Alana O’Connell

TITLE: The Store


OVERVIEW: I will use this lesson to give the children a chance to apply what they have learned about money. They will be a customer in a store and practice exchanging money for items.


As a result of this activity students will be able to:

  1. Name and identify the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. (Mathematics, QCC #10)
  2. Know the value of the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
  3. Recognize coins and bills as representing a system of exchange. (Mathematics, QCC #11)
  4. Listen and speak in informal conversations with peers and adults. (Listening/Speaking, QCC #1)
  5. Determine how much money they have in hand.
  6. Know how to find and read the price of a product.
  7. Determine which product they would like to buy.
  8. Determine if they have enough money for the item.
  9. Know how to count out the exact change or determine how much

change they are due.


  1. How do you save Money? Why is it hard to save money?
  2. What things did Alexander buy with his dollar?
  3. What coins do you have in your bag?
  4. What is the value of each coin?
  5. Can you exchange any of these coins for others coins?
  6. What things did you buy with your money?
  7. Did you receive the right amount of change? How do you know?
  8. What exchanges were made at the store?
  9. How is a real store different then our store? How is it similar?



  1. Read Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday to the class.
  2. Discuss the book and how people exchange money.
  3. Have the students work on their money books from last Friday, while groups of students go to the store. They should work on the dime and quarter pages.
  4. Call students two to three at a time to enter the store.
  5. Each child is given a set amount of change in their money bag. The particular coins each child is given is determined by which coins they have already been introduced to and which ones they have prior experience exchanging.
  6. The students will come up to the teacher/store clerk and put their money in a match-up table.
  7. They will then identify each coin, give its value, and then count their bag total. The students who need a challenge will exchange some of their coins for other coins to make exchange easier.
  8. The students will then shop at the store and decide what to buy.
  9. The teacher will help the students exchange their change and check out. The student must tell the clerk how much change they are due, if any.
  10. After the student has checked out, the teacher will put their items in a brown bag and have the student put it in their book bags immediately.
  11. The students will then return to their seat and completes their money book.
  12. Lastly, the teacher will talk to the class about the exchanges they have made at the store. She will also discuss how a real store compares to the class store.

ADAPTATIONS: I will help the students who need assistance by going through the store with them. For the gifted students I will give them a bag of coins to exchange for other coins. Ex) Instead of giving them a nickel, I will give them five pennies. They will then exchange them for one nickel.

MATERIALS: One coin bag for each student, (penny, nickel, dime, quarter), index cards with prices to label the shelf the item is on, old toys, money table sheet, store sign, 19 brown paper bags, expo board, and expo marker.

ASSESSMENT: The teacher will assess each student through discussion. She will make sure each child is able to identify each coin and its value. The teacher will also observe each student as they go through the store.