Curriculum Committee

Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2014

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Voting: Teresa Minter-Procter, Kailani Knutson, Robert Simpkins, James Thompson, Miles Vega, Susan Regier, Danny Sciacqua

Advisory: Kim Behrens, Bill Henry, Val Garcia


Voting: Giovanni Ruiz-ASPC student rep, Bret Davis, James Entz

Advisory: Muriel Josten, Lorie Barker, Susie Lala-Bell, Erin Cruz

Call To Order:

The March 25, 2014 was called to order at 2:35 pm.

Approval of Agenda:

Table INFS P100 per Kailani. Table and remove from the agenda, PSYC P120, per Vira (prior to meeting).

Motion: To approve the March 25, 2014 agenda with modifications.

M/S/C: Knutson/Simpkins

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To approve the March 11, 2014 minutes.

M/S/C: Vega/Minter-Procter

Consent Items-Deletion:

1.  INST P055A-D

2.  INST P100A-D

3.  PHIL P113

Motion: To approve deletion of items 1 through 3.

M/S/C: Knutson/Sciacqua

Old Business:

1.  ENGL P130-Table

Some additional changes still needed. The CID number should be removed. The catalog prerequisite and the conditions of enrollment need to match. Susan thought that she had made these changes. The changes did not change.

2.  ENGL P131-Table

Some additional changes still needed. The catalog prerequisite and the conditions of enrollment need to match. Susan thought that she had made these changes. The changes did not save. Remove UC.

3.  English AA-T-Table

4.  INFS P100-Table

New Business:

1.  ART P122

The prerequisite needs to change to ART P124. ART P118 was deleted.

Motion: To approve ART P122 (Summer 2014).

M/S/C: Vega/Knutson

2.  SOCI P170

Motion: To approve SOCI P170 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Sciacqua

3.  Sociology AA-T-Table

The abbreviation for AA-T cannot be in narrative. The entire name must be spelled out. James will follow up to see if the TMC has to be followed or if SOCI P170 can be required.


1.  Curriculum Chair report: James provided information about K-12 common core. He will gather more information at the Curriculum Institute this summer. James will also be forwarding a list of courses out of compliance with the review process. Bill Henry said that the courses will not go into the schedules that are out of compliance. The State requirement is 6 year review cycle and the PC review cycle is 4 years. CTE is 2 year review cycle.

2.  GE-Graduation requirements: No discussion.

3.  District-wide Curriculum Database (inquiry from CC): Cerro Coso asked if we would be interested in a district wide curriculum data base outside of CNET. Miles thought that CID would take care of identifying our courses. Susan asked if they were really looking at equivalent courses between the KCCD district.

4.  Liberal Arts Division discussion in Arts, Social Science and Math: The Math & Science would like to see an AA-T instead of keeping this degree. There are a few courses that would need developed and/or modified. The courses are Math, World Regional Geography and Physical Science. The Social Science division is still discussing the degree.

Next Meeting: April 8, 2014

Adjournment: 3:49 pm

"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the PC Curriculum committee record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."