A Congregational Survey Report, September 2010
Introduction. Beginning in September, the congregation of Resurrection Lutheran Church (RLC) is engaging in a five-month process to discern God’s intended purpose for this church. The outcome will be a purpose statement together with a set of guiding principles that the congregation will choose at its semi-annual Congregational Meeting in January 2011. The purpose statement will provide a focus for our ministry programs and identify areas for emphasis, while the guiding principles will help ensure that decision-making at all levels is consistent with core beliefs.
The process was launched with a congregational survey during the period September 12-26. The survey asked members to identify (1) what God wants us to value and focus on, and (2) the strengths and assets with which God has blessed the congregation to carry out His work…His purpose. The survey invited members to submit up to five responses for each.
Survey Participants. A total of 30 completed surveys were received. Twentymembers responded using the online survey, andseven by hard copy. There is anecdotal evidence that some of the surveys reflected the views of both spouses even though only one survey form was received from the household. Those participating in the survey represented a cross-section of the congregation. Respondents included a gender balance, both younger and older members, those pursuing careers and retired, married couples and single adults, those with and without children, life-long Lutherans and those from other denominations or religious traditions. The responses clearly conveyed a sense that manymembers are committed to this church, and arepassionate about what the congregation should be doing to carry out God’s purpose.
Survey Responses. Those completing the survey made 113 statements about what God wants RLC to value and focus on, and 126on strengths and assets to carry out God’s purpose. The statements were organized around common themes. In looking at the various themes for “value/focus”, there are two overarching themes based on the words of Jesus: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… and your neighbor as yourself…” (Great Commandment)and,“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations....” (Great Commission). Clearly and reassuringly, the survey participants, as members of “the Body of Christ”,have written their value/focus statements from the truths of His words.
For each question (values/focus and strengths/assets), the common themes, along with representative statements, are shown below. The themes are listed according to the number of statements received. That number is shown in parenthesis following the theme.
(1) “What does God want us to value and focus on to carry out His purpose?”
Because God loves and forgives each of us, we must love and forgive each other. Therefore, reach out to all in need…care for one another. (37)
Provide community service/outreach to those in need
Reach out to all in need both in and outside our congregation and provide support.
Our church (all churches) should be a beacon of outreach and support in its surrounding community.
Help each other. Serve others.
We need more ministries that focus outside church.
Minister to our own church families, too.
Share our time/talents with the community such as the health fair, preschool, Bible camp, and
Senior programs.
Care for others in our local and global communities.
Provide family support – youth, health, elder care.
Continue to support community and ELCA resources such as Hope House, Brisbane
Homeless Shelter, ELCA World Hunger, etc.
Feed the hungry, provide for the homeless, and care for sick in our community, and world.
Help the working poor/those walking the poverty line in our community, who may need help - but
don't qualify for local funding.
Join with other churches and citizen groups to meet needs and reach out in service.
Many in our community are suffering. We need to find ways to alleviate this suffering, to include using our
space/facility for education. We are so fortunate to have our facility –we need to use it daily.
Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Share God’s Word and the “Good News” of Jesus Christ with everyone. (16)
The purpose of RLC is to encourage people to be and to make disciples of the risen Christ
Share God’s word
Spread the word of God by the youth passing out flyers and doing carwashes ETC.
Use all our resources, including facilities, to bring people into the church and spread the word of Jesus.
Follow the Great Commission of Jesus.
Be evangelical and spread the Good News of salvation.
Be a Lutheran Church that reflects the faith that we are saved by “Grace and Grace alone”.
Proclaim the Gospel from the pulpit each and every Sunday.
Share the Gospel and God’s love with others.
Provide opportunities to strengthen and nourish our faith so that we are led to share the Gospel more frequently.
Christian education for children…for everyone…is a priority. (14)
Christian Education is for everyone – from ages 1 to 100 – to include Bible study, social issues, community
issues (how do we help if we don’t know the need), Lutheran doctrine, other faiths, etc.
Focus on Christian Education - children, youth & adults.
Encourage and provide Christian education for children in both home and church.
Learn about core beliefs of other religions (Christian and other).
What is needed is a strong Christian education for all age groups.
Teach the Gospel in the adult forum and children’s Sunday school. Teach and keep the Ten Commandments.
Provide opportunities to increase knowledge of God’s word so we can more easily share the Gospel.
Our Youth are our future…guide them on the pathway to becoming faithful adults. (9)
A strong youth program is a must for families. If we have this, families will stay with the church.
Make the environment such that children want to come to church and remain as adults.
Let’s build a youth program that is second to none!
Focus on the youth, as they are the future.
Provide youth activities with opportunities for local service projects.
Develop our middle and high school youth program.
Expand our young adult involvement.
Develop an enthusiastic Youth Ministry.
Invite all…welcome all. Be boldly inclusive. (9)
Extend our ministry to all of God’s people.
Include all people.
Invite others to worship with us to spread the good Word.
Provide activities that are inviting and include all ages.
Let people know that we are all equal at the foot of the cross.
We value all people and welcome all.
Continue emphasis on inclusiveness throughout our daily Christian living and service.
Our RLC family is God’s gift…treasure it. (8)
Let’s be a circle of strength, love and support and a community of the faithful.
We need a place for social gathering for adults and youth.
We need fellowship programs for all ages – NAF, youth groups, potluck meals, holiday events.
Encourage members “on the fringes” to commit and become involved.
RLC needs to be a place to go to when you are not with your family.
Praise God through the gift of music. (4)
Continue to build a strong music program. We have such talent.
Spread the “Good News” of Christ in our community through music.
All that we have are gifts of God. Be good stewards of those gifts. (3)
Become a “green” congregation that faithfully is a good steward of the earth.
Make our church building available for community use.
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. (4)
The Holy Spirit leads us. He has in the past and will continue as we focus on God’s presence in our lives.
Glorify God in all that we say and do. (3)
Miscellaneous. (6)
(2)“What are our strengths and assets with which god
hasblessed us to help us to carry out his purpose?”
Our people – their faith, gifts, and talentswhich they willingly share. (34)
Willing people. Friendly people.
Welcoming/friendly congregation.
Loving and kind people with hearts in right places.
Many smart and talented people.
We know how to decide what to do and how to execute.
We have a congregation with a variety of talents and willingness to share these blessings, when informed.
RLC’s members seem more joyful and smile/laugh more than any otherchurch I’ve belonged to.
Willingness to serve and to share their time and talents.
We care about and for one another.
Open minded, caring, fair, strong.
Friendly people who value differences.
Willingness to do the work to make things happen.
The creativity, ideas, thought, and energy to make our church interesting and relevant.
Willingness to do God's will.
We have a core of committed and caring members who are loyal and dedicated to their faith in God.
Loving Christians who are committed to helping others.
Devoted congregation.
Time and talents of our members.
We are the family of Christ.
Our Facilities and Location - God has blessed us. (23)
Good physical plant. Accommodating facility.
Great building for outreach.
We have a facility to provide worship, education, and fellowship.
Our location is prime for accessibility.
RLC's location as a "regional" church allows us to draw from surrounding counties.
Great facility and location.
Large facility to share and host events.
Spacious new building allowing expansion.
Beautiful building, resources.
Have the necessary building/facilities to support future growth.
We Invite and Welcome. (17)
We smile and greet all who gather with us for worship.
We visit the sick, those in prison, the homeless, and invite them to grow in relationship with Jesus.
We invite all to join us in rejoicing in the Gospel.
We are a welcoming/friendly congregation– we welcome all.
Our congregation is a melting pot of various Christian denominations…it shows we welcome everyone.
We reach out to include all who would join.
Our church environment…the building and congregation make people feel welcome.
Openness - to newcomers, to new ideas, to each other.
Awelcoming church to people of different ethnicities, sexual/gender preferences, and political philosophies.
Our Staff and our Ministries. (17)
We have a dedicated staff and dedicated ministry teams.
The variety of committees…we have something for everyone.
The Church School and Youth Programs are, hopefully moving in the right direction. Pray
often about these programs.
Health Ministry and the collaboration to bring health care to those in greatest need.
Preschool and Sunday Schools programs.
RLC has something for everyone.
Our Leaders – Pastors and Council. (13)
A husband and wife pastoral team
We are led by 2 people who know what they are about.
Our pastors, Jim and Carol, and retired pastors, Wally and Tom.
Our friendly Pastors who inspire us.
Good leadership in pastors and council.
Our church council’s openness and solicitation of ideas and opinions from every churchmember before
making decisions.
Talented leadership.
A strong pastoral staff.
Guidance from our pastors.
Our Music Ministry.(13)
Our church music and choir…we have so much musical talent in our church.
Amy is an enthusiastic and talented musician.
Wonderful and talented music director and choirs.
Our music program – enthusiastic, talented, and open to anyone who wants to participate.
Enthusiastic music leadership to support worship.
Our Music led by Amy, and the talented people who make our worship service beautiful.
Our Theology. (4)
Our foundation of Lutheran theology.
Next Steps. With the above information provided by congregation members, in October each ministry team will be asked to consider God’s purpose for Resurrection Lutheran Church, and draft a succinct and memorable statement about that purpose. From those draft statements, in November the Congregation Council will develop an overall purpose statement, together with a set of guiding principles that will be shared with the entire congregation. The guiding principles will reflect the core values of the congregation as reflected in this survey. Following any further input, the purpose statement and guiding principles will be presented to the congregation for adoption at the January Congregational Meeting.