Name of the organization: Youth cultural center- Bitola

Address: Car Samuil 29 Bitola, 7000 Macedonia

Phone number(s): ++ 389 47 233 020

Fax number: ++ 389 47 203 925

E-mail address: ;


Working days: Mon - Fri

Working hours: 09:00 – 16:00

Outgoing placement officer: Aleksandar Todorovski

Languages spoken: English, ex YU languages

Contact person and emergency number: Dejan Dodovski ++ 389 70 625 304

SAVA WG recomendations:

Youth Cultural Center Bitola, Macedonia

- direct placement

- open for all branches and groups

- sending only experienced volunteers to those workcamps, as it is their first year of exchange within SCI

Work-camp list:

MK-YCC 11.1 STREZEVO 11.07.2006 - 20.07.2006; RENO/RECO 5 VOLS

MK-YCC 8.1 KONOPISTE 22.07.2006. – 31.07.2006. RENO/SOC; 10 VOLS

MK-YCC 9.1 PARKOVI 07.08.2006. – 16.08.2006. RENO/ART 10 VOLS

MK-YCC 9.2 BITOLA OPEN CITY 21.08.2006- 31.08.2006; FEST/CULT; 10 VOLS


11.07.2006 - 20.07.2006;


15 VOLS; 18 – 30;

Strezevo Macedonia (10km from Bitola)

W: Volunteers will enjoy on 1200m altitude working on the second STREZEVO work camp on reconstruction of sport fields, putting the new fence around volleyball, basketball and handball court. Also, part of the job will be also the painting of several barracks in the winter-summer recreation center “Pelister”- Nize Pole village. Daily work will be 5 – 6 hours. Workshops on intercultural learning and communication are inclusive.

S: There will be organized one day hike to the top of the Pelister mountain.

A: In the winter-summer recreation center “Pelister” in Nize Pole village, 10 km from Bitola. Food will be prepared by kitchen chef with the help of volunteers. Toilettes and showers are available.

Q: No special skills required;

T: Bitola, Macedonia

L: English

X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from your country, positive energy, warm jersey and sense of humor :)

X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro


22.07.2006. – 31.07.2006.


10 VOLS; 18 – 30;

Konopiste village, central Macedonia

W: Volunteers will work in center for drug rehabilitation and prevention “NARKONON” in Konopiste village. Work will be on cleaning, renovation of parts of the center, preparing food for volunteers and for patients, and also work as logistic on preparing the workshops assigned for patients.

S: Excursion to local monasteries;

A: Volunteers will sleep in tents; sleeping bags are necesery, toilettes and showers are nearby, volunteers will eat in the canteen.

L: English

T: Kavadarci, 100km south from Skopje

Q: Volunteers have to be highly motivated to work in this centre. Motivation letter is obligatory.

X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from your country, sleeping bags!!

X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro


07.08.2006. – 16.08.2006.


10 VOLS, 18 – 30;

Bitola Macedonia

W: “Parkovi” is project implemented by Bitola municipality and the coalition of several NGOs from Bitola. Foreign volunteers will work all together with local ones on a forestation and animation the content of one of the several parks in Bitola. Volunteers will made statue which will be put in central part of the park. Workshops on intercultural learning, communication and fine crafts will be inclusive.

S: Excursion to Pelister mountain, barbecue, local archaeological sites;

A: Volunteers will be accommodated in students dormitory near the center of Bitola. Showers and toilets available. Plenty of healthy food of different kinds.

T: Bitola;

Q: Creative young people, woodcutters are welcome :)

L: English

X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from your country, one pair of working gloves and positive energy!

X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro.


21.08.2006- 31.08.2006;


10 VOLS; 18 - 30

Bitola, Macedonia

W: Volunteers will work on festival like staff. They will be in charge for logistics preparation and realization of the festival. Daily work depends of the day but it won’t be longer then 3- 4 hours. Also, volunteers will have creative workshops and will prepare short artistic performance which will be part of the festival’s program. S: Excursion to Ohrid, barbecue, cafй bars, etc…

A: Volunteers will be accommodated in students dormitory near the center of Bitola. Showers and toilets available. There will be plenty of food of different kinds (vegetarian food included).

T: Bitola;

Q: Creative young people. Participants with previous experiences in organizing festivals are more than welcomed.

L: English

X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from your country, positive energy and smile :)

X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro.