Advanced Placement Statistics
Fall, 2014
"I keep saying that the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians. And I'm not kidding."
Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Allow me to welcome you and your child to Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics. This course consists of a fall seminar, and a spring semester class, culminating with the AP Stats exam in May. It is expected that all students will take the AP exam, and go on to pursue credit or placement based on their results. This class, along with successful completion of the exam, counts as the equivalent of an introductory, non-calculus-based, college statistics course. The course curriculum covers four broad conceptual themes:
- Exploring data: observing patterns and departures from patterns.
- Planning a study: deciding what and how to measure.
- Anticipating patterns: producing models using probability theory and simulation.
- Statistical Inference: confirming models.
I expect maximum effort from all of my students. This includes making optimal use of class time, taking careful notes, and completing homework thoroughly. Excuses, except in extreme cases, will not be accepted. This course, in particular, demands intense detail based on the rigors of the material, and our compressed timeframe. Within the classroom, I demand appropriate behavior and decorum as outlined in the school handbook.
Technology will play an important role in this class. The TI-84 Plus calculator will be our main tool, and it is expected that all students will become comfortablewith its functions. While I do not insist that you purchase one of these calculators (they often run between $95 - $135), those students who have the means or know they will continue with our calculus course should seriously consider this investment. A number of TI-84’s will be available for classroom use. TI’s newest product, the Nspire, is also encouraged.
This first semester seminar is worth .5 credits, and will have a number of goals: to cover the first few chapters of the text, to get a feel for the tone of actual AP questions, to acclimate all students with the technology of the course, and finally, to expose all students to the communication skills required in statistics.
Grading: the grade for the seminar will be calculated by total points earned from both collected assignments and quizzes at the end of chapters 1-6. Historically, students often struggle at the start of this course, due to the large emphasis placed on written explanation. This year, multiple methods will be used to assess communication skills:
- Homework: this will be assigned and assessed EVERY DAY! It is imperative that you do ALL the HW.
- Free Response AP Practice Problems
- Chapter projects/quizzes/tests
- Edmodo Entries/Quizzes
Social Media (Ways to stay in touch): I am active in several forms on Social Media. I encourage all my students to participate and to follow the class in as many ways as possible. They will find it helpful.
- Remind101 – If a student wants to receive updates from me via text message, simply text the message @loch14 to the number (267) 953-8767. I will be using this on a regular message to provide homework reminders, extra credit opportunities, test/quiz reminders, etc.
- Edmodo - This is one of the main websites we will be using in this class. All students will be required to post comments on this site and to take quizzes on the site periodically, so they should spend some time becoming familiar with it. Go to The group code to join is 3aziqc. This should allow them to join the group HH AP STATS 2014-15.
- My website I post the homework and the test and quiz schedule here. Check it everyday.
Expectations: by choosing to take this course, you have agreed to take a course more rigorous than a traditional math course, taught at a college level. I have the following set of basic expectations of my students:
- By sitting in this course, you have earned at least a B+ or above in Honors Algebra II, passed Accelerated Algebra II, or have individually spoken to me about your interest in the course.
- You will read the textbook. As we travel through sections and examples, you will read all corresponding examples and learn from the structure and writing style.
- Missed material will be made up in a timely fashion. I prefer to go over tests and quizzes the day after they are administered, and cannot do this when I am waiting for students to complete make-ups. There is no “extra time”, nor will any leniency be shown to anyone who chooses to waste time.
- You will complete all assignments thoroughly and thoughtfully.
- You will check my website for assignments and class updates:
Along with this high level of expectation comes a valuable reward in terms of the rich curriculum you will experience, the valuable communication skills you will learn, and the exposure to ideas and careers you might consider down the road. Statistics is an exciting, interesting course, and I hope you will come to appreciate the experience.
Mr. Robert Lochel
Please talk about this letter and your expectations with your child. Have your student return this page no later than Monday, September 8th.
My child and I have read and understand the homework and grading policies of Mr. Lochel
Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian’s Signature