CP&P 14-217
(rev. 4/2009)
Adoption and KLG Subsidy Letter for Children Turning Age 18
<Parent_1_fname> <Parent_1_lname>
<Parent_2_fname> <Parent_2_lname>
Resource ID #: <Resource_ID>
<Street_No> <Street_name>
<Apartment> <Address_1>
<City>, <State> <Zip_Code>
RE: Child_fname> <Child_lname>, Case ID#: <Case_ID> Person ID #: <Person_ID>
Date of Birth: <DOB> Subsidy Type: <Subsidy_type>
Dear: <Parent_1_fname> <Parent_1_lname> and <Parent_2_fname> <Parent_2_lname>:
New Jersey statutes and regulations require that the Division of Child Protection and Permanency(CP&P) terminatesubsidy benefits when a child reaches age 18, unless the child is enrolled in a full time secondary school program (e.g., high school), or when a developmentally disabled child is in a special education program through the local school district. The subsidy must terminate at age 21.
<Child_fname> will be 18 years of age on <Date_18>. In order to request an exception to continue subsidy coverage for <Child_fname>, we need written verification from<his_her> high school that <he_she> is a full-time student and <his_her>projected date of graduation.
Please do not rely on the school to send us the letter as they may not be able to send it by the deadline, <Deadline>. Please return this letter and the School Attendance Verificationto the:
Division of Child Protection and Permanency
Office of Adoption Operations
P.O. Box 717,
Trenton, NJ08625
oryou may fax both documents to the CP&POffice of Adoption Operations at 609-943-4147.
If <Child_fname>is no longer a full-time student in a secondary school program (e.g., high school) or a developmentally disabled child in a special education program through the local school district, we are required to terminate <Child_fname>‘ssubsidy coverage when <he_she> becomes 18 years of age. In this situation, the coverage would be terminated effective<Deadline>. If <he_she>requires continued financial assistance,<he_she> should apply for services available through the community.
If you, or the adolescent in your care need any assistance in locating appropriate community resources, or have any other questions regarding the Adoption Subsidy Program or the Kinship Legal Guardianship (KLG)Subsidy Program, please feel free to call either program at the numbers provided below.
Adoption and Kinship Legal Guardianship Subsidy: Please contact the Adoption and Kinship Legal Guardianship Subsidy Unit at (800) 847-5027 or (609) 292-4441.
Division of Child Protection and Permanency
Office of Adoption Operations
P.O. Box 717,
Trenton, NJ08625