Brave New World

Sophomore English

Ms. McCloskey


Chapter 7

1. What is the name of the pueblo Lenina and Bernard visit?

2. Provide details to why Lenina is so shocked and appalled by the environment.

3. What does Lenina look for in her pocket that she does not have?

4. What was the service for?

5. Explain Linda and John’s story and what does Bernard think is very interesting about their story?

6. Chapter 7 ends on Linda explaining what her life has been like on the Reservation. Identify some of her struggles.

Chapter 8

1. Why do the other women hate and whip Linda?

2. What substance takes the place of soma for Linda?

3. What can John do that the others cannot?

4. What gift did Pope bring John when he was twelve?

5. Who did John stab? Why?

6. What does Bernard feel he has in common with John?

7. What does Bernard propose to John? Why does he do this?

8. What is John’s reaction to this proposal?

Chapter 9

1. What does Lenina do when she returns to the rest house?

2. How does Bernard receive permission to bring John and Linda back to the civilized world?

3. What does John do when he finds Lenina’s personal belongings and then finds Lenina sleeping?

4. John quotes two plays at the end of the chapter – one should be familiar. Why is he quoting these plays?

Chapter 10

1. Why does the D.H.C. dislike Bernard? What does he do to humiliate Bernard?

2. How does Bernard turn the tables?

3. What causes an uproar of laughter from the workers in the Fertilizing Room?

4. How does the D.H.C. react to this news?

Chapter 11

1. What happened to the D.H.C.?

2. Why do the people not want to see Linda? What is the plan for her?

3. How does Bernard become such an important and popular figure?

4. What word does Bernard omit in his letters to Mond? What are the nature of his letters to Mond?

5. How has Bernard’s attitude toward women changed, as evidenced in his tour with John?

6. What was the plot of the feely that John and Lenina attended?

7. What is Lenina expecting after their date? What happens?

8. Describe the attitudes that the following characters have towards soma and how they use (or do not use) it.

Linda The Savage Lenina

The allusion, Brave New World, Huxley takes his title from Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

Shakespeare’s The Tempest provides an important parallel to Brave New World, and the two texts relate to one another on many levels. In the play, Prospero and his daughter Miranda are exiled to an island because Prospero’s brother betrayed him in order to gain political power. The only inhabitant on the Island is a native, Caliban, to whose deceased mother the island had belonged. Prospero usurps control of the island and decides to raise Caliban as a slave because he pities him and intends to civilize him. Shakespeare deftly portrays Caliban as an angry, violent figure, who could easily be interpreted as less than human, ruled by bestial appetites rather than higher instincts. When a ship arrives on the island, two of the stewards introduce Caliban to liquor, and liquor becomes Caliban’s “God.” Yet Shakespeare also manages to imbue Caliban with all the complexities of the colonized individual. Caliban may be angry and violent, but he has been oppressed by Prospero. Caliban becomes enthralled by liquor and sees it as a god, but he has never seen alcohol before, and the effects of becoming drunk must be staggering to him. Prospero purports to help Caliban by “civilizing” him, but Caliban resents Prospero for the theft of his home. Prospero views Caliban’s resentment as unfounded and as evidence of his bestial nature, and this prompts him to treat Caliban even more harshly. Caliban responds with violent action that only increases Prospero’s belief that Caliban is an animal. In The Tempest, Caliban is both “savage” and a “Noble Savage,” he is utterly displaced in every community, just as John is on the Reservation, and will come to be in the World State.