Chapter Advisor Handbook
Adult Leadership for DeMolay
Modified from Oklahoma DeMolay Association Advisor Handbook
Treasure Valley Chapter, Order of Demolay, Idaho
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An active and organized Advisory Council is the most important element of a strong and progressive DeMolay Chapter.
There is no magic number of Advisors which insuressuccess, but certainly meeting the minimum numbersuggested by the jurisdiction will make things easier on allthe Advisors.
Regardless of the number of Advisors on the AdvisoryCouncil, the important thing is to see that theresponsibilities and duties are divided where everyone hassomething to do that is meaningful and important to thesuccess of the Chapter.
Cooperation and friendly relations are basic ingredientsthat are essential to an effective Advisory Council.
Being an Advisor for a DeMolay Chapter is a job that oftentakes time, energy, and personal expense. The Advisorsreceive their pay and reward in the knowledge that theyare helping to shape the lives of young people and moldtheir character for the responsibility of the citizenship andleadership that is awaiting them.
1. ORGANIZE — Select a Chairman, Chapter Dad, anddivide up the duties and responsibilities among theCouncil members.
2. MEETING REGULARLY — The Advisory Council shouldmeet monthly at a minimum.
3. PROVIDE GUIDANCE TO THE CHAPTER — Alwaysremember that you are working with young people.Try to help the Chapter run itself, try not to “run theChapter.” It is sometimes a difficult balance betweenwhat you do for the members and what you let themdo for themselves. Keep the goals of DeMolay in mindalways - to help and improve young people.
4. PROTECT THE CHAPTER — See that the Chapteroperates within the guidelines of the jurisdiction andDeMolay International. Provide chaperones for allDeMolay activities and make certain that the Chapterfollows the Youth Protection and Risk Managementpolicies at all times. Watch the Chapter financesclosely so that major financial problems are avoided.
5. INSIST ON GROWTH AND EXPANSION — Don’t let themembers lose sight of constant recruitment programsand set goals for the Chapter to expand in programsand participation in local, jurisdiction, and nationalactivities.
Regular meetings of the Advisory Council should bescheduled each month.
All Advisors should attend the Advisory Council meetings.Also, the three Chapter Councilors and the Scribe andTreasurer must attend.
Don’t be afraid to open your Advisory Council meetings tointerested parents and volunteers who are not members ofthe Council. Encourage their participation and support. Ifthere is private business to conduct, do so after thegeneral meeting.
The Chairman of the Advisory Council presides at themeetings and he should see that everyone is notified ofthe time and place.
Most Advisory Council meetings take place at the samelocation as the regular Chapter meetings, a Masonic orScottish Rite Center. Some Advisory Councils choose tomeet at other locations.
Advisory Council meetings are conducted more efficientlywhen an agenda is used. Basic parliamentary procedureshould be followed when necessary.
The following is the suggested Agenda for Advisory Councilmeetings.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Reading minutes of the previous meeting
4. Business arising from the minutes
5. Communications
6. Bills against the Advisory Council
7. Reports
Master Councilor
Senior Councilor
Junior Councilor
Scribe & Treasurer
Parents Club President
Chapter Dad
All Other Advisors
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Good of the Order
11. Adjournment
The Chairman
The Chairman of a DeMolay Advisory Council can be verywell compared to the coach of a sports team. TheChairman must provide the cohesiveness to mold the teamof Advisors into a winning combination.
1. He must assemble a team of Advisors to guide anddevelop the DeMolay program in the community. TheChairman must lay down a basic organization for theoperation of the Advisory Council. After the ChapterDad is elected, he must see that the other AdvisoryCouncil members are given specific duties andresponsibilities as Advisors. He should see thatAdvisors who will not do their job properly are reassignedor replaced.
2. He must schedule regular Advisory Council meetingsand preside over these sessions in a business-likemanner.
3. He must see that the annual Advisory CouncilRegistration is completed promptly and thatsupplementary registrations are filed on anyappointments made between annual registrations.
4. He should insure that all reports to DeMolayInternational or the jurisdiction are forwarded promptlyand timely. He should see that a Scribe is appointedto handle the day-to-day administration of the Chapter.
5. He should communicate with the sponsoring body on aregular basis so that they are aware of the DeMolayprogram and should seek their assistance wherepossible.
6. He should insure that the Chapter closely follows theYouth Protection and Risk Management policies ofDeMolay International and the jurisdiction.
7. He should conduct on-going recruitment programs tobuild and supplement the Advisory Council.
8. He should be thoroughly familiar with the DeMolayprograms and resources including the awards andhonors system, the Ritual, the Leader’s ResourceGuide and other guides and handbooks provided byDeMolay International and the jurisdiction. He shouldbe knowledgeable of the Rules and Regulations ofDeMolay International and the Policies of thejurisdiction.
The ChapterDad
The importance of the Chapter Dad of a DeMolay Chaptercannot be over emphasized, for leadership he exemplifiesto the members will be a vital determining factor forinsuring progress and successful results in any specificchapter activity, as well as the chapter as a whole.
1. The Chapter Dad must become thoroughly familiarwith the DeMolay program and all of the resourcesavailable including the Leader’s Resource Guide,Program Planning Guide, Chapter Meeting Handbook,and Installation Planning Guide.
2. The Chapter Dad is responsible for seeing thatChapter meetings are well planned, attended, andexecuted. He should attend all Chapter meetings andAdvisory Council meetings. He should see thatCouncilors Meetings are held prior to each Chaptermeeting.
3. Using the Program Planning Guide, the Chapter Dadworks the with Councilors to establish a well-balancedprogram plan with the Chapter members.
4. The Chapter Dad should communicate often with theparents of the members so that they are aware ofwhat is expected of their son. He should keep a file ofcommunications received from DeMolay Internationaland the jurisdiction and bring their contents to theattention of the chapter members and the AdvisoryCouncil.
5. The Chapter Dad should develop the leadership skillsof the Councilors of the Chapter and constantly workwith the younger members to develop futureleadership for the Chapter. Find opportunities forthem to exercise their leadership and public speakingskills at meetings and activities of Masonic, civic, andother youth organizations.
There are a multitude of other specific duties that theChapter Dad finds among his responsibilities.Familiarizing yourself with the DeMolay program andeffectively gathering the support of all adults involved withthe Chapter will aid you tremendously.
Networking with other Chapter Advisors is another way ofdeveloping your skills as a Chapter Dad.
The RitualAdvisor
There has been a long-standing statement of DeMolay thatthe Ritual is what sets DeMolay apart from all of the otheryouth organizations and keeps it in a class by itself.
DeMolays can be outstanding ritualists despite their youngyears, because they have the intelligence, the education,and the inherent ability to do well. It is the job of the RitualAdvisor to turn this potential into action.
If the Chapter is new or developing a ritual program for thisfirst time, it is important to set priorities and goals. TheChapter should first learn the Opening and ClosingCeremonies so that they can function as a Chapter.
During this period, call on other Chapters for assistance indoing the degree work or attend jurisdiction degrees days.Once the Chapter has become proficient in the Openingand Closing Ceremonies then introduce the other degreesat a pace that will keep their interest and at which theycan be successful.
Set goals in conjunction with thesepriorities. Set a goal for the Chapter, like entering the ritualtournament or “By the next term we will be performing theInitiatory Degree”.
Create a timeline so that members and Advisors can seehow the Chapter will progress with its ritual program.
1. The latest edition of the Ritual should befollowed exactly.
2. All of the degree work should he given frommemory and to the best of the performers ability.
3. Insist on good posture from all officers, whethersitting or moving.
4. Use music for degrees.
5. Appropriate degree robes and costumes shouldbe utilized, and this is a project that not only theDeMolays but their parents often enter into.
It is sometimes very difficult to schedule ritual practicesoutside of Chapter Meetings. Personal schedules, manytimes, do not accommodate extra nights. If this is aproblem, set up the schedule so that Chapter meetingnights are ritual practices. You may want to schedule thesecond meeting of the month as Initiatory Degree practiceone month and DeMolay Degree practice the next. Doingthis every month, gives you six practices a term.
The Membership
Membership is an important function of all DeMolayChapters. Without constant replenishment of members, aChapter soon will become extinct. It is necessary,therefore, that a Chapter have a competent and dedicatedMembership Advisor.
1. With the Master Councilor and his MembershipChairman, lay out definite goals and a program to seeknew members, including regular prospect parties.
2. Obtain the names of prospective members, utilizeevery available source such as public school officials,church leaders, co-workers, and other leaders in activitiesinvolving teenagers.
3. Promote membership contests with interestingincentives.
4. Insure that initiations are held frequently enough thatcandidates do not have a long wait after turning in theirapplications.
5. Promote the use of the various videos available fromthe DeMolay and More Store.
All too frequently, the membership activities of a Chapterwill stop with a signed application. Many new memberslose interest because they feel neglected, for onceinitiated, the attention paid to him by other members is farless than when they were persuading him to join.
An effective orientation and education program isessential to the sustained promotion of chapter growth.Idaho DeMolay and DeMolay International provideMember Orientation programs, which you should becomefamiliar with and use.
It is the responsibility of the Membership Advisor to insurethat all new members are made to feel welcome andvaluable.
Unless another Advisor has been assigned theresponsibility, the Membership Advisor also serves as themarketing advisor. He should work with the MasterCouncilor and the Advisory Council to insure that theChapter is marketing the organization and publicizing theevents of the Chapter. The Membership Advisor shouldlook over the program plan and identify potentialmarketing opportunities for the Chapter.
The Scribe Advisor
Since the position of Scribe in a DeMolay Chapter is sucha crucial one, Advisory Councils have found it to theChapter's advantage to designate a Scribe Advisor toassist the young man appointed as the Chapter Scribe.
Sometimes this special Advisor is called the FinancialAdvisor, and he works with both the Scribe and theTreasurer. In some Chapters, the offices of Scribe andTreasure are held by the same person. And in somecases, there is no DeMolay assigned in either role,requiring the Advisor to see the tasks completed himself.
1. He should be thoroughly familiar with the Rules andRegulations of DeMolay International, the Policies ofthe jurisdiction, the By-laws of the Chapter, and theChapter Administration Handbook.
2. He\She should supervise the Chapter Scribe and Treasurerin accordance with the Scribe's duties, which areoutlined in the Chapter Administration Handbook.
3. He\She should see that the Chapter maintains a soundfinancial condition.
4. He\She is normally the person designated to record theminutes of the Advisory Council meetings and preparethem for approval at the subsequent meeting.
5. He\She should see that all reports are filed promptly andaccurately including the annual Financial Report,Insurance payment, and the submission of the Form10, and Form 11, when appropriate.
6. He\She should be one the signers on the Chapter bankaccounts.
7. He\She should assist the Chairman with the completion ofthe annual Advisory Council Registration.
8. He\She should see that the Chapter has an adequate supplyof forms, postage, and necessary office supplies andequipment.
The Scribe Advisor’s job is a large one. The use of apersonal computer with database and financialmanagement software will make the performance of hisduties more effective and efficient.
The SweetheartAdvisor
The success or failure of the Sweetheart Program is not only based on the enthusiasm and commitment ofthe young ladies, who participate, but also the support and encouragement of the advisors. As a
Sweetheart, Princess or Little Sis, it is important to utilize the Advisors as a resource in order to achieveyour ultimate goals in supporting the Chapter, division, and/or Jurisdiction.
Sweetheart Advisor Eligibility
- It is recommended that the Sweetheart Advisor be a female member of the Chapter AdvisoryCouncil or an acknowledged female leader within the Division.
- If a Sweetheart Advisor is not designated, it falls to the Chapter or Division Advisor to oversee theSweetheart Program.
- Due to the age requirements of the Sweetheart Program, a Sweetheart Advisor must be at least 25years of age.
1. The primary role of the Sweetheart Advisor is to be an advisor. This means to support andencourage the young ladies while ensuring their duties and responsibilities are met. This does notmean that the Sweetheart Advisor is to do the work for them.
2. Always be available to assist. Let the Sweetheart and Princesses know that you are interested andwant to be a support whenever needed.
3. The Sweetheart Advisor should attend all Advisory Council and/or Divisional meetings and reporton the status of the program.
4. The Sweetheart Advisor should serve as a chaperone at all activities and events that theSweetheart and/or Princess attend. If the Sweetheart Advisor is unavailable, it is up to theSweetheart and/or Princess to secure a chaperone. If necessary, the Sweetheart Advisor can assistwith this process.
5. Work vigorously to enhance the membership of DeMolay in addition to encouraging participationin the Sweetheart Program.
6. Act as an adult liaison between the Jobs Bethel’s and Rainbow Assemblies in the area, bycommunicating upcoming events and activities, when appropriate.
7. Serve as an advocate for the girls in the Sweetheart Program amongst other adults and advisors.
8. Assist the Sweetheart and Princess in completing any remaining LCC Lessons in order to achievethe ‘Lamp of Knowledge’, which provides additional understanding of DeMolay and its lessons.
9. Be available to assist the Sweetheart in preparing for Installation. This includes the assembly ofnew banners, cleaning the crowns and assisting with memory work and Installation practice.
Treasure Valley Chapter, Order of Demolay, Idaho
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Advisor Resources
All advisors are encouraged to take advantage of the following resources:
Treasure Valley Chapter, Order of Demolay, Idaho
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Treasure Valley Chapter, Order of Demolay, Idaho
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- Policies of Idaho DeMolay
- Chapter Administration Handbook
- DeMolay Advisor Development Program
- Program Planning Guide
- Orientation Program for Initiations
- Representative DeMolay Program
- A Parent’s Guide to DeMolay
- A number of other resources, forms,and aids regarding chapteradministration, awards, and programs
For more information, contact:
Idaho DeMolay
1055 Riverton Road
Blackfoot, Id 83221
Voice: (208)680-3837
Web Site:
- Rules and Regulations of DeMolay International
- Leader’s Resource Guide
- Leadership Correspondence Course
- DeMolay and More Store
- Hi, Dad! Book
- The Life and Times of Jacques DeMolay
- The Risk Management Guide
- Youth Protection Kit
- New Member Orientation Kit
- Adult Recruitment Kit
- 501 (c) 3 Guide for Chapters
- Installation Planning Guide
- A number of videos on Chapter Administration,Program Planning, andmembership recruitmentServices via the internet are available
For More Information:
DeMolay International
10200 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, MO 64153
Voice: (800)DEMOLAY
Web Site:
Treasure Valley Chapter, Order of Demolay, Idaho
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