Advocacy and Collaboration Grant 2017 Guidelines

The following are some suggestions to assist in developing your ROCAP’s A&C grant. As you are developing your grant proposal, please feel free to contact one of us to review your ideas. We would be happy to answer questions or offer support as you fine tune your application. You can contact AACAP’s Government Affairs Department; Mark Borer, MD, Assembly Chair; or Deb Koss, MD, Assembly Vice-Chair (, , ).

Preference may be given to:

·  Encourage 1st time applicants;

·  Projects involving a greater number and diversity of collaboration partners; and,

·  New or innovative ideas.

Higher scoring of the grant submission may be given to:

·  Grant funds should be used to develop and implement a NEW program;

·  Grant recipients should plan to identify alternate sources of funding to sustain program after the 1st year;

·  Goal of collaborative program - to develop outcomes and/or tools/resources that will last beyond the grant;

·  Combining other funding resources (including in-kind personnel/space/resources); and,

·  Involvement of ECPs and trainees.

Funding limitations:

·  Explore in-kind support from other community partners, such as the use of a meeting facility (supports engagement of collaborative partners and also helps to reserve the $3000 for other purposes);

·  Grant funds cannot be used for stipends for CAPs;

·  Grant funds cannot be used for CME/dinner meetings;

·  Grant funds should not be used primarily for food (limit 25%); and,

·  Grant funds should not be used primarily for travel, lodging, rent, honoraria (*exemption for trainees/residents/families-consumers)

(*budget allocations in these expenses will factor into the grant scoring).


·  Grant recipients will be invited to submit summaries and pictures of their projects for consideration for AACAP News articles or eNews clips. Summaries should be submitted by early October for highlighting at the fall Assembly meeting at the Annual Meeting.

·  Grant recipients will be asked to serve as a resource for other ROCAPs who may have questions as they apply for grants for the first time;

·  Grant recipients will be asked to share toolkit resources with other ROCAPs; and,

·  Grant recipients may be asked to report progress at Assembly meetings.

3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20016-3007 | 202.966.7300 |