SRA Grant Application

Marshall Dowling Stormwater Action Fund

Stage Two-Project Implementation /

The Marshall Dowling Stormwater Action Fund grant is designed to ASSIST in funding a project, not to fund an entire project. Applicant is expected to have another source of funding to complete the project.

The Stage Two-Project Implementation grant is designed to provide additional, partial funding for the project once the applicant has secured funding from another source.

Stage One-Design and Stage Two-Project Implementation grants can be applied for independently. Stage Two-Project Implementation grant is contingent upon funding for the entire project.

Stage Two-Project Implementation

Contact Information

Name of Project Leader
Street Address
City ST ZIP Code
E-Mail Address

Requesting Organization Information

Name of Organization
Mailing Address
Type of Organization (Tax exempt, nonprofit, community association, etc.)
SRA Member? / If not a member, website has membership applications.
Evidence of support / Please provide evidence of support for the project such as a letter from the organization, etc.

Project Description

Project Name
Project Location (must be in the Severn watershed)
Property Owner Name
Description of Project / Include a picture and/or map if possible
Amount of Request (up to $1,500)

Funding and Timeline

Please include a copy of the grant this funding is supporting-Chesapeake Bay Trust, Unity Gardens, etc.)-including budget information.


SAFC will grade your request for Stage Two funding by assigning a point system to each of the 5 criteria below. Number 1 will represent the lowest end of the system and 5 will represent the highest of the system for a maximum of 25 points. Successful applicants will receive at least 15 points. All projectsMUST be in the Severn River Watershed.

  1. The clarity of the description of the problem that the applicant intends to address. It should include the geographic location of the project indicated on a map with the slope shown, drainage, soil type, and magnitude of the problem explained. The Anne Arundel County GIS website is a helpful resource:
  2. The expected impact on addressing the stormwater source
  3. The extent of the organization’s actions to engage its members or the public in the project
  4. Demonstration of in-kind support, either in material or equipment donations and/or volunteer labor for installation
  5. Description of the project location’s visibility and the extent to which the location will serve as an educational opportunityto inform residents, organization members, and the public of best practices for stormwater management.

It is expected that most of the above information will be included in the primary funding grant that applicant has applied for. A copy of the grant submitted to the funding agency is sufficient if all the above information is included.

Selection Process

  1. SAFC awards will be based on point rankings (5 points per criterion listed above)
  2. The SAFC will grade applications received and make funding recommendations to SRA’s Executive Committee, who in turn will report to the SRA Board for ratification.
  3. A decision will be announced within three months of receipt of an application, with the contingency of funding awarded from other funding source for the project.
  4. SAFC and SRA Board members will abstain from voting whena conflict of interest exists, for example if that committee member lives withina community requesting the SAF award.

The applicant agrees to recognize SRA as a sponsor of this project in all subsequent written and/or verbal presentations.

Signature of person legally authorized by organizationDate

Grantee will be notified within 2 months of submission of funding decision.

Please contact Ann Jackson at or 443-223-7236 with any questions.

SRA Grant Application-Stage Two

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