African Travel Itinerary Grading Rubric: Option 1
Due Date: Tuesday September 15th
Topic and Point Value / Expectations / Points EarnedGuidelines and Rubric /
- This grade sheet was turned in with your brochure on the due date and has been signed by you and a parent.
#1. Name and Title /
- Your project clearly states your title, name, and class period
#1. Maps /
- You include appropriate maps detailing the location/route of your country/countries, as well as important physical and/or political features
#1. Flags /
- You include color images of the flags of each country that you will visit
#2, 3. Itinerary /
- Your include a detailed itinerary of how long your trip will be, what sights and landmarks you will be visiting on what day, and an explanation of why you are visiting each place
#4. Photo Gallery /
- You include various photos of the places you will visit on your trip
- Your photos include captions that explain where each place is located and which stop it will be on your trip
#5, 6. Need to know before you go… / You give a helpful overview of what you (or your tourists) will need to know before you go, including:
- Your countries’ climate(s)
- What to wear
- Official Languages you will hear spoken
- Types of local food you will eat
- Cultural customs you should know before your visit
#7. Bibliography /
- Your bibliography is typed, has a title, and includes all sources used (2 points)
- Your sources are in alphabetical order (2 points)
- All sources are cited appropriately as outlined on your “Source Saver” (2 points)
#8. Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation /
- You used correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your entire project
- It is obvious to the reader that you proofread your work
#9. Creativity and Presentation /
- Your project is creative, neatly assembled, colorful, engaging, and user-friendly.
FINAL Your Total Points Earned
GRADE: Total Points Possible: / ____
African Country Guide Book Grading Rubric: Option 2
Due Date: Tuesday September 15th
Topic and Point Value / Expectations / Points EarnedGuidelines and Rubric /
- This grade sheet was turned in with your brochure on the due date and has been signed by you and a parent.
#1. Cover /
- Your cover is colorful, creative, and neatly done.
- Your cover includes the name of your country, your name, your class period, and the date.
#1. Map /
- Your map is colorful and includes the important physical and political features of your country
#2. Flag /
- You include a colorful picture of your country’s flag
#3. Fact Sheet /
- Your fact sheet is complete, typed, and accurate.
#4, 5. Visitor’s Guide /
- You have addressed all five required topics as described in the project description
- Your guide is informative and would be helpful to a tourist or prospective traveler to your country
#6. Postcards from your country /
- You have included at least 5 images of your country and/or its climate (one point each)
- Each postcard has a explanatory caption and is cited properly in your bibliography
#7. Bibliography /
- Your bibliography is typed, has a title, and includes all sources used (2 points)
- Your sources are in alphabetical order (2 points)
- All sources are cited appropriately as outlined on your “Source Saver” (2 points)
#8. Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation /
- You used correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your entire project
- It is obvious to the reader that you proofread your work
#9. Creativity and Presentation /
- Your project is creative, neatly assembled, colorful, engaging, and user-friendly.
FINAL Your Total Points Earned
GRADE: Total Points Possible: / ____
Ministry of Tourism Powerpoint Grading Rubric: Option 3
Due Date: Tuesday September 15th
Topic and Point Value / Expectations / Points EarnedGuidelines and Rubric /
- This grade sheet was turned in with your brochure on the due date and has been signed by you and a parent.
#1. Name and Title /
- Your project clearly states your title, name, and class period
#1. Map /
- You include a map detailing the important physical and/or political features of your country
#1. Flag /
- You include a colorful picture of your country’s flag
#2, 3. Visitor’s Guide to features, facts, and statistics /
- Your guide is informative and would be helpful to a tourist or prospective traveler to your country
- You outline the essential information about your country as detailed in the project description
#4, 5. What to do and where to go /
- You describe several popular tourist destinations and “hot spots” of your country suggesting what people should see and do while there
- You include photos of these destinations where appropriate
- Your guide would be helpful to a visitor to your country
#6. Photo gallery of your country /
- You include at least six images of your country’s landscape or climate that give your viewer a good idea of what your country looks like
- Each postcard has a explanatory caption and is cited properly in your bibliography
#7. Bibliography /
- Your bibliography is typed, has a title, and includes all sources used (2 points)
- Your sources are in alphabetical order (2 points)
- All sources are cited appropriately as outlined on your “Source Saver” (2 points)
#8. Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation /
- You used correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your entire project
- It is obvious to the reader that you proofread your work
#9. Creativity and Presentation /
- Your project is creative, neatly assembled, colorful, engaging, and user-friendly.
FINAL Your Total Points Earned
GRADE: Total Points Possible: / ____