ADDRESSUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas Lee College of Business

4505 Maryland Parkway Vegas, Nevada 89154

LANGUAGESEnglish (fluent)

German (fluent)



EDUCATIONPh.D in Business AdministrationMar. 1989 - Jan. 1994

University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Emphasis: Strategic Management

 Dissertation: Strategische Unternehmensführung aus ethischer Perspektive

(Ethics in Strategic Management)

Establishment of a conceptual framework to implement ethics in the

strategic decision - making process

 Graduated with Distinction

Master of International ManagementMay 1990 - May 1991

American Graduate School of International Management

Thunderbird Campus, Glendale, AZ

Emphasis: Finance, International Management

 Graduated with Honors

Doctoral Program in Business AdministrationMar. 1989 - May 1990

University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Emphasis: Strategic Management, International Management.

Diplom - KaufmannNov. 1983 - Mar. 1989

Ludwig - Maximilian - University,Munich, Germany

Emphasis: Finance, Banking, Organizational Psychology

Master's Thesis: Strategic Personnel Planning

Ranked in top 10% of 354 graduating students

Graduated with Honors


Research:The interplay between markets and society with a specific focus on ethical and cross-cultural issues

Teaching:International Business, Global Business Strategy, International Marketing, Ethics

EXPERIENCEAssociate Editor, Journal of MacromarketingFeb.2010 - Present

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Full Professor of International Business & MarketingJul. 2011

Associate Professor of International Business & MarketingJul. 2004 – Jul. 2011

Deutsche Versicherungsakademie, Munich, GermanyAug. 2000 – 2016

Visiting Professor of Marketing for the EMBA Program

Teaching Strategic Management. Course is taught

during the summer

University of Nevada Las VegasJan. 1999 – Jul.2004

Assistant Professor of International Business & Marketing

American Graduate School of International ManagementAug. 1996 - Dec.1998

“Thunderbird”, Glendale, AZ

Visiting Professor of International Business

Arizona State University, AZAug. 1995 - Aug. 1996

Visiting Professor

University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AustriaJan. 1994 - May 1995

Assistant to Professor of Strategic Management

BMW AG, Munich, GermanyJun. 1987 - Mar. 1990

Research Analyst

Developed a Strategic Planning Tool

Concept is still utilized

Volksbank München, Munich, GermanyFeb. 1987 - Apr. 1987


Marketing of Investment Products

Siemens AG, Munich, GermanyFeb. 1986 - Nov. 1986


Assisted in numerous computer enhancements

Certificate in two computer languages


Nill, Alexander, Gene Laczniak and Paul Thistle (2017). “The Use of Genetic Testing Information in the Insurance Industry: An Ethical and Societal Analysis of Public Policy Options”. Journal of Business Ethics, doi:10.1007/s10551-017-3554-y.

Aalberts, Robert, Alexander Nill, and Percy Poon (2016). “Online Behavioral Targeting: What does the Law Say?” Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising, 37(2):95-112.

Haase, Michaela, Ingrid Becker, Alexander Nill, Clifford Shultz and James Gentry. (2015). “Male Breadwinner Ideology and the Inclination to Establish Market Relationships: Model Development Using Data from Germany and a Mixed Method Research Strategy”. Journal of Macromarketing, 36(2).

Cummins,Shannon, James W. Peltier, John A. Schibrowsky, and Alexander Nill(2014). “Consumer Behavior in the Online Context”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 4(3):169-202.

Nill, Alexander and Robert Aalberts (2014). “Legal and Ethical Challenges of Online Behavioral Targeting in Advertising”,Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising,DOI:10.1080/10641734.2014.899529.

Pomirleanu, Nadia, John A. Schibrowsky, James W. Peltier, and Alexander Nill (2013).“A review of internet marketing research over the past 20 years and future research direction”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, (7)3:166-181.

Peltier, James,John A. Schibrowsky,and Alexander Nill (2013). “A Hierarchical Model of the Internal Relationship Marketing Approach to Nurse Satisfaction and Loyalty”,European Journal of Marketing, 48(5):899-916.

Aalberts, Robert and Alexander Nill (2012). “Online Advertising and Marketing: Personal Jurisdiction and its Potential Implications”,Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising, 33(1):94-101.

Nill, Alexander and Clifford Shultz (2010). “Family Policy in Germany: Is the Romanticized Idealization of the Male Breadwinner Losing its Relevance?”,Journal of Macromarketing, 30(4):375-383.

Geipel, Andreas, Alexander Nill, and Robert Aalberts (2010). “Sexualdelinquenz und Verteidigung” (Sex crimes and evidence: Lessons learned from consumer marketing), Zeitschrift für Anwaltspraxis, 22(9):439-448.

Nill, Alexander and Andreas Geipel (2010). “Sharing and Owning of Musical Works: Copyright Protection from a Societal Perspective”,Journal of Macromarketing, 30(2):33-49.

Nill, Alexander, Jack Schibrowsky, and James W. Peltier (2010). “Factors that influence Software Piracy: A View From Germany”,Communications of the ACM, 53(6):131-134.

Aalberts, Robert and Alexander Nill (2009). “A Collusion of Public Policies: Fair Housing Takes on Internet Advertising Protected by the Communications Decency Act”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(3):379-380.

Nill, Alexander and Clifford Shultz (2009). “Global software piracy: Trends and strategic considerations”, Business Horizons,53(3):289-298.

Moores, Trevor, Alexander Nill, and Marcus Rothenberger (2009). “Knowledge of Software Piracy as an Antecedent to Reducing Piracy Behavior”,Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(1):82-90.

Geipel, Andreas, Robert Aalberts und Alexander Nill (2008). “Indizien- und Anscheinsbeweise in der Prozeßpraxis (Circumstantial evidence and appearance of proof in court)”,Zeitschrift für Anwaltspraxis,20(10):1503-1501.

Nill, Alexander and John Schibrowsky (2007). “Marketing Ethics Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature”, Journal of Macromarketing,27(2):256-273.

Geipel, Andreas, Alexander Nill, and Clifford Shultz (2007).“Die Analyse der Zeugenaussage im ordentlichen Verfahren“ (Analysis of witness testimonies), Zeitschrift für Anwaltspraxis, 19(15):847-856.

Schibrowsky, John, James W. Peltier, and Alexander Nill (2007). “The State of Internet Marketing Research: A Review of the Literature and Future Research Directions”, European Journal of Marketing, 41(7/8):722-734.

Geipel, Andreas and Alexander Nill (2007). “Die Problematik der Beurteilung der Zeugenaussage im ordentlichen Verfahren – oder praxisrelevante Irrtümer“ (The problem to assess witness testimonies – or relevant errors),Deutsche Richterzeitung, 85(8):250-254.

Geipel, Andreas, Herbert Geisler, and Alexander Nill (2007). “Präklusion versus Prozeßtaktik: Die Rechtsprechung des BGH zum Verschulden und die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft zum Erinnerungsvermögen” (Preclusion and tactic: The guidelines of the BGH and the science of human memory),Zeitschrift für Anwaltspraxis, 19(3):1407-1418.

Geipel, Andreas and Alexander Nill (2007). “Erkenntnisse der Wirtschaftswissenschaften als Taktik der Vergleichsverhandlung” (Decision Making in Economic Theory and Tactical Out of Court Settelment), Zeitschrift für Schadensrecht, 28(1):6-10.

Nill, Alexander and John Schibrowsky (2005). “The Impact of Corporate Culture, Reward System and Perceived Moral Intensity on Marketing Students’ Ethical Decision Making”,Journal of Marketing Education, 27(1):68-81.

Peltier, James W., Alexander Nill and John Schibrowsky (2004). “Internal Marketing, Nurse Loyalty and Relationship Marketing: An Exploratory Study of German Nurses”, Health Marketing Quarterly, 20(4):63-82.

Peltier, James,John A. Schibrowsky,and Alexander Nill (2004). “Crossing Cultures”, Marketing Health Services, Chicago: Spring 2004, 24(1):26-33.

Nill, Alexander, John Schibrowsky, and James W. Peltier (2004). “The Impact of Competitive Pressure on Students’ Ethical Decision-making in a Global Setting”,Marketing Education Review, 14(1):1-13.

Nill, Alexander (2003). “Global Marketing Ethics: A Communicative Approach”,Journal of Macromarketing, 23(Fall):90-105.

Shultz, Clifford and Alexander Nill (2002). “The Societal Conundrum of Intellectual Property Rights: A Game Theoretical Approach to the Equitable Management and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights”, European Journal of Marketing, 36(5):642-667.

Nill, Alexander and Clifford Shultz (1997). “Marketing Ethics Across Cultures: Decision Making Guidelines and the Emergence Dialogic Idealism”,Journal of Macromarketing, 17(Fall):4-20.

Nill, Alexander and Clifford Shultz (1996). “The Scourge of Global Counterfeiting: Ethical Consumer Decision Making and a Demand Side Solution”,Business Horizons, 39(6):37-43.

Hinterhuber, Hans and Alexander Nill (1993). “Unternehmensethik im Kontext internationaler Geschäftsbeziehungen”,Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 23(June):258-277.


Nill, Alexander (ed.).(2015).Handbook on Ethics and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 987 1 78100 3428, DOI: 10.4337/978178003435.

Nill, Alexander (1995). Strategische Unternehmensführung aus ethischer Perspektive (Strategic Management from an Ethical Perspective),Münster, Hamburg: LIT Verlag.


Nill, Alexander and Bianka L. Papp (Forthcomining). “Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States: A Historic Perspective on the Interplay Between Ideologic, Political and Economic Forces”. In: Global CSR: Theories, Strategies and Initiatives. Ed. Bodo Schlegelmilch.

Nill, Alexander, Robert J. Aalberts, Herman Li, and John Schibrowsky (2015).“New telecommunication technologies, big data, and online behavioral advertising: do we need an ethical analysis?”, In:Handbook on Ethics and Marketing. Ed. Alexander Nill.Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nill, Alexander (2012). “Erkenntnistheoretische Grundlagen der Urteilsfindung“. (Epistemological Foundation of Court Judgments) In: Handbuch der Beweiswürdigung (2.Auflage). Eds. Andreas Geipel, 300-316. Münster: Lexis Nexis Deutschland.

Nill, Alexander (2006). “Marketing Control Systems in Transitional Economies”. In: Global Marketing. Eds. Bruno Garbac. Rijeka: Sveucilisna Knjiznica.

Nill, Alexander (2005). “Konfliktmanagement in Ad-Hoc-Krisen”. In: Management von Ad-Hoc-Krisen, eds. Christoph Burmann, Jörg Freiling und Michael Hülsmann. Frankfurt: Gabler.

Nill, Alexander (1999). “Kommunikatives Konfliktmanagement in International Diversifizierten Unternehmen.” (Conflict Resolution on a Communicative Basis in Internationally Diversified Corporations) In: Die Zukunft der diversifizierten Unternehmung, eds. Hans Hinterhuber München: Franz Vahlen Verlag.

Nill, Alexander (1995). “Die interkulturelle Gültigkeit von Managementmethoden aus wissenschaftstheoretischer Perspektive.” (The Cross-Cultural Validity of Management Theories from an Epistemological Perspective) in: Die Herausforderungen der Zukunft meistern, eds. Hans Hinterhuber, Wien: Peter Lang Verlag


Nill, Alexander (2001). “Marketing Ethics in Transitional Economies?” In: Developing Market Based Resource Strategies for South East Europe. Eds. Bruno Grbac and James Martin.Cleveland:Boler School of Business, John Carroll University, USA.

Nill, Alexander and Gerd Zimmermann G. (1996). “Currency Exchange Rate Management.” Business West, P. 4-7, March 1996


Nill, Alexander (2015), “The World Cup, Patriotism and Multiethnic National Identity: Flying the German Flag,” 40th Macromarketing Conference Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois: 316-320.

Nill, Alexander, James Peltier, John Schibrowsky, Nadia Pomirleanu (2015), “Self-Control Issues and the Protection of Vulnerable Consumers”,40th Macromarketing Conference Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois: 426-429.

Schibrowsky, John, Alexander Nill, Gillian Naylor et al. (2015), “Journal Rankings: Everything You Need to Know about the Various Journal Ranking Approaches, but were Afraid to Ask?”, (Special Session), Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada: 178

Schibrowsky, John, Alexander Nill, James Peltier et al. (2015), “Incorporating Marketing Analytics into Your Curriculum”, (Special Session), Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada: 84

Schibrowsky, John, Alexander Nill, and Bradley Wimmer (2014), “Measuring Customer satisfaction with the Online Experience? Where are we? Where should we be?”, University of Nevada, Las Vegas EDGE Direct Interactive Marketing Research Summit, San Diego.

Schibrowsky, Cross, Nill, Pomirleanu, & Hartley (2014),“Teaching Marketing without Textbooks,” (Position paper), Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Jose Ca

Schibrowsky, Cross, Nill, Naylor, Lapidus, Hartley, Wells, Auken, Maughan (2014), “The Impact of Higher Education Performance Based Funding (PBF) on Marketing Departments and Business Schools and How the Marketing Department can be a Hero when It Comes to PBF,” (Special Session), Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Jose Ca

Haase, Michaela, Ingrid Becker, Alexander Nill, Clifford Shultz and James Gentry (2013), “TheRelevanceofMaleBreadwinnerIdeologyfortheAnalysisandDesignofMarketingSystems”,38th Macromarketing Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Canada: 278-305.

Cross, James, John A. Schibrowsky, Alexander Nill, Stuart Van Auken, Ludmilla Wells, Micol Maughan, and Gail Ball (2013), After the Storm: How to Get Past the Effects of a Bad Administrator, SPECIAL SESSION Marketing Educators’ Conference, Portland OR.

Cummins,Shannon, Nadia Pomirleanu, John A. Schibrowsky, James Peltier, Alexander Nill (2013). “A Comprehensive Literature Review of the Internet Related Integrated Marketing Communication Literature: The Past and Future of Internet Integrated Marketing Communication Research”, EDGE Direct Interactive Marketing Research Summit, Chicago, Oct. 2013

Nill, Alexander, Robert Aalbers and Jack Schibrowsky (2012). “Online Behavioral Targeting: Curse or Blessing?” 37th Macromarketing Conference Proceedings, Berlin, Germany: 173-182.

Coss, James, Jack Schibrowsky, Alexander Nill, Gail Ball, Stuart Van Auken, and Ludmilla Wells (2012). “The High Cost of Marketing Textbooks: Students’ Views, Activities and Consequences”.Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Long Beach, California.

Coss, James, Jack Schibrowsky, Alexander Nill, Steven Hartley, and Ludmilla Wells (2012). “Marketing Education in the New Now: Doing More With Less”. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Long Beach, California.

Shultz, Clifford and Alexander Nill (2011). “The Evolving German Marketing System: Historical, Technological, Political and Familial Explorations”. Special Session, 36th Macromarketing Conference Proceedings, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Nill, Alexander and Clifford Shultz (2011). “The Male Breadwinner Paradigm: Empirical Exploration of Family Policy in Germany”. 36th Macromarketing Conference Proceedings, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Hartley, Steven, Gail Ball, Alexander Nill, Michael Maughan (2011). “The High Cost of Marketing Textbooks: Students’ Views, Activities and Consequences”. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, California.

Schibrowsky, John, James Peltier, Gail Ball, Alexander Nill, and Lucille Pointer (2009). “The Academically or Professionally Qualified Issue: Theoretical and PracticalApproaches to “Rehabilitate” Marketing Faculty Who Are neither Aq Nor Pq”. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, Newport Beach, California.

Schibrowsky, JohnA.,Richard Lapidus, and Alexander Nill (2008). “The Use and Abuse of Students in Research Activities”. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Hartley, Steven, Gail Ball, Alexander Nill, Micol Maughan, Richard Lapidus, and Lucille Pointer (2008). “Assurance of Learning and Assessment Issues”. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Baker, Stacy, O.C. Ferrell, Shelby Hunt, Gene Lazniak, Jhon Mittelstaedt, Patrick Murphy, Alexander Nill, and Clifford Shultz (2007). “Ethical Issues and Distributive Justice in Macromarketing: Present and Future”. Special Session, American Marketing Association 2007 Winter Educators Conference, San Diego, CA

Schibrowsky,John A., Alexander Nill, James Cross, James Peltier, Micol Maughan, Gail Ball, and Lucille Pointer (2007). “Strategies for Reducing Textbook Costs to Students. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.

Peltier, James, John A. Schibrowsky, Michael Maughan, Alexander Nill, James Cross, Richard Lapidus, and Lucille Pointer (2007). “Interactive Marketing Coverage in the Curriculum: An Examination of AACSB Schools”. Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.

Cross, James,John A. Schibrowsky, Alexander Nill (2006). “The Impact of Grey Marketing on Textbook Publishing”, Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, California.

Schibrowsky,John A., Alexander Nill, James Cross, and Micol Maughan (2006). “The Internet and Marketing Education”, Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, California.

Nelson,Kathy, Billy Bai, Alexander Nill, and John A. Schibrowsky, (2005) “Internet Marketing Research: Past Present and Future”,The Direct Marketing Educators' Foundation 17th Annual Conference, Atlanta GA.

Ball,Gail, Rich Lapidus, Micol Maughan, and Alexander Nill (2005). “The High Price of Textbooks and other Content Delivery Issues”, Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, La Jolla, California.

Ball, Gail, Rich Lapidus, Ruby Lee, Micol Maughan, and Alexander Nill (2005). “The State of the Marketing Curriculum: Who is Teaching What?”, Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, La Jolla, California.

Nill, Alexander (2004). “How to Create an International Experience MBA?” Abstract in: Minds Wide Open: Continuous Improvement in Marketing Education: 2004 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Schibrowsky, John A., Gillian Naylor, Alexander Nill, Wen Yu Dou, Ruby Lee, Micol Maughan and Gail Ball, The Experience Economy and Experiential Marketing”, Special Session, Marketing Educators’ Conference, 2004 Las Vegas Nevada.

Nill, Alexander and Denise Schoenbachler (2003). “The Drivers of Online Education: A Causal Model”. In: ( Proceedings of the DMEF 15thAnnual Robert B. Clarke Educators' Conference, October 12, 2003, The Peabody Orlando.

Nill, Alexander, Jack Schibrowsky, James Peltier, and Micol Maughan (2003). “A New Sense of Urgency: Teaching Marketing Ethics”. Abstract in: Jack Schibrowski and Beverlee Anderson (eds.),MEA Diamond Attractions: Ideas for Innovation: 2003 Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Scottsdale, Arizona, p.18.

Nill, Alexander and Jack Schibrowsy (2002). “The Impact of Competitive Pressure on Students’ Ethical Decision Making: An Empirical Investigation”. Abstract in: Schlee Regina and John Schibrowsky (eds.), Enabling Technologies and Marketing Education: 2002 Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, San Diego California, p. 131.

Cohen, William, Paul Hughstad, Craig Kelley, Richard Lapidus, Micol Maughan, and Alexander Nill (2002). “Strategies for Faculty Success at Low Resource Business Schools”. Abstract in: Schlee Regina and John Schibrowsky (eds.), Enabling Technologies and Marketing Education: 2002 Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, San Diego California, p. 58.

Hugstad, Paul, Michael Mejza, Gillian Naylor, Alexander Nill, and Gail Ball (2002). “What every Marketing Faculty Member Needs to Know About Those Business School Rankings”. Abstract in: Schlee Regina and John Schibrowsky (eds.), Enabling Technologies and Marketing Education: 2002 Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, San Diego California, p. 129.

Nill, Alexander and Wayne Label (2001). “Ethical Decision Making in International Markets: Hypernorms and Social Traps”. (Abstract) In: D. Rahtz and P. McDonagh (eds.), Globalization and Equity: Macromarketing Contributions: Proceedings of the Twenty-six Annual Macromarketing Conference. Williamsburg, VA.

Nill, Alexander (2001). “The Policy of German (Re)unification and Implications for Marketing and Societal Welfare”. (Abstract) In: Krishnan, R. and M. Viswanathan (eds.), Marketing Theory and Applications: 2001 AMA Winter Educator’s Conference, vol.12, p. 27, Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association

Leisen, Birgit and Alexander Nill (2001). “Combating Product Counterfeiting: An Investigation into the Likely Effectiveness of a Demand-Oriented Approach”. In: Krishnan, R. and M. Viswanathan (eds.), Marketing Theory and Applications: 2001 AMA Winter Educator’s Conference, vol.12, p. 271-277, Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association

Nill, Alexander and Wayne Label (2000). “Developing International Ethics in a Cross Cultural Environment: A Communicative Approach”. In: A. Davila (eds.), Management of integrated markets: one America? Abstract in the Proceedings of BALAS 2000 Conference.

Hugstad, Paul, James Cross, James Peltier, Alexander Nill, and Michael Mejza (2000). “New Ways to DifferentiateYour Department of Marketing that Create Value for Students and Employers”. Abstract in: Harich, Katrin and Stuart Van Auken (eds.), Beating the Odds: 2000 Western Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings.