Affiliated to UKA / Somerset County Athletic Ass.

Formed 1981

Training and Coaching

Athlete Pulse

The Club Coaching and Fitness team are interested in learning more about you and your running. Please tell us about yourself. This will help us build a picture of our club members their goals, aspirations and accomplishments. Where do we all see the future of the club, how should we be modeling training, what is required of the coaching support, what does the membership expect from the club.

Individual Profile

(Information is on a voluntary basis)




E-mail address:……………………………………………………..

Weight / Height:……………………………………………………..

Dietary Restrictions:……………………………………………………..

Your Main Goal:……………………………………………………..

Run Preferences:

(Road, Cross Country,

Track, Fell, Gym):……………………………………………………..

Running Orientation:

Social / competitive:……………………………………………………..

Tell us the main reasons why you run. (Tick/Choose your top three).

To lose/maintain weight
To get fit and healthy
To complete my first race and be able to enjoy it
To finish a race and enjoy it
To give you more energy
To relieve stress
Because it makes you feel good/To get the ‘runner’s high’
Just because you enjoy it
To race for time / personal record
To meet people and socialize
Because it’s a shared activity with your partner/family
To boost your self-esteem
To raise money for charity
To travel and see new places
Because you're obsessive about the stats
Because you're intensely competitive with others
It’s an excuse to eat and drink more, guilt-free

Anything else? Please provide details

What are your biggest motivation-sappers?

(Tick as many as appropriate)

Hitting a plateau / not seeing improvement in your times
The winter weather
Not seeing the weight come off
Lack of energy
Knowing it’s a hills day
Knowing it’s a speed work day
Failing to hit a session’s goal
The intimidation of racing alongside younger or faster runners
The way running interferes with your social life – no beers the night before a long run, etc
Struggling to find time to train
Lack of support from family and friends
Lack of coaching support
Lack of a training plan

Anything else? Please provide details

About yourself and your running:

How many years have you been running?
Average weekly mileage during the last 4-6 weeks:
Average long run in the last 4-6 weeks:
How many days per week you usually run:
Do you warm up before activity
If yes to above, how long
Do you cool down after activity
If yes to above, how long
Do you do static stretching
If yes to above, how long & when
Do you do dynamic stretching
If yes to above, how long & when
Previous running injuries in the last 2-3 years:
Present injury or injuries (date of injury, length of training missed, amount of pain, etc.):
Do you cross-train by pool running, cycling, elliptical, etc. If so, how frequently? (If you take a class at a gym, please describe it):
Do you do core or strength training workouts? Describe:
Have you ever been coached? If so, what did you like/dislike?
Favourite training/racing philosophy (what works for you?):
Are you planning on racing soon? Provide date and type of races:
If you’re not planning any races, what is your eventual racing goal?

Your training specifically

Describe your faster running workouts in the last 4 weeks (Please be specific and include distances run, paces, recovery intervals, etc.
Recent Personal Bests (Please estimate 1-2 race finish times)
Where do you want your running to be in 3 months?
What’s your first and second priority for a coaching program (what do you want to accomplish)?
Any other goals you're looking to accomplish (i.e. time goal, placing goal)?

Information about those New to Running & additional information about those experienced athletes

Running What / Criteria / Confirm
How long / 1 to 6 months
7 to 12 months
1 to 2 years
3 to 4 years
5 to 10 years
+10 years
How far / Miles you could easily complete in a single run
How far / Longest run you could comfortably complete today
How many days / Days per week
Best Days to run / Specify days
Average Miles per Week / 1 to 9 miles
10 to 19 miles
20 to24 miles
25 to 29 miles
30 to 34 miles
35 to 39 miles
40 to 50 miles
+ 51 miles

BOS Harriers Current Activities

Tuesday-Club Training Runs

18:00This session was originally designed to accommodate new, young, recovering injured, and inexperienced athletes. The distance limited to an average of 4 miles at an easy pace.

19:00This session was originally designed for the more experienced athletes, is limited to an average distance of 5 miles at a moderate pace.

WinterDuring the winter months the runs are confined to theBurnham-on-Sea environs, taking advantage of the street lighting. The routes are set by the Club Captains at the start of each run.

SummerDuring the summer months runs are varied taking into account routes in and outside Burnham-on-Sea, that provide cross-country, speed and hill work. The routes are set by the Club Captains at the start of each run.

Thursday-Core Fitness

18:30This session was designed around injury prevention, through core fitness training. It provides an essential component of an athletes overall conditioning.

WinterDuring the winter months the coaching team leads the athletes through various floor and core strength exercise routines within the Highbridge Community Hall

SummerDuring the summer months, the exercise routines are shared with speed and interval training in the adjacent park.

We would like to ascertain how effective and popular these sessions are and to what degree they contribute to your all round fitness.

Do you consider them to be suitable for your training regimen?

Do you think they are fulfilling your training needs?

Are the commencement times good for you?

Is the duration of the session right?

Is your running improving through them?

What would you like to see included?

What would you like to see excluded

What do you expect from the coaching team?

In brief please provide your suggestions below

Anything else you would like to suggest / comment