Classes for high school credit

John A. Logan Campus H116 Class Start Date

Monday & Wednesday US History / World History September 10, 2012

4:30 – 7:00 p.m. Consumer Education / Government continuing through

Instructor: Marydot Pinto December 17, 2012

John A. Logan Campus H116 Class Start Date

Monday & Wednesday English Comp. I – IV* September 10, 2012

4:30 – 7:00 p.m. Contemporary Literature* continuing through

Instructor: Marydot Pinto Modern Literature* December 17, 2012

19th Century Sci-Fi*

John A. Logan Campus H103 Class Start Date

Monday & Wednesday Algebra I September 10, 2012

4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Algebra II continuing through

Instructor: Cliff Higgerson Geometry December 17, 2012

*This class will only be offered providing student enrollment is met.

*A lap top computer is recommended for working in class.

Enrollment Procedures

After Start Date:

Students may register for classes on MONDAY evenings at 4:00 p.m. in room H 105 or by scheduling an appointment. REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 2012.

Paperwork may be submitted by FAXING, hand delivering, or mailing all of the following:

1) Principal permission form,

2) Emergency sheet,

3) Current transcript with SIS #,

4) Past attendance information, and

5) Book deposit check made out to”ASE.”

John A. Logan College

Adult Secondary Education

Crystal Hosselton, Director

700 Logan Road

Carterville, IL 62918

Phone: 618-985-2828 extension 8349

FAX: 618-985-4825

Please Note:

It will be necessary for students to work on courses outside of class to complete course all work in a timely manner. Students will be evaluated and expected to make continuous progress as well as attend on a regular basis. Please feel free to contact the ASE staff if you have questions.

A $100 book deposit in check form will be required from all students. All textbooks use will be provided to students and the deposit will be returned to the student upon completion of course and the return of materials

Each course taken will generate ½ credit. Grade information about each completed course is transferred back to the sending school.