Adult Education andLiteracy

Instructional StaffSurvey Template #1



InstructionalStaffName (optional):

Date: _/ /

To the Instructional StaffMember: As part of the monitoring process for Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) it is critical to feedback from multiple stakeholders in the educational process. Thank youin advanceforyourtimeandeffortin completingthissurvey. Thecandidanswersyou give tothefollowing questionswillbeused alongwithother informationtomakesuggestionsforprogramimprovements.Pleasebeassured thatallinformationwillbe treated confidentiallyandwillbeincluded intheprogramreportonly aspartofa summary.When you have completed thissurvey, pleasereturnittothestateconsultantconducting yourprogram’sreview.

  1. Whatisyoureducationalbackground(degrees, certifications)andexperience(yearsteaching, yearsin AEL)?
  1. Pleasedescribeyour involvementwith programplanning, selecting instructionalmaterials and discussing participantprogresswith yourprogramcoordinator.
  1. Pleasedescribeyour instructionalpractice.
  2. Howdo you usea variety of instructionalmethodssuch as largegroups,smallgroups,one-on-one tutoring, andso on?
  1. Howdo you incorporate technology intheclassroom?
  1. Howdoyou usereal-life materials intheclassroom tosupport theparticipants’rolesoffamily, communityandwork members?
  1. Please describe theprofessionaldevelopmentactivitiesyou attendedwithin the lastyear. Thenindicatein which areasyouwouldlike to receivemoretrainingandwhy.
  1. In your opinion, is the classroom that you provide instructional activities for participants conducive to learning (adequate heating/cooling, lighting; sufficient number of chairs and tables; clear signage to direct participants to classrooms; free of distracting noises; ADA accessible; etc.)
  1. If not, what improvements are suggested?
  1. In youropinion,whatprogramchangeswould helpyou beamore effectiveinstructionalstaffmember?
  1. Pleaselistothercomments, suggestions,orrecommendations.


Pleasemakesureto returnyourfeedbacksurvey.

Adult Education andLiteracy

Instructional StaffSurvey Template #2



InstructionalStaffName (optional):

Date: _/ /

To the Instructional StaffMember: As part of the monitoring process for Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) it is critical to feedback from multiple stakeholders. Thank youin advanceforyourtimeandeffortin completingthissurvey. Thecandidanswersyou give tothefollowing questionswillbeused alongwithother informationtomakesuggestionsforprogramimprovements.Pleasebeassured thatallinformationwillbe treated confidentiallyandwillbeincluded intheprogramreportonly aspartofa summary.When you have completed thissurvey, pleasereturnittotheprogram coordinator or regional stateconsultant.

Regarding the classroom(s): / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree
The classroom is a safe environment.
The classroom is clean and free from hazards.
The classroom has adequate lighting.
The location of the classroom is convenient.
The classroom has a comfortable temperature.
The classroom has adequate space for storage and instruction.
Outside distractions are minimal.
Please share any comments or concerns that you have with the classroom (i.e. location, noise levels, etc.).
The Program Coordinator seeks feedback and input from the staff.
The Program Coordinator shares pertinent information and ideas with staff.
The Program Coordinator is approachable to staff.
The Program Coordinator inspires staff to effectively deliver results.
Please share any comments or concerns that you have with program leadership.
Describe your involvement with program planning, selecting materials and discussing participant achievement with your program coordinator.
Describe your instructional practices.
Do you use a variety of methods such as large group, small group, one-on-one tutoring, etc.? / ___Yes / ___No
If so, how do you use large group, small group, one-on-one tutoring, etc.
Do you incorporate technology for participants to use in the classroom? / ___Yes / ___No
Do you use technology as an instructional tool in the classroom? / ___Yes / ___No
Explain how you use technology in the classroom.
Do you use real-life materials in the classroom? / ___Yes / ___No
Explain how you use real-life materials in the classroom.
What program changes would help you be a more effective instructor?
What program changes would help you improve service to participants?
What program changes would help increase overall program performance?
Please share any other comments, suggestions or recommendations.