If you wish to apply to access NZSL@School, please also complete the attached NZSL@School Application on page 3.
Date: / Child/Young Person’s Name:D.O.B.: / Current Year Level:
Please attach current IEP/IDP
Pleaseattach Language and Literacy assessments and reports
and any current curriculum assessments (eg. NCEA results, asTTle, NEMP, PAT Comp, PAT Listening, unedited sample of students written language).
Attach Language assessment and Literacy assessment
Include a full audiological report and complete the audiogram.
Hearing Loss
Only children with a diagnosed hearing loss will be considered for
admission to the Resource Teacher of the Deaf caseloads.
ORRS Status
Very HighApplication in progress
HighNo application made
ReviewableApplication declined
High Health
Identifies as:
Maori Pacific Islander NZ/European Asian Other
New Immigrant Yes No : Year of arrival:
Hearing Aids: Cochlear Implant
Aided audiogram attached with details of hearing aids and assistive equipment used
Use of amplification:InconsistentConsistent
Current Resource Personnel:
ORRS funded Teacher Aide:hours / weekORRS funded specialist teacher (0.1/0.2) hours / week
ESW hours / week SEG Teacher Aidehours / week
Name of current Adviser on Deaf Children:______
Additional support: Please specify eg. SEG funded resources Other services?
Major Areas of need: (Specify Language and Literacy needs)
Social and Emotional Development
CommentsAppropriate interactions with peers in classroom/preschool settings.
Appropriate interactions with peers in informal settings.
Has good social skills.
Has good independence skills.
Speech, Language and Cognition( Scale: Y = Yes, N = No, S = Sometimes with further data where requested)
CommentsClearly understands classroom instructions.
Clearly follows and is appropriately involved in group discussions.
Acquisition and comprehension of new language in curriculum areas will need to be specifically taught and reinforced
Speech is intelligible to the naive listener.
Age appropriate language skills.
Age appropriate cognitive development
School: ______
Contact Person: ______
Address:(full postal address) ______Post Code:______
Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
Name of Parent/s / Caregiver/s: ______
Address: (full postal address) ______ Post Code:______
Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
The admissions committee in considering the report on the multidisciplinary assessment of the child seeking admission to an itinerant caseload will use the following criteria. Priority will be given to:
• Child/young person who has profound, severe or moderate/severe hearing loss.•Child/young person who has mild to moderate hearing impairment and exhibits a significant communication difficulty.
• Child between 3-8 years of age in educational settings.
• Child/young person who is late being diagnosed.
• Child/young person who is in a transitional schooling period.
• Senior students who are sitting formal examinations.
• Child/young person who has deaf or hearing-impaired parents.
•Child/young person who comes from a family where little or no English is spoken in the home.
• Child/young person has an additional condition. Specify:
The Centre has an obligation to provide professional development for staff. As a result specialist staff (SRT/DRP) may visit your child’s school with the Specialist teacher to provide advice and guidance that will support your child’s programme.
I agree to the information provided in this request to be shared with relevant staff within van Asch Deaf Education Centre.
Signed: ______Date:______
NZSL@School Application
NB: Please refer to the NZSL@School Guidelines for information about access to NZSL@School at
- Child’s Language Use: Indicate the child’s primary language (the language/mode they prefer/need to use to fully access information receptively and the language/mode they prefer/need use to expressively to fully communicate with others.
Receptive Language (at School)
oSpoken Language
- English
- Te Reo
- Other (specify) ______
Expressive Language (at school)
oSpoken Language
- English
- Te Reo
- Other (specify) ______
Comment: Please describe any other aspects of the student’s communication that provide an overview of the student’s use of NZSL as their primary language.
2) Home Language
Please specify the language used at home by parents/caregivers/whānau to communicate with the child.
oTe Reo Māori
oOther (specify) ______
Comment: Please describe any other aspects of the student’s communication environment at home that provide an overview of the student’s use of NZSL as their primary language.
3) List the type of support and resources you believe would enable the student to access class
learning and school activities.
- Teacher Aide to provide NZSL communication between the student, the teacher and classroom peers
- NZSL tuition to classroom teacher, Teacher Aide and school peers.
- Curriculum adaptation/teaching strategies support to teacher/teacher’s aide
4) Describe any computer hardware and software that the student is using to support theirlearning and communication with the teacher/peers.
5a) Enrolled in school Yes / No
5b) If not enrolled in school, please state school start date ______
______(Principal Signature) ______(date)
______(Parent/Caregiver Signature) ______(date)
NB: If a school has not been determined by the parents at the time ofsubmittingthis application for NZSL@School,it is sufficient for parent/caregiver only to sign thisapplicationform.