Request for Proposals FOR Supply and Install Energy Metres in Various Cape Town Metrorail Substations
Tender Number: 12/2016/CTN/INFRA /



Request number: / 12/2016/CTN/INFRA
Request for: / Supply and Install Energy Metres in Various cape Town Metrorail Substations

1.With effect from 22 -29 November 2016 the tender documents may be collected at:

Address:PRASA / Metrorail Procurement department

Room 622A, 6th floor

Propnet Building

1 Adderley street

Cape Town


Office hours:Mondays to Fridays 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:30 to 16:00

where copies can also be obtained on payment of an amount of R1000.00 (VAT included) per set which is not refundable. (No Cash or Cheques will be accepted). Deposits should be made out to, Metrorail a Division of Prasa, Standard Bank, Account Number: 070669317, Branch Code: 020909.

2.A compulsory tender briefing meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at the Metrorail Infrastructure Depot, Off Malta Road, Room 162, Salt River starting at 10h00 am on 30 November 2016. No tender documents will be issued at the briefing . The tender closes on the 12 December 2016 at 12h00pm and no late submissions will be accepted.

  • Tenderers must arrange own transport and parking.
  • Tenderers failing to attend the compulsory tender briefing session will be disqualified.
  • PRASA reserves the right to only allow tenderers in possession of a valid tender document at the briefing.
  • A maximum of two representatives per company will be allowed to attend the briefing.

I/We declare that I/We have read the above-mentioned notice and that it is understood by me/us.

Signed at ______on this _____ (day) of ______(month) 2016.



TENDERER :...... ……………………………………………………………

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1General Administration for Specification

1.1.Contractors General Obligation


1.3.Site and Bill of Quantities

1.4.Program of work/Plan

1.5.Working on Metrorail’s sites


1.7.Issuing of a Payment Certificate

1.8.Payment Process

2Technical Specification and Bill of Quantities


3Scope of Works

3.1Description of the works


3.3As Constructed Drawings

3.4Contractors responsibilities

3.5Commissioning Test and Completion

3.6Works by others and Liaison with Metrorail


3.8Handing Over

3.9Work Permits and Occupation

3.10The Works

3.10.1Metering Specification

3.10.2Energy Meter Monitoring

3.10.3Compliance Standards and Specifications

3.11Pricing the Work

3.11.1Site storage


3.11.3Management & Supervision

3.12Testing and Commissioning

3.13Scrapping of Material

3.14Quality Assurance

3.15Schedule of Drawings and Metrorail Specifications



1General Administration for Specification

1.1.Contractors General Obligation

The Contractor's general obligations under the contract comprise the construction, completion and, unless otherwise stipulated, the provision at his own expense of all labour, plant, tools, equipment, material, transport, consumable stores, services, samples and temporary works, and everything, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for the construction, completion and maintenance of the works.


The drawings will remain in the sole custody of Metrorail. One copy will be furnished to the Contractor free of cost, but any further copies shall be paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give reasonable notice in writing to the Engineer/Project Manager of any further drawing or specification that may be required for the execution of the works. The drawings furnished to the Contractor shall be kept by the Contractor on the site and shall at all reasonable times be available for inspection and use by the Engineer/Project Manager and Metrorail appointed deputies. In the case where the drawing is unavailable it is the contractor’s responsibility to take pictures and do final measurements on site under supervision of the Metrorail’s responsible person if the site access certificate is not yet issued and develop. On completion of the contract, the Contractor shall return to the Engineer/Project Manager all copies of drawings provided under the contract.

1.3.Site and Bill of Quantities

The Contractor shall be held to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and to have satisfied himself before submitting his tender as to the nature of the ground and sub-surface, underground services, the form and nature of the site, the nature of the works, the quantities and the materials necessary for the completion of the works, and, in general, to have obtained all requisite information as the risks, contingencies and other circumstances including the local climatic conditions, which may influence or affect his tender.

The quantities in the Bill of quantities are estimated and may be more or less than stated. The Contractor shall submit with his tender a complete and detailed priced schedule for the work.

1.4.Program of work/Plan

The successful tenderer shall submit, within 3 weeks of the date of acceptance of his tender, a program of work in the form of a gantt chart or as otherwise directed by theEngineer/Project Manager showing the duration, starting date and completion date of each major activity in the contract. Where the activity is on-going and not of a once-off nature the proposed weekly production rate shall be indicated.

The plan will be subject to approval by the Engineer/Project Manager but such approval will not relieve the Contractor of his obligations to undertake the work in an order and manner to ensure proper completion by the date/s specified in the contract. The plan shall be reviewed and up-dated when necessary with the consent or at the direction of the Engineer/Project Manager. Should the program be altered for any reason prior to completion of the Contract then the Contractor shall submit the revised program to the Engineer/Project Manager.

Should the Engineer/Project Manager, at any time, be of the opinion that the rate of progress of the works or any part thereof is too slow to achieve the completion of the works he may notify the Contractor in writing, but the Contractor shall not be relieved of his obligations if such notice is not given. The Contractor shall thereupon take steps to expedite progress so as to complete the works or any part thereof by the stipulated date.

1.5.Working on Metrorail’s sites

No contractor will be allowed to commence work on site without a Site Access Certificate.

The successful tenderer shall submit, within 1 week of the date of acceptance of his tender, a Safety Case, Method Statement and a Risk Assessment to the Engineer/Project Manager. The Safety Case, Method Statement and Risk Assessment will be approved by all Infrastructure Regional Engineers and the Risk Manager, and then the Site Access Certificate will be developed and issued to the contractor.


When, in the opinion of the Engineer, any part of the work done or any material used or intended for use is not in accordance with the requirements of the contract, whether or not payment for such work or material has been made, he may order the Contractor in writing to remove any objectionable part of the material immediately and to replace it with acceptable material and to rectify or reconstruct the works in whole or in part, without cost to Metrorail.

1.7.Issuing of a Payment Certificate

The contractor shall submit a Pro-Forma invoice to the Project Manager/Engineer after completion of work on site. The Project Manager/Engineer shall perform inspection on the completed section indicated on the Pro-Forma invoice, when satisfied shall create a Payment Certificate and issue it to the Infrastructure End User. In the case where the Project Manager /Engineer is not satisfied the contractor will be informed via email to perform corrections. The contractor shall inform the Project manager/Engineer when the corrections are complete.

1.8.Payment Process

Figure 1: Payment Process Flowchart

Two payments done in every month

The first payment takes place on the 15thand 30thof every month

Payment is done 30 days from the date of the invoice

Part C2.2 Bill of Quantities and Technical Specification for Supply and Install Energy Metering in various Metrorail Substations

2Technical Specification and Bill of Quantities


All prices to include ordering, loading, off-loading, storing, fixing, fitting/installing, constructing, finishing off, testing and commissioning, except where explicitly stated otherwise by the Engineer/Project Manager. All joints, screws, fixing material, etc., and labour in this connection to be included.

Notwithstanding the general conditions of the contract work shall be carried out in accordance with the following:

-Any site instruction issued to the contractor by the Engineer or his representative.

-Work must be carried out as per the safety case, method statement and risk assessment issued by the contractor to the Engineer/Project Manager.

-This project specification.

-The drawings as listed in this document

-The Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993

-The Laws and by-laws of the Metrorail, inclusive of the Electrical Safety Instructions and the E7/1 document.

Part C2.1 Pricing Instructions

1 Bill of Quantities

i).The Bills of Quantities have been drawn up in accordance with the Standard System of

Measuring Building Work (as amended) published and issued by the Association of

South African Quantity Surveyors (Sixth Edition (Revised)), 1999. Where applicable the:

a)Civil engineering work has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the

latest edition of SABS 1200 Standardised Specifications for Civil Engineering Works.

b)Mechanical work has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Model

Bills of Quantities for Mechanical Work, published by the South African Association of

Quantity Surveyors, July 2005).

c)Electrical work has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Model

Bills of Quantities for Electrical Work, published by the South African Association of

Quantity Surveyors, (July, 2005).

ii).The quantities in the bill are estimated and may be more or less than stated. The

contractorshall submit with his tender a complete and detailed priced bill (prepared in black ink) for the Works.

All work covered by the bill including work resulting from modifications or alterations to

drawings shall be measured and paid for according to the completed bill.

iii).The absence of stated quantities in the bill is no guarantee that none will be required.

Reasonable and sufficient rates and/or prices shall therefore be inserted to every item, as

such prices will be considered when awarding the contract

iv).In the event that a tenderer leaves any item/s blank which are materially important for

theaward of the contract/business or fails to tender in an amount expressed or calculable in

Rands and cents (e.g. total amount, unit price, hourly rate), Metrorail reserves the right todisqualify such a tender.

v).It will be assumed that prices included in the Bills of Quantities are based on Acts,

Ordinances, Regulations, By-laws, International Standards and National Standards that

were published 28 days before the closing date for tenders. (Refer to or

for information on standards).

vi). The Bills of Quantities is not intended for the ordering of materials. Any ordering of

materials, based on the Bills of Quantities, is at the Contractor’s risk.

vii).Reference to any particular trademark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or

producer is purely to establish a standard for requirements. Products or articles of an

equivalent standard may be substituted with the project manager’s written approval.

Note:All items in the Bill/schedule of Quantities are provisional and the actual amount of work

necessary and executed shall be measured by the Technical Officer in the presence of

the Contractor or his Agent, from time to time as work proceeds. Only the quantity of

such work executed shall be paid for at the rate quoted in the Bill/schedule of quantities

and prices.

C2.1.2 Preliminary and General and Site Establishment

The tenderer shall allow for all Preliminary and General items and any site

establishment deemed necessary in the tendered rates unless this has been

specifically provided for in the bill of quantities

12/2016/CTN/INFRAPage 1 of 38Date of issue: 22 November 2016

Request for Proposals FOR Supply and Install Energy Metres in Various Cape Town Metrorail Substations
Tender Number: 12/2016/CTN/INFRA /
Part C2.2 Bill of Quantities for The Energy Metering in Metrorail Substations
Total Tendered Amount (including VAT)
Total Tendered Amount (incl. VAT) carried to Form of Offer and Acceptance (Part C1.1 of Contract Data)
C.2.2 / The Works:
C.2.1.1 / ENERGY METERING - Supply and installation as per the specification. Supply all material and labour / Item / 32
C.2.1.2 / Supply Hard/Tough Book (programmer) Laptops - For downloading Data and for the routine testing and programming of the Metering Device / Item / 6
C.2.1.3 / Supply a Power System software capable of simulating both AC and DC / sum
C.2.1.4 / Supply PortableData Logger Systems to Monitor Quality of Power Supply Measure current, voltage, Energy and harmonics on both DC and AC. Metrorail Network has 11 kV AC and 33kV AC to 3 kV DC. / 2
C.2.1.5 / Office based Display – To monitor online metering data and download / sum / 2
C.2.1.6 / Supply and install CTs and VTs (or Transducers/sensors) complete set / sum / sum
C.2.1.7 / All testing and commissioning of the system. / item
C.2.1.8 / Any other items the Tenderer deems necessary to complete works. Take note of double unit SUBSTATIONS
C.2.1.9 / Total

12/2016/CTN/INFRAPage 1 of 38Date of issue: 22 November 2016

Request for Proposals FOR Supply and Install Energy Metres in Various Cape Town Metrorail Substations
Tender Number: 12/2016/CTN/INFRA /

3Scope of Works

The Contractor shall be responsible for storage, the supply, delivery of material to site, reception, off-loading, placing, fixing, fastening, installation, erection, making-off, connecting up, testing, commissioning, and guarantees of the equipment, materials and labour on the following aspects of the works.

3.1Description of the works

The works in this contract shall include the following:

Remove existing substation panel door where required

Install substation panel doors

Rewiring of items on substation panel doors

Cut substation panel doors to fit energy meters

Energy meters to have clear display

Terminating of Electrical wiring

Installation of Metering on all Metrorail Substations

Connecting metering to substation CTs and VTs and connect to all other items required

Mounting of Energy Meters on substation Panels

Clearing of site in terms of standard environmental guidelines and specifications

Testing, issuing of test certificates and commissioning of works

Contractor to provide drawing for the meters and the wiring

As constructed drawings

The supply of operating manuals, electrical diagrams, as-built drawings and other documentation

Testing and commissioning

All materials and labour needed to complete the project for final handover in complete working order, according to the attached specifications, drawings and schedules

Prior to installation on the board, all energy meters shall be tested by an approved authority and test certificates shall be issued to the Engineer. Digital type cyclometer dials shall be provided.

Meters shall be manufactured using latest and ‘state of the art’ technology and methods prevalent in electronics industry.

The data stored in the meters shall not be lost in the event of power failure. The meter shall have Non Volatile Memory (NVM), which does not need any battery backup.

Real Time Clock shall be pre-programmed for 30 Years Day/date without any necessity for correction. The maximum drift shall not exceed +/- 300 Seconds per year.

Energy meters shall be suitable for three phase unbalanced and asymmetrical systems and shall be of class 2. All maximum demand meters shall be designed to operate over a 30 minute period, be of the thermal type and shall indicate instantaneous and maximum kVA readings as well as harmonics.

Meter to show

Instantaneous Parameters such as phase and line voltages, currents, power factors, overall kVA, kW, kVAr, power factor, frequency etc.

Block Load Profile Parameters such as kVAh/kWh/kVArh (lag/lead)/Maximum Demand (MD) in kW/kVA/power factor/phase and line voltages/currents etc. Angle between voltage and current per phase.

Energy meters to measure, record and show DC current I, Voltage V, and Power kW/khr continuously. Energy Demand

Operating frequency shall be 50 hertz (50±5%) with accuracy class 0.2s

Contractor to Provide relevant Standard

The scope of work may change by any quantity in accordance with Metrorail requirements at the discretion of the Engineer and/or Client

The meter shall make provision for a cell-phone modem to be installed under the meter’s cover to minimise external connections and to save space.The modem shall support both GPS and GPRS.

The manufacturer or supplier shall only tender with meters that have been type tested

according to the requirements as specified by IEC 62052 part 11 and IEC 62053 parts 21, 22 & 23.These type tests shall only be accepted if they were done at an accredited test facility.

Transducers (for use with Indicating Instruments) shall in general conformto IEC: 688-1

Contractor to provide Spares

Measure the total energy consumption between all 11kV AC and 3kV DC substations

The Data Logging System must be able to display power flow graphs on office PC’s, mobile phones and etc. through wireless connections

All final measurements to be done by the contractor on site. Tenderers to note that the scope can be reduced by the client.

The works shall include a warranty period of 5 years after project completion for all the installed components.

The project includes the training of staff to be able to use, maintain and understand the functional system. The staff would have Basic fault finding techniques on the installed system.


The sites are situated along the railway line at various Substations in the Cape Metrorail Region: