Deputy Chief Executive: Alan Adams /
Room 001, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road, Walthamstow, E17 4JF
Jess Spragon
BY EMAIL: / Ask for: / Debbie Callender
Email: /
Direct line: / 020 8496 3669
Direct fax: / 020 8496 3599
Ref: / 2013-0138
Date: / 10th June 2013
Dear Jess Spragon
RE: Agency spend for Waltham Forest – 2012-2013
I am writing in response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FOIA’), which we received on 17th May 2013.
The wording of your request was as follows:
Dear Waltham Forest Borough Council,
I am interested in the amounts paid by each school in Waltham
Forest to third parties in relation to temporary agency staffing
cover. My hope is to receive an electronic breakdown of amounts
paid through the department's purchase ledger by school.
1. The information I require for each school is: School Name;
Supplier name and total amount paid.
2. I would like the information to cover the year April 2012 through to March 2013 - however I understand that you only collect information for each financial year. In this case please supply the information to cover the year up to 31st March 2013.
3. In the event that the supplier names are not available, then
please provide the total amount spent by each individual school as
an alternative
4. I would like the information in electronic format. This should
avoid any printing cost issues.
Please see attached spreadsheet. There is no detail on each agency supplier as this is held by each school.
I trust that the above satisfies your enquiry. If you have any queries about this letter, please contact as below. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications:
Debbie Callender
Families Support Officer
Business Support - Families Directorate
Room 001
Waltham Forest Town Hall,
Forest Road, Walthamstow
London, E17 4JF
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you have the right to complain about the Council’s response to your request for information. If you wish to pursue such a complaint, please do so within 28 days from the date of this letter and ask for a review of the Council’s decision. Please write to: The Information Officer, Learning from Complaints Team, Room 104, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Walthamstow E17 4JF, or email . Please mark your request clearly as “Request for Review”.
If after receiving a response to the review, you remain dissatisfied with the Council’s response, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner. Further information can be obtained via the Information Commissioner’s helpline 0303 123 1113 or their website at:
Yours sincerely
Debbie Callender
Single Point of Contact for Freedom of Information requests
Families Directorate