Quick-Study Card

Modified from C. Schneider April 2006

Have you seen those laminated review guides published by Quick Study? These “quick” study cards review the entire content of a course on two pages (four sides). You can buy them in most college bookstores for microbiology, chemistry, calculus, biology, etc. The purpose of this activity is for you to review the content of this course while you create your own Quick-Study card for the APES AP exam.

You may work by yourself or with a partner. The Quick-Study card should cover four 8.5 by 11 inch sized papers. It must be typed. Make your card more durable by pasting your information onto a file folder. Use the format presented on the next page, which follows the percentages of content mandated by the College Board for our subject. A detailed outline of topics from the College Board can be printed from their website at

Due Date______

Grading Rubric for Quick-Study Card

A grade = excellent (somewhere between 90-100) / B grade = good job (somewhere between 80-89) / C grade = average (somewhere between 70-79) / <70 = really pitiful (somewhere around 40) or didn’t turn it in (duh 0)
CONTENT / complete coverage of topics
-well-chosen lists of info w/ emphasis on mnemonics
-helpful diagrams / -80 – 90% coverage of topics
-lists of info
- some diagrams / -incomplete &/or unbalanced
coverage of topics
-all prose
APPEARANCE / four sides of 8.5 by 11, used well
typed and easy to read, clear
eye-catching, colorful, distinct borders & titles
layout aids learning / -four sides of 8.5 by 11, space wasted
-some use of color
-layout doesn’t help learning / -less than four sides of 8.5 by 11
-maybe you ran out of time
THE BOTTOM LINE / I would buy your Quick-Study card because it is appealing and I see that it would help me to pass the AP exam. / I might buy your card, but there are better ones on the market. / I can see you spent some time on this but it’s not going to sell. / It was your choice to ignore this assignment.

College Board Format: Environmental Science content distribution. Use the College Board website for details!!!

Front page Inside page Inside page Back page

Earth Systems(10-15%)
-Earth Science Concepts
-The Atmosphere
Biota (10-15%)
-Energy flow
-Ecosystem diversity
-Natural ecosystem changes
-Biogeochemical cycles / Populations (10-15%)
-carrying capacity
-cultural & economic
-human population issues
Land & water use (10-15%)
-Other land use
-Global Economics / Pollution (25-30%)
-Types of pollution
-Impacts of pollution
-Economic impacts
Global Change(10-15%)
-Stratospheric Ozone
-Global Warming
-Loss of biodiversity / Energy (10-15%)
-Energy concepts
-Energy consumption
-Fossil Fuels
-Nuclear energy
-Hydroelectric power
-Energy conservation
-Renewable energy
Math Review
Formulas-Doubling Time
Growth Grate
% Change
Metric Conversions
Energy Math
Scientific Notation