American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Mississippi The American Civil Liberties Union is freedom's watchdog, working daily in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend individual rights and personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The ACLU was founded in 1920.
The Mississippi affiliate of the ACLU was founded in 1969 in the thick of the Civil Rights Movement.
(601) 355-6464, http://www.aclu-ms.org/,
ACLU of Mississippi, P.O. Box 2242, Jackson, MS 39225
Community Corrections Division - Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC) The Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC) Community Corrections Division is responsible for protecting public safety through the supervision of probationers and parolees in the community.
(601) 359-5618, http://www.mdoc.state.ms.us/community_corrections__division.htm,
MDOC, 633 North State St., Jackson, MS 39202
Mississippi Prison Industries Corporation (MPIC) Mississippi Prison Industries Corporation (MPIC) is an integral part of the Correctional System in the State of Mississippi creating meaningful work opportunities for inmates. The importance of inmate work has been recognized and supported throughout the history of prisons.
(601) 969-5750, https://www.mpic.net/index.php,
MPIC, 663 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39202
Mississippi Department of Public Safety: Division of Public Safety Planning The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) is the criminal justice planning office within the Division of Public Safety Planning. Its primary function is the administration of federal grant programs funded through the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program.
(601) 977-3700, http://www.dps.state.ms.us/divisions/public-safety-planning/programs/,
Mississippi Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box 958, Jackson, MS 39205
Mississippi CURE CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants) is a membership organization of families of prisoners, former prisoners and other concerned citizens.
(601) 914-5658, http://www.mississippicure.org,
Mississippi CURE, P.O. Box 97175, Pearl, MS 39288
RID The Regimented Inmate Discipline (RID) program is an intensive paramilitary program designed to rehabilitate offenders in a short period of time. The RID program concentrates on many aspects of confinement, to include, but not limited to: discipline therapy, work detail, adult basic education, discipleship study, group counseling, alcohol and drug, and pre-release.
(601) 573-5619, http://www.mdoc.state.ms.us/rid.htm,
Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC), 723 N. President St., Jackson, MS 39202
Mississippi (CONT.)
Fresh Start-Helping to Rehabilitate The City of Jackson Fresh Start Program assists those with felony convictions to find employment. Fresh Start staff conduct individual and panel interviews, check backgrounds and references, and refer to job readiness training to assure that our participants are ready for employment.
(601) 960-0458, http://www.jacksonms.gov/government/humanservices,
City of Jackson-Department of Human and Cultural Services, 1000 Metro Center Dr., Ste. 101, Jackson, MS 39209
Mississippi Innocence Project The Mississippi Innocence Project is committed to providing the highest quality legal representation to its clients: Mississippi state prisoners serving significant periods of incarceration who have cognizable claims of wrongful conviction.
(662) 915-5207, http://www.mississippiinnocence.org,
The University of Mississippi School of Law, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677
Families of Parchman Prison Inmates We serve as a support center to anyone who has a family member incarcerated or recently released from Parchman and any other prison in Mississippi.
(662) 323-5878, http://www.angelfire.com/ms/prisoninmates/,
FPPI, P.O. Box 2174, Starkville, MS 39760
Mississippi Department of Corrections Pre-Release Program The primary purpose of the Pre-Release Program is to prepare offenders for a successful re-entry into society upon their release from prison. The program’s services and activities are designed to focus on improving the offender’s employability, social and human relations skills in order to facilitate a successful reintegration from the state’s tax roll to an employer’s payroll.
(601) 359-5618, http://www.mdoc.state.ms.us/Pre%20Release%20Program.htm,
Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC), 723 N. President St., Jackson, MS 39202
Inmate Legal Assistance Program The Inmate Legal Assistance Program (ILAP) is designed to provide legal assistance to all offenders located at either the Mississippi State Penitentiary, Central Mississippi Correctional Facility, South Mississippi Correctional Institution, private prison facilities, county/regional facilities, community work center or approved county jail. ILAP is structured to ensure all offenders have an opportunity to meet with an attorney and/or paralegal and to receive computer generated research and forms upon request.
(601) 359-5671, www.mdoc.state.ms.us/inmate_legal_assistance_program.htm,
Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC), 723 N. President St., Jackson, MS 39202
Mississippi (CONT.)
Mississippi Department of Corrections Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative The Mississippi Department of Corrections will focus efforts on recidivism for 200 adult offenders and 75 juvenile offenders reentering Hinds County. Through the reentry project, the department will partner with various service agencies to address recidivism, substance abuse, and physical and mental health issues and to support workforce participation, housing, family reunification, faith-based support, and mentoring.
(601) 359-5618, http://www.mdoc.state.ms.us/,
Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC), 732 N. President St., Jackson, MS 39201
Federal Bonding Program The Federal Bonding Program provides fidelity bonding insurance coverage to individuals with criminal histories and other high-risk job applicants who are qualified, but fail to get jobs because regular commercial bonding is denied due to their backgrounds.
(601) 321-6000, http://mdes.ms.gov/, http://www.bonds4jobs.com/,
Mississippi Department of Employment Security, 1235 Echelon Pkwy., Jackson, MS 39213
Mississippi Community College Board Office of Adult Basic Education The underlying philosophy of the MDOC Education Department can be expressed in two statements. First, every human being, regardless of background or station in life, has worth, dignity, and potential. Second, the degree to which any individual effectively functions in society is directly proportionate to the extent to which he realizes his self-worth and develops his potential. Adult Basic Education (ABE) has as its primary objective not merely education for the sake of education, but rather self-actualization through education. As an offender comes to realize their basic worth and potential as human beings, through educational achievement, they often develop a greater sense of self-acceptance and personal responsibility.
(662) 562-3356, http://www.northwestms.edu/index.php/?page_id=1114,
Senatobia WIN Job Center, 4975 Hwy., 51 N., P.O. Box 7045, Senatobia, MS 38668
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitative Services Rehabilitative Service assists individuals to secure gainful employment matching their abilities and capabilities through local job searches and awareness of self-employment and telecommuting opportunities. Only ex-offenders with a mental or physical disability will be eligible.
(601) 853-5300, http://www.mdrs.ms.gov/Pages/default.aspx,
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services, 1281 Highway 51, Madison, MS 39110
Kairos of Mississippi Kairos of Mississippi is the Mississippi Chapter of Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families and those working in the prison systems.
(601) 957-1295, http://kairos-mississippi.org,
Kairos of Mississippi, 355 Jamac Rd., Columbus, MS 39702
Mississippi (CONT.)
Buried Treasures Home Buried Treasures Home is a place for single women, formerly incarcerated or who struggle with addiction.
(601) 371-9835, http://www.buriedtreasureshome.com/,
Buried Treasures Home, Inc., P.O. Box 720672, Byram, MS 39272
Correctional Counseling of Mississippi Correctional Counseling of MS has been partnering with the criminal justice system in Mississippi since 1994. We offer proven methods for reducing repeat offenses among non-violent offenders. In fact, we were chosen the number one crime-reducing program in Mississippi by the National Crime Prevention Council.
(601) 949-9960, http://www.counselingms.com/,
Correctional Counseling of Mississippi, 741-A Harris St., Jackson, MS 39202
Bolivar County Regional Correctional Facility Bolivar County Regional Correctional Facility is a low security correctional facility. Inmates are housed together in dormitories or cubicle housing. They are provided with access to programs and training that will help to rehabilitate them so that they’re ready to get their lives back on track when released.
(662) 843-7478, http://www.co.bolivar.ms.us/Regionalcorrectional.htm,
Bolivar County Regional Correctional Facility, 2792 Highway 8 West, Cleveland, MS 38732
Metro Counseling Center Metro Counseling Center, Inc. is a publicly funded 501(c) (3) non-profit organization with its primary mission being the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and abuse through education, treatment and intervention.
(601) 353-0502, http://www.metrocounselingcenter.org,
Metro Counseling Center, Inc., P.O. Box 706, Jackson, MS 39205