AFJROTC Regulation
20 October 2014
Kitty Hawk Air Society Commander:
It is the Kitty Hawk Commander’s duty to ensure that all cadets who are in need of academic assistance receive it through a tutoring program that. The commander will also plan activities that aid the community such as reading to elementary schools. The Kitty Hawk Commander should have an A in ROTC and at least a B average in every other class.
Table of contents
Chapter One - The Basics (Page 3)
1.1 - Kitty Hawk Folder
1.2 - Weekly Orders
Chapter Two-Prerequisite (Pages 4-5)
2.1 - Criteria for commander
2.2 - Recruiting
2.3 - Requirements to participate in Kitty Hawk
2.4 - Meetings
Chapter Three-Tutoring (Page 6)
3.1 - Finding Tutors
3.2 - How cadets can get tutoring
3.3 - How to tutor
Chapter Four-Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge (Page 7)
4.1 - Qualification for the badge
Chapter One - The Basics
1.1 - Kitty Hawk Folder
a. The purpose of the Kitty Hawk folder is to keep the commander organized. There should always be a list of every member in this folder along with an attendance sheet.
1.2 - Weekly Orders
a. Orders are a weekly report on what Kitty Hawk has been doing. These orders keep the squadron commander and above updated on the progress of Kitty Hawk.
b. The format consists of, to whom the orders are being sent, from who the orders are coming from, the date, and the time of the meeting. All of these should be placed on the top left hand side of the paper like an MLA format.
c. The orders should contain a summary which will be the main body of the document. The summary will contain any events being planned by Kitty Hawk, what was accomplished at the meeting, and how tutoring is coming along.
d. At the bottom of the orders should be an attendance of everyone who showed up to the meeting.
e. These Orders are to be given to the squadron commander every week unless the Kitty Hawk commander is told otherwise.
Chapter Two - Prerequisite
2.1 - Criteria for commander
a. The commander of Kitty Hawk must hold an A average in ROTC and a B average in any other academic class.
b. The commander must hold weekly Kitty Hawk meetings and uphold a tutoring program for the cadets.
c. It is the responsibility of the commander to make sure that every Kitty Hawk member has met the required amount of community service hours for the semester.
2.2 - Recruiting
a. When recruiting for Kitty Hawk members, upper classmen should be recruited first.
b. Freshmen must be recruited after the first progress report because they will have to meet the requirement to be in Kitty Hawk.
2.3 - Requirements to participate in Kitty Hawk
a. Like the commander, the cadets must have an A average in ROTC and a B average in any other academic class to be in Kitty Hawk.
b. If this requirement is not met the cadet, if they wish, can be placed in tutoring until their grade is brought back up. The cadet will not be able to stay as an active member of Kitty Hawk if they are failing any class.
c. Cadets must have a high level of discipline and participation.
2.4 - Meetings
a. Meetings are to be held at the most convenient time for the commander and cadets.
b. Meetings are to be held weekly in the mornings or after school.
c. If the meeting day(s) or time is changed it is the commander’s job to make sure everyone is informed of the change.
d. Give your meeting day(s) and time to planning so it can be posted on the schedule on the whiteboard.
Chapter Three - Tutoring
3.1 - Finding Tutors
a. Every cadet that is a part of Kitty Hawk should be able to tutor in at least one subject.
b. Tutors should have a flexible schedule on when they can tutor.
c. There should be at least one tutor for every subject.
d. A contact spread sheet should be made with the tutor’s name, number, and subject(s) that they can tutor.
3.2 - How cadets can receive tutoring
a. It is important for the unit to be academically successful not just in ROTC but in all other subjects as well. If this is not happening, then cadets need to get tutoring.
b. Make a tutoring sign up sheet that consists of the name of the cadet, phone number, subject they need to be tutored in , and the date when they want to be tutored.
c. Place this tutoring sheet in every flight binder with an attached note to the flight commander explaining what it is.
3.3 - How to tutor
a. Tutoring requires patience and well understanding of the subject.
b. To begin tutoring the cadet it is best to go over work that was completed in their class.
c. Go over things that are not understandable to them and break it down until they are able to comprehend it.
d. Once they have a well understanding reiterate the lesson through their homework, if any, or class work.
Chapter Four - Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge
4.1 - Qualifications for Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge
a. In order to qualify to the Kitty Hawk Badge you must attend 75% of the meetings and be an active participant.