Advising Supplement for Articulation Agreement
Middlesex Community College – Radiologic Technology
Eastern Connecticut State University – Bachelor of General Studies, Major Concentration in Health Care Administration and Minor Concentration in Allied Health
This advising guide accompanies the articulation agreement for ease of use when working with students who may be interested in continuing their studies at Eastern. It lists any specific courses or recommendations for courses at the community college that are included in the agreement. Students can be advised to complete the normal coursework for their program with attention to the following items/options:
To fulfill Eastern Liberal Arts Core Curriculum (LAC) requirements, students in the Radiologic Technology program should select:
· A Humanities/Fine Arts Elective that fulfills Eastern’s LAC Tier 1 Arts and Humanities: Arts in Context (T1A) requirement
See below for a list of courses at Middlesex that fulfill these LAC requirements at Eastern.
In addition to the required coursework in Radiologic Technology, students may take courses at Middlesex to fulfill the following requirements at Eastern:
· LAC Tier 1 Literature and Thought (T1LT)
· LAC Tier 1 Historical Perspectives (T1H)
· LAC Tier 1 Mathematics (MAT*146 Math for the Liberal Arts recommended)
· LAC Tier 1 Natural Sciences (T1NS)
· LAC Tier 2 Arts and Humanities: Creative Expression (T2CE)
· LAC Tier 2 Cultural Perspectives (T2CP)
· LAC Tier 2 Individuals and Societies (T2IS)
· LAC Tier 2 Natural Sciences (T2NS)
Please Note:
· At least one LAC Natural Sciences course must include a lab.
· Students must complete at least two LAC Tier 2 courses at Eastern (includes courses that fulfill both a requirement for the major and an LAC category).
See below for a list of courses at Middlesex that fulfill these LAC requirements at Eastern.
Also see Eastern’s online Transfer Credit Equivalency database for individual course equivalents and to search for courses that fulfill LAC requirements (select the appropriate option in the "Select LAC Requirement" field).
· Direct link to Transfer Credit Equivalency database: https://eweb.easternct.edu/wfbprod/bysktreq.p_ask_parms_to?displayMode=N
· Or connect to the database by clicking on “Course Equivalency” on the undergraduate transfer student admissions page: http://www1.easternct.edu/admissions/transfer/
Text for catalog and/or website:
Students interested in earning a B.G.S. in Health Care Administration at Eastern Connecticut State University should talk to an advisor regarding which Fine Arts/Humanities electives will fulfill Eastern requirements.
MxCC Courses that Fulfill LAC Requirements at Eastern
For a list of all equivalent transfer courses and updates to this list, visit Eastern’s Transfer Credit Equivalency Database: https://eweb.easternct.edu/wfbprod/bysktreq.p_ask_parms_to?displayMode=N.(Also available through the undergraduate transfer students admission page at http://www1.easternct.edu/admissions/transfer/ by clicking on “Course Equivalency.”)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 College Writing requirement at Eastern:
· ENG* 101 Composition (3 cr.)
· ENG* 200 Advanced Composition (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 Arts and Humanities: Arts in Context requirement at Eastern:
· ART* 100 Art Appreciation (3 cr.)
· ART* 121 Two-Dimensional Design (3 cr.)
· ART* 122 Three-Dimensional Design (3 cr.)
· MUS* 104 World Music (3 cr.)
· MUS* 111 Fundamentals of Music (3 cr.)
· THR* 101 Introduction to Theatre (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 Arts and Humanities: Literature and Thought requirement at Eastern:
· ENG* 102 Literature and Composition (3 cr.)
· ENG* 110 Introduction to Literature (3 cr.)
· ENG* 211 Short Story (3 cr.)
· ENG* 213 Poetry (3 cr.)
· ENG* 214 Drama (3 cr.)
· ENG* 220 Studies in American Literature (3 cr.)
· ENG* 231 British Literature I (3 cr.)
· PHL* 101 Introduction to Philosophy (3 cr.)
· PHL* 111 Ethics (3 cr.)
· PHL* 131 Logic (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 Historical Perspectives requirement at Eastern:
· ART* 101 Art History I (3 cr.)
· ART* 103 Art History II (3 cr.)
· HIS* 201 U.S. History I (3 cr.)
· HIS* 202 U.S. History II (3 cr.)
· MUS* 101 Music History and Appreciation I (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 Mathematics requirement at Eastern:
· MAT* 141 Number Systems (3 cr.)
· MAT* 146 Math for Liberal Arts (3 cr.)
· MAT* 186 Precalculus (4 cr.)
· MAT* 254 Calculus I (4 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 Natural Sciences requirement at Eastern:
· AST* 101 Principles of Astronomy (3 cr.)
· BIO* 110 Principles of the Human Body (3 cr.)
· BIO* 173 Introduction to Ecology (4 cr.)
· CHE* 111 Concepts of Chemistry (4 cr.)
· CHE* 112 Principles of Organic and Biochemistry (4 cr.)
· GLG* 120 Dynamic Earth (4 cr.)
· GLG* 121 Introduction to Physical Geology (4 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 1 Social Sciences requirement at Eastern:
· ANT* 101 Introduction to Anthropology (3 cr.)
· COM* 101 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 cr.)
· ECN* 101 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
· GEO* 101 Introduction to Geography (3 cr.)
· POL* 103 Introduction to International Relations (3 cr.)
· POL* 111 American Government (3 cr.)
· PSY* 111 General Psychology I (3 cr.)
· SOC* 101 Principles of Sociology (3 cr.)
· SOC* 103 Social Problems (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 2 Applied Information Technology requirement at Eastern:
· BBG* 115 Business Software Applications (3 cr.)
· COM* 142 Television Production (3 cr.)
· COM* 228 Broadcast Journalism Workshop (3 cr.)
· CSC* 205 Visual Basic I (3 cr.)
· CSC* 250 Systems Analysis and Design (3 cr.)
· MAT* 168 Elementary Statistics and Probability I (4 cr.)
· MUS* 117 Electronic Music (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 2 Arts and Humanities: Creative Expression requirement at Eastern:
· ART* 111 Drawing I (3 cr.)
· ART* 155 Watercolor I (3 cr.)
· ENG* 281 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
· THR* 110 Acting I (3 cr.)
· THR* 121 Plays in Production (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 2 Cultural Perspectives requirement at Eastern:
· ENG* 291 Mythology (3 cr.)
· FRE* 201 Intermediate French I (3 cr.)
· FRE* 202 Intermediate French II (3 cr.)
· HIS* 101 Western Civilization I (3 cr.)
· HIS* 102 Western Civilization II (3 cr.)
· SPA* 201 Intermediate Spanish I (3 cr.)
· SPA* 202 Intermediate Spanish II (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 2 Individuals and Societies requirement at Eastern:
· ECE* 182 Child Development (3 cr.)
· ECN* 102 Principles of Microeconomics (3 cr.)
· PSY* 204 Child & Adolescent Development (3 cr.)
· SOC* 104 Sociology of the Family (3 cr.)
· SOC* 210 Sociology of the Family (3 cr.)
MxCC courses that fulfill the LAC Tier 2 Natural Sciences requirement at Eastern:
· BIO* 145 General Zoology (4 cr.)
· BIO* 155 General Botany (4 cr.)
· BIO* 260 Principles of Genetics (3 cr.)
· BIO* 263 Molecular Genetics (4 cr.)
· EVS* 100 Introduction to Environmental Science (3 cr.)
· HLT* Introduction to Public Health (3 cr.)
· OCE* Introduction to Oceanography (3 cr.)
· SOC* 160 Introduction to Public Health (3 cr.)
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