Scales / Early warning information / What we heard, needs / Our assets / Other assets / Our systems / Other systems / Our approach
Global / Monthly, sub-seasonal, seasonal and beyond / IASC is the institutional mechanism ;
EWEA report is the mean ; / Deterministic and probabilistic monthly to seasonal to multi-seasonal forecast ;
El ninjo La Nina assessment / Columbia IRI, IFRC climate centre / GPC, GISC, ECMWF, KMA LRF initiative
Regional - continental / Day 10-30 / Regional humanitarian platforms / Deterministic and probabilistic 10-30 day forecasts ;
North American drought monitor ; El Ninjo La Nina assessment ; / Columbia IRI, / RSMC, RCC, RCOF, SWFDP
National / National, regional humanitarian platforms / NMC

Addressing information management needs

  • There are currently many websites and web links with relevant authoritative sources of information
  • There are hundreds of websites with non-authoritative non-operational information
  • A critical step for this Task would be to come up with a quick prototype of a Portal which would provide links to what is considered by this Team as authoritative sources of information (and identifying the open sites as well as the sites requiring permission to access)

Addressing global-regional issues and requirements

  • RSMCs Next Generation ?
  • The thinking could be to develop a Board of Climate Preparedness Experts (BCPE), which would provide a consensus assessment of below-above average precipitation, below-above temperature, significance, degree of confidence. We will need to determine the products that would be necessary to support their assessment. Their assessment could be done through the generation of a Joint Statement, or an ‘ensemble’ of regionally based joint statement with an overarching global summary.
  • This BCPE could have 4 Teleconference-WebEx sessions per year to share the different joint statements and come up with a consensus view.
  • This could become the input to the EWEA process.
  • We need to think about having a secretariat based climate services officer who would actually liaise formally with Humanitarian on a quarterly basis, who would liaise on a more regular basis as new relevant information becomes available, who would be monitoring relevant contextual-situational awareness information, etc
  • The consensus report and the various joint statements would be available on the prototype Portal

Addressing national-regional issues and requirements

  • For areas for which there are limited or no NMHSs capability

Addressing quality management issues

  • Need to think about a verification-validation approaches
  • Mechanism to obtain user feedback-retroaction

Addressing User Interface issues, evolving needs

  • Consultation mechanism to be developed

Addressing capacity building issues

  • NMHSs, RSMCs, GPCs
  • Academia, other relevant institutions
  • Humanitarian organizations
  • Role of SWFDPs