WSC Meeting Minutes July 31, 20171
1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Mr. Joe McArthur, WECC Standards Committee (WSC) Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:16a.m., July 31, 2017. A quorumwas present for the conducting of business.[1]A list of WSC members in attendance is found at Exhibit A.
2.Antitrust Policy
Mr. Steven Rueckert read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
3.Consent Agenda (Exhibit B)
4.Approve Agenda
Mr. McArthur introduced the proposed meeting agenda.
On a motion by Ms. Crystal Musselman,the WSC approved the agenda.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
7.Action Items – W. Shannon Black
Request for Standard Authorization Approval (SAR)
Request for Ballot
On a single motion from Mr. Joe Tarantino, the WSC approved each of the following Requests for Ballot.
WECC-0120 FAC-501-WECC-2, Transmission Maintenance Five-year Review (FAC DT)
On July 27, 2017, the FAC DT agreed toforward the project to the WSC with a request for ballot. If approved by the Ballot Pool, the project will: 1) conform the existing document to the newest NERC template and drafting conventions, 2) eliminate URLs, and 3) clarify Attachment A and Measure 3M. If approved by the Ballot Pool, the approved project would be forwarded to the WECC Board of Directors with a request for approval, subject to required regulatory approval.
WECC-0127 VAR-002-WECC-2 Automatic Voltage Regulators (VAR DT)
On July 25, 2017, the VAR DT agreed toforward the project to the WSC with a request for ballot. If approved by the Ballot Pool, the project will be forwarded to the WECC Board of Directors with a request for full and immediate retirement, subject to required regulatory approval.
Request for Board Approval
WECC Charter – Steven Rueckert
After discussion of the proposed charter, Mr. Tarantino suggested inclusion of a provision to allow for the assignment of proxies. The WSC agreed to incorporate a proxy provision modeled after a similar provision in the NERC Standards Committee Charter.
On a motion from Ms. Crystal Musselman, the proposed WSC Charter was accepted, to include a proxy clause. The motion carried by consensus.
The proposed charter will be forwarded to the WECC Board of Directors (Board) with a request for approval.
If FERC declines approval of the proposed Procedures, this motion will be voided without further action and no changes will be made to the charter.
8.Public Comment
Public comments were invited.
9.Review of New Action Items
In the event the WECC-0117 Reliability Standards Development Procedures are approved by FERC and followed by necessary elections of representatives, a new vice chair of the WSC will need to be elected. As of June 2017, the vice chair is Mr. Tarantino of Standard Voting Sector 5, System Coordinator. Under the proposed Procedures, SVS 5 is eliminated.
10.Upcoming Meetings
November 15, 2017, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m...... San Diego, CA
Mr. McArthur adjourned the meeting without objection.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Members[2] in Attendance
Gary Nolan...... SVS 2 Generation
Tanner Brier, Bonneville Power Administration...... SVS 3 Transmission
Joseph Tarantino, Sacramento Municipal Utility District...... SVS 5 System Coordinator
Crystal Musselman, Proven Compliance Solutions...... SVS 8 Other Non-Registered Entities
Joe McArthur, Chair...... Non-Affiliated Director
Members not in Attendance
Dana Cabbell, Southern California Edison...... SVS 1 Transmission
Warren Rust, Colorado Springs Utilities...... SVS 4 Distribution
Caitlin Liotiris, Energy Strategies...... SVS 6 End User Representative
Vacant...... SVS 7 State and Provincial
Others in Attendance
A list of additional attendees was recorded by WECC administrative staff.Bob Case...... No Further Information (NFI)
Jane Watkins...... NRG
Margaret Olczak...... BPA
Devin Elverdi...... NFI
Robert Sullivan...... CAISO
Joyce...... NFI
Steven Rueckert...... WECC
Tyson Archie...... NFI
Tracy Townley...... NFI
E. Nick Henery...... FERC
Pablo...... NFI
Michael Rein...... NFI
Brandon...... NFI
Marylin Franz...... NFI
W. Shannon Black...... WECC
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
[1]A quorum for meetings shall be a majority of all the WSC members (5).If a Standard Voting Sector (SVS) position is vacant, the number needed for a quorum or for a majority vote shall be decreased accordingly.
[2]Term Notice:
Two-year terms of service for SVS 3, 4, 6, and 7 expire coincide with the 2017 annual Board meeting.
Two-year terms of service for SVS 1, 2, 5 and 8 expire coincide with the 2018 annual Board meeting.
Two-year term of service for the Chair expires coincident with the 2018 annual Board meeting.