Prior to starting a course I ask prospective clients to come and watch a class so that they see what will be expected of them.

The aim of the course is to teach each dog/puppy a sit, a down, stays in both positions, recall, leave it, walking on a loose lead and going to a bed/mat.

Each week I also cover basic behavioural advice such as housetraining, home alone, socialisation, other animals etc

I used to give out homework sheets but I don’t anymore as those that were struggling with certain exercises felt like they were getting behind and therefore put too much pressure on their dogs.

I now run each course as a mixed ability course after the first week in order to avoid this happening.


I give a brief talk on the basic elements of dog training - Consistency, Timing, Rewards and Distractions.

I then talk about the history of SATS, the ethos behind the technique and the basic elements.

I then ask the clients to bridge a stuffed toy.

I then condition each dog/puppy to the bridges and 2 finger target.

I then demonstrate, using each puppy, walking on a loose lead and a recall.

Homework = The owners are to give the 2 finger target significance. Their dog/pup should come to a target to have their food, to have their lead put on, to have a toy thrown etc. They should also work on getting their dog/pup to follow a target for short distances.


I start by asking everyone what kind of week they have had, any problems?

One at a time each owner and dog/pup then takes to the floor to demonstrate how far they have got with their dog/pup following a target for loose lead work. It is at this stage where I can spot who will need extra bridging help etc.

I then demonstrate a dog/puppy following a 2 finger target into the sit and down position, after which everyone takes to the floor in order to try it.

I then finish with the recall. I take the dog/puppy approx 20ft away from its owner and ask them to call it. Prior to this I remind them of the 2 finger target, the use of their pets name and the command hear as well as the bridges.

Homework = To continue practicing loose lead work as well as the sit and down position.


Any problems?

I begin with individual loose lead work but this week, depending on how well an individual is doing I will introduce the ‘halt in the sit’.

Each dog/pup should now be happily adopting the sit position so I now start to introduce the ‘sit stay’.

For those that are following a target into the down position I now start to fade the target just a little, i.e. rather than target them to the floor I only target to the shin.

I teach each dog/pup the ‘leave it’ command.

I introduce each dog/pup to their mat.

I end with the recall but this week I distract each dog/pup with a piece of kibble. The idea is that they will leave to kibble and go to their owners when they call him.

Homework = Practice what we covered in class. It is a this point that I demonstrate a few tricks with my dogs and ask them to have a little trick prepared for the final week.


Any problems? Have you chosen a trick?

I begin with individual loose lead work incorporating halts but this week I also add in ‘puppy recalls’ and changes in directions in order to keep the exercise fun for everyone.

I work on the sit stay.

I increase the fading of the ‘down’ target.

I begin training the dog/pup to ‘put your feet on the mat’.

I end with the recall but for those that are ready I hide a piece of cheese in my fist and use it as a distraction when the owner calls their dog/pup.

Homework = Practice what we covered in class. Don’t bore your dog/pup with the mat exercise. Keep everything fun and light hearted. Don’t forget your trick!


Any problems?

Same loose lead work as in week 4.

Sit stay with minor distraction.

Dogs/pups should be adopting the down with being targeted to the floor.

Work on down stay.

Dog/pup should be leaving owner and travelling at least 6ft to their mat by this stage.

Recall. Each dog/pup should leave a visible piece of high value food that I am holding in order to return to their owner when called.
Each dog/pup should walk on a loose lead past a high value piece of food that is visible on the floor obeying the ‘leave it’ command.

Homework = Practice everything but don’t forget the trick.


Party night!!

We play games such as musical statues, fastest and most accurate recall, the road crossing game, the fastest ‘feet on the mat’ game etc.

All of these games incorporate everything they have learned during the course.

We then have the best trick competition.

I end with the award ceremony. This includes attendance certificates, the perseverance award, the most improved award and the best SATS trainer award.