Chapter Liaisons-2015-2017
Maggie Azar—All Holy Spirit, Omaha & St. Nicholas, Corpus Christi *
Helen Carnegis—Assumption, Galveston
Elaine Cladis—Transfiguration, Ogden & St. John, Euless
Bertha Gianulis—Annunciation, Kansas City & St. John, Omaha
Maria Kantalis-Holy Trinity, Dallas & Assumption, Price *
Kim Pappas-St. Constantine & Helen, Cheyenne & Prophet Elias, Holloday *
Stella Piches-Assumption, Denver & Holy Trinity, Tulsa *
Debbie Birge-St. Dionysios, Overland Park * & Annunciation, Houston
Valerie Ranahosseini—St. Sophia, San Antonio & Assumption, Bayard *
Cathy Roussalis—Transfiguration, Austin & St. Peter/Paul, Boulder
Dimitra Spiliotis—Holy Trinity, Casper & St. George, Oklahoma City *
Christine Suehs—Assumption, San Angelo, & Holy Trinity, Salt Lake City
Mary Wininger—St. Spyridon, Loveland & St. Constantine/Helen, Boise *
Billie Zumo—St. Demetrios, Fort Worth * & St. George, Shreveport
Pam Weinroth---St Andrew, Lubbock * & St. George, Albuquerque *
Cindy Demeris---St. Basil’s-Houston *
Marian Catechis--Holy Apostles, Cheyenne
Georgia Carson---Transfiguration, Sioux Falls *
Martha Stefanikakis---St. Nicholas, Waco
Kathy Preons – St. Catherine, Green Village
* Chapters that have not donated to St. Nicholas Shrine
Duties of Liaison
The liaisons are the point of contact with the chapters. They should:
- Actively reach out to help the chapter to be productive
- Give guidance and assistance to accomplish chapters goals
- Improve communication between chapters and the Metropolis Board
- Enable early identification of problems and concerns the chapter might have.
Responsibilities of Liaison
Check with chapter on:
- Commitments: Encourage chapter to send in their commitments and increase their commitments by 10% if possible.
- Membership: Remind chapters to hold their membership drives. All membership is due by end of April. All forms needed are on National Philoptochos website with step-by-step instructions on how to properly fill them out.
- St. Nicholas Shrine: The initiative is ongoing. Encourage each member to make a donation or hold a fundraiser. Remind them that all donations need to be forwarded to the Metropolis who will then forward to National Philoptochos and all individual donation be made payable to their chapter and one check sent in.
- Feeding the Hungry: The original initiative was to feed 250,000. We will have surpassed that goal by Clergy-Laity but this project should be an ongoing one. Ask chapters for monthly numbers of how many meals we prepared and encourage them to send in their info to be put on the website
- Clergy-Laity Congress. The dates are July 3-8 at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, TN. All chapters need to be ratified and all commitments need to be up to date to attend.
- Agape Award: Encourage chapters to fill out forms which are on the National website recognizing outstanding contributions of women from all nine Metropolises.
- Vasilopita: Inquire if a vasilopita fundraiser was held and how much was collected. Many chapter think just a portion of proceeds need to be sent in.
- Metropolis of Denver website: Encourage chapters to send in their fundraisers or events to showcase on our website. All information should be sent to me to be forwarded to Bertha.