Football West

RefereeObservation Report

Referee / Date
Home / Division
Away / Venue
INTERPRETATION OF THE LAWS (an understanding of the Laws of the Game)
Yes / No / N/A
The referee was able to judge tackles that were careless, reckless, excessive force
The referee identified intentional handball
The referee’s foul recognition was adequate for this level of football
APPLICATION OF LAWS (laws applied consistently and appropriately)
Yes / No / N/A
The referee dealt with players who wasted time
Unacceptable language was sanctioned by the referee
Dissent was handled in an appropriate and timely manner
The referee dealt with players who blatantly cheated
The referee correctly applied the principles of advantage and signals accordingly
The referee dealt with over vigorous play
The referee controlled the technical area
The referee made decisions quickly and confidently
DISCIPLINE (sanctions imposed appropriate for the offences committed)
Yes / No / N/A
The referee issued the correct sanction for incidents
The referee issued sanctions in an efficient manner
Sanctions were issued at the appropriate time
The referee applied mandatory sanctions
The referee made effective use of the spoken word
PERSONALITY (the ability of the referee to influence player behaviour)
Yes / No / N/A
The referee was able to sell decisions
The referee communicated well
The referee’s personality contributed to the game with a proper and positive attitude
The referee show enthusiasm, appeared interested and wore appropriate uniform
FITNESS (physical fitness for the game)
Yes / No / N/A
The referee maintained good physical fitness and stamina for the whole game
The referee displayed a good sprint speed when required
The referee kept up with play
MOVEMENT & POSITIONING (application of ABC, Diagonal Movement and WWG)
Yes / No / N/A
The referee demonstrated an understanding of the principles of ABC
The referee demonstrated a good understanding of WWG and anticipating play
The referee took up good positions at set plays
The referee made good use of the penalty area when required
PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES (attention to details, co-operation with asst referees etc)
Yes / No / N/A
Injuries were handled according to policy
The referee effectively controlled the wall at free kicks
The referee policed the 9.15m distance effectively
The whistle was clear and varying in tone, volume and length
The referee raised their arm to signal an indirect free kick
Decisions were given clearly and signalled appropriate
There was a good level of communication between the referee and their assistants
The referee checked the placement of the ball at set plays
The time played was appropriate with sufficient time added as necessary
The referee paid attention to small details


Referee Coach’s Name / Signature / Date