, regression, repression, sublimation)

o  Levels of consciousness

o  Criticism of Freud (empirical issues, limited case study, population, no children)

·  Jung

o  NOT A NEOFreudian

o  Collective unconscious

o  Archetypes

o  Anima/animus

·  Adler

o  Superiority v. inferiority

o  Inferiority complex

o  Fictional finalisms

·  Horney

o  Basic anxiety

o  3 ways we relate to others (move toward, away of agains)

o  Womb envy

·  Chodrow

o  Male and female identification with mother (real)

·  (Matina Horner) – women’s fear success


·  Maslow - hierarchy

·  Rogers – unconditional positive regard


·  Sheldon – somatotypes – shape of your body determines personality

o  Endomorphs (social, amiable, SANTA)

o  Mesomorphs (assertive, adventurous, dominating)

o  Ectomorphs (emotionally restrained, apprehensive, secretive)

·  Genetics – may have a component in this

·  Trait Approach – have aparticular trait and will

o  Gordon Allport’s Trait Theory – set of labels to describe a person:

§  Central Traits – (reliable, silly, smart…)

§  Secondary traits – contectual (“you can’t take him to a restaurant!”

o  Raymond Cattell

§  Factor analysis – statistical technique

·  Used Allport’s adjectives, people rate themselves

·  16 PF – 16 personality factor questionnaire

o  The BIG 5 Model

§  Costa and McCrae – personality is organized around only 5 basic factors (OCEAN)

·  Openness to experience

·  Conscientiousness

·  Extraversion

·  Agreeableness

·  Neuroticism

o  Eysenck and Eysenck Biological Trait Theory

o  Introversion and extroversion


·  Julian Rotter’s Expectancy Theory

o  Internals (I control my end) or external (I can’t control)

·  Bandura and reciprocal determinism

o  Personality is shaped by the interaction of thoughts, behavior and environment (DUH)

·  Skinner – childhood – change the environment change the personality