Agenda materials are available in the Superintendent's Office upon request. An asterisk (*) indicates agenda materials that are available in the Superintendent’s Office.

Members of the public may address the Board of Education on any issue or any item on the agenda. If you wish to address the Board, please fill out the form provided for this purpose.

Individuals requiring special accommodations (American Sign Language interpreter, accessible seating, documentation in accessible formats, etc.) should contact the Superintendent’s Office at least two working days before the meeting date.


1290 Ridder Park Drive

San Jose, California 95131


November 2, 2011

Regular Meeting #2088

Board Room (Closed Session)

San Jose Room (Open Session)

OPEN SESSION 3:00 p.m. (San Jose Room)


A. Roll Call (Including Action on Absences if Necessary)

B. Adoption of Agenda


At this time members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board or agenda item. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 8370, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.

CLOSED SESSION 3:05 p.m. ― 4:15 p.m. (Board Room)

3.The Board will hold a Closed Session to consider the following items:

A.Conference with Labor Negotiators (Government Code Section 54957.6)

It is the intention of the Board to meet in Closed Session to confer with its designated representative regarding the following:

Designated Representative: Ray & Associates

Regarding unrepresented employee ― County Superintendent

RECESS 4:15 p.m. ― 5:30 p.m.

OPEN SESSION ― Time certain: 5:30 p.m. (San Jose Room)

4.Report of actions taken in Closed Session

5.Pledge of Allegiance

6.Employee of the Month: Toan Nguyen, Senior Systems Administrator, Technology Services Branch


At this time members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board or agenda item. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time, but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda. In accordance with Board Bylaw 8370, individual remarks will be limited to 3 minutes each, unless otherwise stipulated.


*A.Annual Report to the Board: Magnolia Science Academy

The County Board of Education has invited charter schools for which they are the authorizers to give a short presentation during a regularly scheduled County Board meeting. Magnolia Science Academy will give a 10 minute oral presentation on selected highlights from their 2011-12 Annual Report.

* 9.County Superintendent Report

The county superintendent will give reports on any activities related to his duties as the County Superintendent of Schools.

  • SJ/SV2020

Correspondence addressed to the Santa Clara County Board of Education. Correspondence addressed to individual board members will be mailed to them directly.


*A.Request Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 19, 2011 (#2087)


*A.Second Reading and Adoption of New, Updated and Revised 2000 Board Policies and 9000 Board Bylaws

This is a second reading of new, updated and revised 2000 Board Policies and 9000 Board Bylaws. The following Policies and Bylaws were updated by attorneys from the law firm Lozano Smith. Administration recommends that the Board of Education have two motions: one motion to rescind the outdated/obsolete 2000 Board Policies and 9000 Board Bylaws and a second motion to adopt the new, updated and revised 2000 Board Policies and 9000 Board Bylaws.

*B.Discussion and Action on the Process for Requesting Additional Information for the Charter School Annual Reports to the County Board

The County Board of Education requires charter schools for which they are the authorizers to give an Annual Report during a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Staff has provided for consideration and discussion a process for reviewing the Charter School Annual Report template. Administration recommends approval of the presented process for reviewing the Annual Report template for Charter Schools.


*A.Update on Alternative Education West Ed Action Plan

In June 2010, the Santa Clara County Board of Education entered into a contract with WestEd to conduct a review of the Alternative Education Department. The results and recommendations of the West Ed report were presented to the Board on January 12, 2011. Staff will present a prioritized action plan that addresses the implementation of the recommendations generated from the WestEd Report.

*B.Update on Foster Youth Services: Program and Funding

SCCOE Foster Youth Services will provide an overview of deliverables and financial support to the Middle School Education Court Program. The presentation will include information regarding current fiscal year funding allocation, historical context of funding, program deliverables and staffing.

*C.SCCOE 2011-12 Legal Expenses

Per Board request, staff will present a report that reports current fiscal year legal expenditures and services provided.

*D.Santa Clara County Board of Education’s Quarterly Expenses

The Board’s quarterly expenses covering July 2011 through September 2011 are being reported.

E.Board Committee Reports on:

Committee members may provide or report on recent committee activities.

  1. Budget Study Committee (Superintendent Weis, Chair)
  2. Policy Subcommittee (Vice-President Chang, Chair)
  3. Joint Legislative Advisory Committee (member Hover-Smoot, Chair)
  4. Head Start Policy Council (member Beauchman)
  5. Santa Clara County School Boards Association Executive Board (member Song)
  6. Joint Committee on Child Care (JCCC) (President Di Salvo and member Mah)
  7. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate (member Beauchman)
  8. California County Boards of Education (CCBE) Board of Directors (member Beauchman)

F.County Board of Education Member Reports

The members of the Board may give reports on any activities related to their duties as members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.


Requested items by Board members may be addressed at this time.

  • Board meeting at Anne Darling School– Update on Special Education, Date: TBD (Grace Mah)
  • Report on SCCOE’s use of ARRA Funds for Positions, November 16 (Joseph Di Salvo)
  • Report on the effects of Early Learning as students enter kindergarten, Nov 16 (Anna Song)
  • Discussion on having a meeting between the County Board of Education and the County Board of Supervisors, 2012 YR (Joseph Di Salvo)
  • Recognize substitute teachers for each program, Spring 2012 (Joseph Di Salvo)
  • STAND Program Cuts and City Gang Prevention Task Force, Dec 2011 (Joseph Di Salvo)
  • Career Technical Education (CTE) Presentation, 2012 YR (Joseph Di Salvo)
  • Whistle Blower Policy—City of San Jose, 2012 YR (Joseph Di Salvo)
  • Roll of County Office of Education with Community Colleges, 2012 YR (Joseph Di Salvo)


The next Board of Education meeting isscheduled for November 16,2011. For Board agendas and meeting minutes please see our Website at