Adjunct Faculty Survey – Sept 20, 2004 ( available on line as a MSWord file at:

We will appreciate receiving as much of the information below from you as possible. Feel free to omit anything with which you feel is inappropriate. The information will be used as we plan our activities to benefit adjunct faculty.

When completed, either mail the survey to AR 130 via campus mail or e-mail to

1. Name: ______

Preferred E-mail address: ______

2. Primary Teaching Department: ______

Other teaching department/s: ______

3. Years Teaching at TCNJ: ______4. Semesters Teaching at TCNJ: ______

4. Present Level of Compensation: $ ______/ FWH 5. Are you a member of Union: YES NO

6. If “NO” why haven’t you joined: ( check as many as apply )

a, ____ Union hasn’t done anything to benefit adjunct faculty.

b. ____ While the Union has done some good, it hasn’t’ done enough.

c. ____ I’m philosophically opposed to unions and collective bargaining.

d. ____ I am opposed to some of the political positions taken by the AFT and its affiliates.

e. ____ I’m opposed to some of the non-political positions of the AFT and affiliated organizations.

f. ____ It is not worth the cost above the “agency fee” for me to join.

g. ____ No one every asked me or contacted me in any way about joining the Union.

g. ____ Other reasons: ( please specify )

7. If “YES” where do you feel the Union has had the most positive impact?

a. ____ Increasing our salary

b. ____ Increasing contractual protections for unit members

c. ____ Effectiveness in the area of political action and lobbying

d. ____ Making adjunct faculty feel more a part of the TCNJ community

e. ____ Providing increased support for adjunct faculty in the classroom

f. ____ Other are ( please specify )

8. How do you feel the Union can be more effective on your behalf?

a. ____ Political action

b. ____ Salary increases

c. ____ Providing professional training opportunities and enhancements

d. ____ Other ways: ( please specify )

9. When did you become a member of the AFT? ______Year

10. In what year of your teaching career at TCNJ did you join the AFT? ______

11. What were some reasons you signed an AFT membership card? ( check all which apply )

a. ____ It seemed like the thing to do in my department.

b. ____ I’ve always supported unions and what they did for workers.

c. ____ The person who spoke to me about the union was very convincing.

d. ____ No one spoke with me about the Union but the materials I received about it were convincing.

e. ____ Others ( please specify )

( af-gensurvey-092004.doc )

Adjunct Faculty Advisory Council Response:
( please complete and return by October 6 – Campus mail to AR 154 or e-mail to )
The information you provide below will be helpful as we plan a dinner meeting for the proposed Adjunct Faculty Advisory Council,. Any other ideas or info will be appreciated. Thank you.

Name: ______-

Department: ______AFT Member: YES NO

Preferred E-Mail address: ______

I think an Adjunct Faculty Advisory Council is a good idea. YES NO

I am interested in possibly participating in this group and would like to attend the organizational
dinner meeting to be scheduled this fall.


Yes, I’m interested but not right now. Keep me informed of progress.

No interest or time.

The best days for you to attend such a meeting would be: ( indicate all good days )

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Any weekday

Best location: On-campus Near campus Either is OK

Suggestions for discussion topics: ( list as many topics as you want )
