Student -Personal Technology User Agreement
This agreement establishes a legal relationship and practice between student users of personally purchased and owned technology and the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools’ right to protect its network and resources, including the District’s legal obligations on privacy of information.
The Cuyahoga Falls City Schools’ Instructional Technology Department provides network and resources as a part of the mission of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education. In that regard, each user of any provided network services, or resource, agrees to comply with the Acceptable Use Policies of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education, as well as all City, State and Federal regulations governing said use.
I agree to comply with the following statements when using my personal technology on the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools network, OR within the confines of Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education property:
- I understand that all Cuyahoga Falls network resources are intended solely for the education mission of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education and are shared by multiple users at any given time. I agree to restrict any software that would require excessive bandwidth or network blocking that would inhibit others from using these resources.
- I agree to comply with all Cuyahoga Falls Board Policies regarding the intellectual rights of others and will comply with all federal laws regarding copyright of any digital materials stored or made available through the Cuyahoga Falls Schools network.
- I agree that I will make no attempts to circumvent, by-pass, inhibit or otherwise defeat any and all security measures installed on the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools network, including network filters, anti-intrusion and anti-virus systems.
- I agree to refrain from any commercial activities while using Cuyahoga Falls network resources, unless specifically permitted by the Superintendent, or designee.
- I agree that false identification, forgery, or other misrepresentation of my or anyone else’sidentity is in violation of Board policy and potentially illegal. I will refrain from any and all such activities on the Cuyahoga Falls network; including IP address masking, MAC address cloning, or any other attempt to conceal my technology or my activities.
- I agree and will refrain from any unauthorized attempt to connect with any other Cuyahoga Falls resource, computer, server or other (on campus or off).
- I agree to renew this agreement annually or whenever there is a change in the technology I want to engage with Cuyahoga Fallsresources.
- I understand that upon leaving the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools (by moving, graduation or other); I will lose all rights to use these resources.
- I agree to keep my technology’s software current, patched and complete with updated anti-virus software; in order to prevent any inadvertent action that could disrupt Cuyahoga Falls network resources.
- I agree that Cuyahoga Falls I.T. staff may inspect my device at any time to ascertain compliance with the above conditions.
- I agree and understand that the above includes the use of any cellular technology, or other wireless carrier while also using Cuyahoga Fallsresources, in an attempt to use Cuyahoga Falls resources, or while within the properties of Cuyahoga FallsCity Schools (including off campus Cuyahoga Falls School activities).
- I agree and understand I am bringing my personal materials on a voluntary basis and that the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools, staff and personnel have NO responsible for any action regarding my technology, including but not limited to: repairs, upgrades, loss or damage through the actions of others, theft or other loss of use. I agree that Cuyahoga FallsCity Schools bears NO financial or in kind responsibility for my personally purchased technology.
Student Name (printed): ______Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Name (printed):______Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
Technology in use (Brand/Model): ______MAC address:______