Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications Syllabus 2013-2014
Ms. Natalie Mann Room 236 510-368-3863 (cell)
We will be embarking on an exciting, groundbreaking journey together. Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications is a college-preparatory course that will use sophisticated mathematics to give you the tools to become a financially responsible young adult. The course employs algebra, precalculus, probability and statistics, calculus and geometry to solve financial problems that occur in everyday life. Real-world problems in investing, credit, banking, auto insurance, mortgages, employment, income taxes, budgeting and planning for retirement are solved by applying the relevant mathematics. Field projects, computer spreadsheets, and graphing calculators are key components of the course.
The following is a list of the units we will cover this year:
Chapter 1: The Stock Market
Chapter 2: Modeling a Business
Chapter 3: Banking Systems
Chapter 4: Consumer Credit
Chapter 5: Automobile Ownership
Chapter 6: Employment Basics
Chapter 7: Income Taxes
Chapter 8: Independent Living
Chapter 9: Planning for Retirement
Chapter 10: Prepare a Budget
30%: Homework, Classwork and Interactive Notebooks
40%: Quizzes and Tests
30%: Alternative Assessments
A= 90-100%B= 80-89%C= 70-79%D=60-69%F= less than 60%
Every Monday, you will be provided with a weekly calendar. Most assignments are posted on the calendar along with their point value. I will make every attempt to put all assignments on the calendars, but they are subject to change and students are responsible for updating their calendars should there be a modification. On Fridays, all in-class assignments (other than math daily homework) are collected for points. I will return graded calendars the following Monday. Scores for the calendar and quizzes will be posted on ABI each Monday. Please check the ABI portal frequently to track these. This process will become clearer after the first few weeks.
Most days will have a do-now and classwork. These assignments will be outlined on your weekly calendars. Expect math homework every day (including Fridays). Daily math homework is due at the beginning of the period. To receive full credit, computation must be shown and work must be done in pencil (erasable pen is NOT acceptable). I will accept homework assignments one day late for half credit. In other words, there is a stiff penalty for late work.
There will be a quiz every Friday. If students are not satisfied with their score, quizzes can be retaken (after quiz corrections are completed) prior to taking the next quiz. Students can receive up to 80% of the original point value on retakes. Quizzes can be retaken during lunch, before or after school.
REQUIRED MATERIALS (have these materials by the Tuesday after Labor Day—September 3)
- composition book for an interactive notebook (bound, not spiral)—will use at least two by the end of the year
- Loose leaf binder paper and graph paper
- A straight edge (ruler)
- Color pencils
- A scientific or graphing calculator (Note: I will not require you to buy a graphing calculator, but you must have access to one outside of class—either on your smartphone, iPad, or computer—see TECHNOLOGY section below)
- A designated place to store things that you need in class (i.e. a folder or binder) and a place to store graded material (i.e. a binder at home)
- Textbook: Holt, Algebra 2- California Edition, 2008, NOTE: The primary textbook we will be using is Gerver, R. & Sgroi, R. Financial Algebra. South-Western/Cengage Learning: Mason OH. Copyright 2011, but we do not have enough copies for every student, so we will be using them in class.
As students in the 21st century, I think that knowing how to use technology will be essential to your success in school and your career. There are some fabulous opportunities to use technology to improve the understanding of mathematics and we will be taking full advantage of them in this class. In class we will learn to use graphing calculators and graphing software. In addition, I hope that you will explore many of the online videos and sites that are linked on my website.There is a great web based graphing calculator at Bookmark it on your compuer. We will use it frequently. If you have a computer at home, please download geogebra ( This is a program that enables us to model many mathematical situations. Play around with it. You will get better at it as the year goes on. If you have an ipod or smart phone, download a graphing calculator app. There are a few free ones that seem to work just fine. Try searching for PocketCAS or Free GraCalc. Also, I recommend reviewing vocabulary by using an application like flashcardlet and reviewing continuously throughout the year.
This year, I will be trying to implement Edmodo, which is a social learning platform for schools. At this point, I’m still learning more about this, but it is where you will find all of your assignments. Join the group today. You will need to create an account and join our group. The invitation is here:
Interactive notebooks will be an integral part of this class. You will be adding to them inside and outside of class. By the end of the course you will have a wonderful resource for future classes. You will learn more about how these work in week 2. In the meantime, decorate the cover of your own IN and make it something you are proud of.
Good attendance is a requirement. Tardies and absences will lower your academic grade significantly. When you are tardy, you miss the Do-Now and will not be able to make it up.
1. If you miss an assignment due to an excused absence, you must make it up or you will receive a 0 on that assignment.
2. You will be given one day for each day you are absent to complete missed work.
3. Do not come to me at the beginning of class on the day you return and ask for make-up work, as this is disruptive. Use your weekly calendar or check the website ( during your absence to get your make-up work. When you return, go to the student center at the corner of the classroom and pick up any handouts/notes you missed from the “Daily Work” binder. If you need additional assistance, come to me during lunch, before or after school to get instructions.
4. Get your absence excused in the attendance office—have your parent or guardian call or bring a note. I do not need to see your pink slip—I will see when your absence is excused electronically via ABI.
Record the name and number of two members of the class that you can call if you are absent:
Name ______Phone ______
Name ______Phone ______
Write your full name, the date and the class period on every assignment.
EVERY HW problem should be attempted and worked out neatly. Show enough work to justify each answer. When writing your final answer, you must erase mistakes. Do not write one number or symbol over another. If asked to demonstrate or prove a given statement is true, write full sentences to explain your reasoning. In these situations, you should proofread what you have written, making sure it will be clear to the reader. Three guidelines for showing work are:1. Summarize the instructions, 2. Show all computation, and 3. Box or highlight your final solution, always checking to be sure your answer is reasonable. Note: If pages are stapled, only the front page needs the full heading. If not, the heading must appear on every page.
CLASSROOM PILLARS OF RESPECT (Taken from REAL HARD’s Classroom Code of Respect)
- We use our words to positively express ourselves and encourage each other, because we all deserve to be heard and respected.
- We honor each other’s personal space, because what is play or affection to one person can be harassment to another.
- We commit to keeping each other focused, because we can’t beast on our education if we’re always distracted by noise and side conversations.
- We collaborate and build on a supportive community, because a culture of individualism and blame leaves us divided and alone.
- Your teacher will use engaging teaching methods, be fair and balanced, and build strong relationships with you, because we believe it will help us learn better.
LightweightInfractions or Tardiness (i.e. failure to bring required materials, failure to follow directions the first time they are given, disruptive (inappropriately loud), profanity (cursing), out of seat without permission, throwing objects, not on task, put-downs or teasing, eating or drinking, refusal to take off hat or hood.
- Warning
- Student-Teacher Conference
- Call home
- Detention
- Referral to Administrator*
(Any student sent out on referral will NOT be allowed back into classroom until an administrator clears the referral)
SEVERE INFRACTIONS (i.e. physical fighting, bullying/threatening/harassment, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drug possession, weapon possession, stealing, threatening/assault toward staff, extreme disrespect toward staff, or failure to give up cell phone when asked)
- Immediate referral to administrator*
(Any student sent out on referral will NOT be allowed back into classroom until an administrator clears the referral)
Cheating is:
1. Plagiarizing. Plagiarism is defined as using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were your own, without giving proper credit to the source. This could mean submitting work, either in part or in whole, completed by another or use of another’s project or assignment as your own.
2. Copying classwork or homework from another student. Turning in work you claim as your own that is identical, nearly identical, or partly identical to another student’s work is cheating. When you are asked to work in a group, this does not give you the right to cheat. Although you are able to discuss your answers with another student, you are required to write down your own answer in your own words and add your own ideas to it.
3. Giving or receiving information pertaining to tests on testing days.
Penalty for Cheating: Both student papers that are identical or nearly identical (whether you copied or allowed someone to copy your work) will receive an 0 without the possibility of make up. DO NOT SHOW (OR GIVE) OTHER STUDENTS YOUR WORK.
I plan on being in my classroom at least a half of an hour before and after school and during lunch. Of course, there will be exceptions and I will do my best to let you know when I will not be here. I am very eager to help you during these times. Also, there is an after school tutoring program. I will post these times and hours when they have been determined. If these times are not enough, let me know. I will find a way to get individual attention for you.
Bathroom and Drinking Fountain
You are given 3 passes for the entire semester. You may use one of these passes to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. If you choose to use a pass, fill it out and raise your hand quietly. Stay in your seat. When you have my attention, show me the pass and I will come over to your desk to sign it, giving you permission to leave the classroom. Do not ask to be excused during direct instruction.
When you walk in the classroom, all electronics must be turned off and put away. If I see or hear your cell phone, iPod, or any other electronic device in class, I will take it and lock it up (or put it in my pocket) until the end of the class period. This is your warning. Headphones cannot be in or near your ears.Occasionally we will use smartphones in class. During this time, I will let you know and only during this time will it be acceptable to have phones out.
If you finish your work early
Work on your homework or challenge problems. Do not work on work from any other class.
PA Announcements / Fire & Earthquake Drills
1. During announcements on the PA, all instruction will stop and students will listen quietly. No talking. Even if you don’t find the announcements useful, someone in the class probably does.
I have posted a wish list on my website. I will update it as items are donated. Thank you for your help.
I’m looking forward to a productive year in Advanced Algebra! Please have your parent or guardian sign the syllabus below, and write any questions or concerns they have. This will stay in your binder all year for you to refer to at any time.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______
Please write any questions or concerns you have below: