
The goal of this experiment is to learn writing interrupt service routines. Read Section 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11 of Miller.


Interrupt is an event that requires the CPU to stop normal program execution and perform some service related to the unusual event. Examples of interrupts include I/O completion, timer time out, illegal opcodes, arithmetic overflow, dividing by 0, etc.

The CPU provides service to an interrupt by executing a program called the interrupt service routine.

A complete interrupt service cycle includes

1. Saving the program counter value in the stack

2. Saving the CPU status (including the CPU status register and some other registers) in the stack

3. Identifying the cause of interrupt

4. Resolving the starting address of the corresponding interrupt service routine

5. Executing the interrupt service routine

6. Restoring the CPU status and the program counter from the stack

7. Restarting the interrupted program

Steps of Interrupt Programming

Step 1. Initializing the interrupt vector table

Step 2. Writing the interrupt service routine

Step 3. Enabling the interrupt

Example 7.1 Interrupt Driven Parallel I/O

The push-button A on EVB is wired to STRA pin of 68HC11. Pushing this button sends a rising edge to STRA. This event can set STAF bit of PIOC register and can cause an interrupt if the PIOC is configured properly.

In this example, main program turns all leds off, configures the PIOC register, clears the interrupt mask and waits for an interrupt. If push-button A is pushed the 68HC11 receives an interrupt request via the STRA pin. This interrupt request is accepted, because the mask was cleared, and the interrupt service routine ISR is executed. In ISR the STAF flag is cleared and only the first led is turned on. At the end, the RTI instruction returns program control to the main program.


* Parallel I/O Read push-buttons, turn leds off or on


* Addresses of I/O Registers

BASE EQU $1000




** Start address of ISR for interrupts from IRQ



***** Program Section *******

* --- Main Program ---

ORG $C000 Start of program

LDS #$CFFFIntialize the SP


BCLR PORTB,X %01110000

* Initialize for simple strobe mode and

* rising edge on EGA, enable STRA interrupt

BSET PIOC,X %01000010

CLIEnable interrupts

WAIwait for interrupt


* --- Interrupt Service Routine ---



ONE BCLR PORTB,X %01110000 turn all leds off

BSET PORTB,X %00010000turn only first led on

RTIreturn from isr

Exercise 7.1: Running the Program in Example 7.1

Assemble the program given in Example 7.1, load the executable file into EVB, and run it.

Exercise 7.2: Writing an ISR

At the beginning, the main program will put 0 on the seven-segment display. Each time the button A is pushed the next number will be displayed until 9 is on display. If the button is pushed again the program will exit.

Hint: First construct a code table to be able to print numbers on seven-segment display (Recall Experiment 6.2). Keep the table address of the number to be printed (first 0) in a memory location (NumAdr). In a loop read this address into X and put the number on display. If the button is pressed, the ISR will be called. In ISR, increment a counter or the address in NumAdr. After returning from ISR, the new address will be loaded into X and the next number will be displayed. After 9, main program will exit.