January 26, 2009

South Carolina

Members present Georgia Lamirand, Beth Parr, Kathy Attaway, Crystal Campbell, Dee Ard, Toni Cacace-Beshears, Glenda Bean, Susan Carrigan, Cindy Ramagos, Sr. Roberta Bailey, Carol Montealegre, Melanie Clark, Lisa Maddox-Vinson, Debbie Ferguson, Herman Knopf, Beverly Peden, Janie Humphries, Joanna Grymes. Lisa Maddox-Vinson, rep-elect from Tennessee and Glenda Bean, Executive Director, were also present.

Georgia began by explaining that we will have commission meetings before our board work this morning. She asks that we prioritize and brainstorm our ideas and spend our time wisely so we can come back to the board prepared to report.

Introductions were made and everyone was welcomed, especially new members.

Georgia reported on her findings at the focus groups that she visited with this fall at State conferences. There are four main items she wanted to share with us before we begin our commission work:

  1. How do members find out information about SECA?
  2. How is SECA information disseminated throughout the states?
  3. What does SECA do for the States?
  4. Why should we continue our membership?

Drawbacks to joining were cost, knowledge about SECA and not understanding the benefits.

Georgia dismissed Commissions with the charge of prioritizing our new goals with a timeline and the budget in mind. She also asked us to be sure to keep a notebook with minutes and any other communications having to do with commission work so that it can be passed on to new commission members for the sake of continuity and avoiding double work.

Dismiss until lunch

Georgia welcomed everyone back and opened the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

Welcome to Judy Carnahan-Webb who just arrived.

A sign-up sheet for the silent auction was passed around. Georgia reminded us that each state usually brings something to add to the silent auction.

Georgia reminded us to visit the vendors and gave us the list of who we should make a special effort to visit. Please take this responsibility seriously. Vendors are an important part of our conference.

Georgia also reminded us to please bring 5 people to the business meeting 9:45-10:30 on Saturday morning so we can meet our quorum.

Glenda asked that we say hello to students along with first time attendees and child care professionals. They are made visible by blue and orange ribbons. Students will be carrying an orange conference bag. Be sure to say hello and make them feel welcome.

Glenda reported that we have several sponsors--- Kaplan is sponsoring “I Can Teach Kindergarten”. Lakeshore is sponsoring the Student Pizza Event and give-always. ICF is sponsoring the Public Policy Luncheon.

We are expecting about 1400 attendees.

The 60th Anniversary Party will begin with one hour (6:30 -7:30) dedicated to honor Janie as our President- Elect and Nancy Cheshire as our Outstanding Member. Then we will continue on with chips and salsa, cake, dance floor and DJ in celebration of our 60th anniversary.

A meeting of the National Assoc of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) is new this year and we hope to continue to work with them as a partner in the SECA conference.

Georgia asked if everyone had reviewed the minutes

Crystal Campbell noted that she is the South Carolina Representative not a Member at Large.

Motion #1

I move that the minutes be approved with the correction of Crystal Campbell being listed as South Carolina Representative.

Toni Cacace-Beshears/Judy Carnahan-Webb/approved

Debbie Ferguson presented the finance report.

We have total assets of $501,186.33 Debbie presented the Profit and Loss Statement with Year to Date Comparisons

Debbie and Glenda have worked to revise the chart of accounts and will continue to work on them throughout the year. They have separated the conference numbers in a way that will make it a lot easier to get the history piece.

Highlights—income from dues was down about $2000. Membership is up so this is confusing. Debbie will research and report at our next meeting. Glenda says it could be the timing of when the checks have arrived and were posted, etc. The NAEYC discounted membership doesn’t seem to be the cause. It appears to be a timing issue.

Publications income is down $9,525 compared to our budget. New publications weren’t ready to sell and that should improve as we begin sales of our new publications. Dimensionsrevenueis up $2980.

Cost of goods sold up $2451. We saved $17,444 by doing a conference call in the fall instead of board meeting.

Glenda bought new flag poles that are lighter and easier to ship and will save us money in the long run in shipping costs alone. We also purchased acompact laser printer to use at the office and on site at conference.

The Finance Commission will meet outside of this meeting to discuss more expenditures for this year.

**Glenda needs a new laptop

**Funding for Summer Board Retreat was not included in the 2009 budget. We are talking about restructuring our meeting times--flip flop the fall meeting and the summer board retreat.

**Glenda needs an additional person in her office. (Glenda reports that she has worked with Marva during January and she would like to hire her.) She has worked with her before and she would work 30-32 hours a week. Megan will do website and marketing. Marva will do more clerical/office management to free Glenda up to do more project work.

Debbie asked for suggestions on how to spend the Div-Dev money and the Lakeshore royalties.

Hurricane Ike Relief—Judy reported that there is a group called Collaborative for Children that is collecting money and disbursing the money throughout the state.

Florida and Texas have line item in their budget to devote to disaster relief. Should we consider that? (Glenda thinks we could raise more money if we put the Silent Auction on line.)

We need to decide what we will do with the Lakeshore money and the Div Dev this year and then send the line item question to the finance commission.

Discussion about to whom to give and how to be equitable………

Motion #2

I move that the discussion of how to use the Div. Dev. funds collected and the money from the Lakeshore Math Kits be tabled and sent to the Finance Commission for recommendations.

Humphries/Carnahan-Webb/ approved

Glenda’s salary increase—she is willing to defer this discussion in order to put new office personnel in place.

Debbie suggests three sources of income to cover expenses discussed. $11,608 transfer from reserves in budget, additional funds from this conference that we have not put in the budget ($40,000), contract services has never been completely utilized so we could use some of this budget line item. Looks like the money is there.

Motion #3

Move to accept the Finance Report


We took a Hotel/Conference Center Tour so we could familiarize ourselves with the building.

Glenda reported that KAECE now has their 501-c3. GAYC did submit their paperwork in accordance with the time lines SECA required. Their approval is pending.

The new website is ready and needs things added to it. Megan will be updating and filling it up. The SECA Reporter(spring) will give an introduction to the website and how to use it.

Our 2009 Community Service Project was included in the SECA Reporter. Reach Out and Read will have a booth here to help promote literacy. Please take the information back to your State Boards, present it to them and get your states involved. Their website is

Alabama update—Dee thanked us for sending Glenda to help with the restructuring of their State Board. They now have a full board. They are using SECA as an information source. Their first official meeting on their own will be held on February 4th. Richard Hardison and Michele Piggott will be in the leadership day on Wednesday. Let’s welcome them.

Meeting adjourned for today at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting reconvened at 8:35 a.m. January 27, 2009

Update from Texas—Judy Carnahan-Webb reported that the Executive Director of the TAEYC left last year and the new President Chris Curtis lives in Albuquerque NM and is taking a little time off,so the board is a little disjointed right now. They have rallied around and will have a conference but it has been quite a struggle. This is the reason Chris and some of the other officers are not at SECA. Judy will represent Texas here. They send their regard and regrets

Conference update—Glenda says we are at 1360 attendees without on-site registration. Public Policy Luncheon is full. The Session on Obesity has 40 – 50 registered. The Directors Seminar has about 61 registered. There are 80 registered for the I Can Teach Kindergarten Session. We have 175-200 students registered. We have already collected $95,000 in registration money. Our budget reflected $75,000. Megan is working on exact numbers. We have already met and exceeded the budget for 2009. Glenda will meet with the South Carolina coordinators tomorrow to work out any kinks. Governor Hunt did not respond at all to our invitation and award (Friend of Children) so he will not be here to receive that award. Glenda did not commission our normal gift to the recipient, but his name will be put on a plaque in the SECA office.

Lakeshore is sponsoring the student event. They will have a game show with gifts and provide the pizza. ICF is sponsoring the Public Policy Luncheon. Kaplan is sponsoring “I Can Teach Kindergarten.” Georgia asked us to thank them.

Georgia asked us to update names emails and phones on the Board list being passed around. She also mentioned that we need to ratify the President Elect vote.

Motion #4

I move that we ratify the vote for Janie Humphries as President Elect.

Joanna Grymes/Cindy Ramagos/approved

Glenda presented an opportunity to join Sam’s Club as a member of SECA and receive a discounted membership. She asked us to look over the paperwork (passed it around) and give her some feedback. Discussion…. No interest, so Glenda will not pursue.

NAFCC—designed a conference layaway plan which includes registration and hotel room for 3 nights. For example, 8 payments with final payment due before conference. Also charged a processing fee.

Glenda’s thoughts:

Likes the idea. Would also like to give an incentive to people to register

on line and look at restructuring the registration fees.

We might do it for groups and for registration only--not to include hotel

Could be a member benefit

It was decided to send it to the Professional Development Commission to analyze and brainstorm and then present to the finance commission. Then have the Executive Committee present a proposal to the full board.

Publications—The Obesity book is out and ready to be sold here at conference.

The Children’s Lit book is also ready to go

The Standards book is re-titled and reprinted and ready to sell.

Sharing Books Together is also ready

We have had a couple of online book sales to individuals which is exciting. Our primary sales have been to book stores and universities, cutting into our profit. Having the online ordering capability is a real plus.

Update on Little Rock—

Entire room block is in the Peabody- $134. We will be in the convention center and hotel which is all connected indoors. There are three places she would like to try to have some tours or some sort of curriculum points. There is the Presidential Library, Heifer International which is a working farm where we could do an educational program. There is a historic section of downtown with a museum with log cabins. We could develop a learning experience around that. There is a Black/African American museum (Little Rock was a crossroads of Black Musicians) and they have developed the history of that. We could maybe include storytelling and history with that. There is also a health and fitness trail behind the hotel that we could develop something around.

The dates are Jan 21 – 23, 2010. In thinking about how this might impact the State Conference in Oct 2009 for Arkansas, Glenda and Joanna will work together on this. Maybe we could allow members to register for both.

Future Conference Sites—Glenda will look at Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, PerditoBeach. Melanie suggested the Greenbriar in West Virginia. In these economic times we might be able to get a good deal.

Keep in mind that we have talked about doing a SECA Day at all State Conferences and then do a mini leadership type conference as our annual conference.

Georgia sent commissions off to work asking that they come back after lunch ready to report.

Meeting reconvened at 2:05 p.m


We have and Ad Hoc History Committee---

Milly Cowles has agreed to pull the history together from the beginning to present. She and Janie will approach Fossils and ask for suggestions as to how best to collect this information. She plans to introduce this history piece at Little Rock and post it on the website.

Georgia presented a recommendation from the Executive Board regarding the NAEYC Affiliate Representative—the cost of sending the additional person to NAEYC could be saved if we would decide to allow the SECA President (who already goes) to become our NAEYC Affiliate Representative.

Motion # 5

I move that the SECA President become the NAEYC Affiliate Representative.

Toni Cacace-Beshears/Melanie Clark/1 opposed, 1 abstained, approved

2009 Conference Dates and who will visit your State:

Arkansas—Georgia 10/8 – 10/10Florida—Georgia 9/24 – 9/27

Georgia—Janie 10/9 – 10/10Kentucky—Janie 10/1 – 10/3

Louisiana—Janie 10/15 – 10/17Mississippi—Georgia 9/30 – 10/02

Oklahoma—Susan 9/30 – 10/02South Carolina— TBA for 2010

Tennessee—Georgia 10/15 – 10/17Texas—Janie 9/24 – 9/26

West Virginia—JanieVirginia—Georgia


Georgia reported that the Executive Board has recommended that we change the format of the yearly meetings. We will not have the full Board Meeting in the summer, the Executive Board will meet in November and in January just before the Conference we will come in only one day early instead of three days early.

Dates were set for the Summer Meeting - June 28, 2009 – July 1, 2009

The Executive Committee will meet on October 28, 2009 with a conference call on October 29th at 4 o’clock (Central Time) with the full board. Plan on 2 hours for the conference call.

Still some discussion on whether or not we will need the entire three days before conference so January 18th arrival to be determined.

Commission Reports

Professional Development Commission -- Developing a SECA master trainer credential

Recommendation #1: For the 2010 Conference, designate, plan and publicize a “Train the Trainer” track to provide in-depth professional development for trainers. The Professional Development Commission will be responsible for working with the office to plan the track and for pursuing some funding options via Kaplan/Gryphon House. This would serve as a pilot to determine interest in creating a more structured in-depth institute similar to the Directors Institute.

Recommendation #2: Implement an online survey of the presenters at the 2009 Conference to assess interest in developing an observation and feedback service for trainers. This could help to determine the interest in an observation component that would be a move toward the SECA Master Trainer Credential.

Recommendation #3: The Professional Development Commission will investigate the potential for SECA to offer online professional development for CEU credit using Dimensions’ content. The Commission will work with Glenda to identify costs and implementation procedures.

Recommendation #4: Develop a plan and implement for the 2011 conference that would allow groups of 3 or more to “layaway” registration funds. Implementation practices and policies will be formulated between the Executive Director and Professional Development Commission to be presented to the Board at the summer Board Meeting.

Motion #6

The Professional Development Commission moves that the conference fee for the annual SECA Conference be set up as follows for conference registration:

Member online registration would increase $5 per year for 5 years. (From $80 in 2010 to $100 in 2014)

Member paper registration would increase $10 per year for 5 years. (From $85 in 2010 to $125 in 2014)

Non-member registration would increase by like amounts. Online registration from $95 in 2010 to $115 in 2014. Paper registration from $100 in 2010 to $140 in 2014.

Professional Development Commission/Approved

Public Policy Commission: Our goal for the year is to increase SECA’s advocacy by providing guidance documents and resources that could lead to higher quality care and education for young children.

See attached report.

Leadership Commission: We plan to add to the board orientation an over-view describing each of the commissions and the type of work they do. Orientation will be held tomorrow morning for new members. It is our suggestion that the orientation be done before the Board Meeting.

We have planned and will facilitate the Leadership Summit. We discussed plans for 2010. (Not having a meeting in November has really impacted the commission as far as planning for the summit.)

We are working on developing a flyer on leadership containing bullit statements to try to make connections with emergent leaders.

The Affiliate Training has been a great networking opportunity. We definitely want to continue that.

We will be hosting the student reception. Great attendance this year. Could be up to 200 students in attendance. Please come if you can to meet and greet.

We had a discussion about the Leadership Letter. Should it be Bi-Monthly? Give feedback please. Thought about “Leadership Brief” which would be shorter and more to the point? Would like to add a section for the States to share great ideas on leadership.

(Janie suggested a section for students or up and coming leaders)