Call for Presentations 2018—Workshop Submission Document

All submissions for allpresenters must be submitted online at

This document is just to be used as a tool to prepare your information.

More information can be found at:

Part I: Workshop Content

Workshop Title
The following are the topic areas that are among the most pertinent to NICWA’s conference attendees. Please select one* topical area from below that most adequately reflects the content of your proposed presentation.
Child welfare, foster care, and adoption services
Presenters may include child welfare workers,directors, researchers, and staff from tribal, state, federal, and private programs.
Children’s mental health
Presenters may include mental health, psychiatric, behavioral health, youth advocacy, and general health professionals.
Judicial and legal affairs
Presenters may include attorneys, judges, and other legal professionals and advocates; law enforcement professionals; court and legal professionals; Court of Indian Offenses judges and attorneys; CASA workers, guardians ad litem (GALs); and grassroots community organizers.
Youth and family involvement
Presenters may include tribal and public school administrators, teachers, educators, counselors, and staff; TANF workers; domestic violence workers; substance abuse workers; parents; guardians; elders; and extended family members.

* If more than one topic area is selected, NICWA staff will use their discretion to determine the primary topic area, and this alone will be what is represented in the conference agenda.

Summary Workshop Description
Type a short paragraph of 100 words or less describing your workshop as it would appear in the final program. Please ensure correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as errors will reflect on the description of your presentation. Please do NOT exceed 100 words. If your description exceeds 100 words, the description will be edited to fit the word count at NICWA’s discretion.
[Place summary workshop description here.]
Workshop Objectives
(Three to five objectives are required. Do not exceed five objectives.)
“As a result of attending this workshop, participants will:”
Workshop interactivity
NICWA values interactive workshops- please describe how you will facilitate this workshop using interactive tools.
[Place description of interactive methods here.]
Detailed Workshop Description
A detailed workshop description, 500–1000 words, is required and will enable the review team to fully evaluate your proposal as a potential workshop.Please note that NICWA highly values interactive and participatory workshops. Please share in your submission how your workshop will help conference attendees learn through interactive teaching methods.
[Place detailed workshop description here.]
Research Ethics Statement (Mandatory for Tribal Data)
Any proposed research workshop that includes data about a tribal community (whether the community is identified by name or not) should have secured tribal approval to present the data in advance of submitting a workshop proposal. Any presenters submitting a workshop proposal that includes tribal community data should be prepared to substantiate this approval if they are called upon to do so.
[Initial here.]
For workshops with content pertaining to historical and/or generational trauma:
NICWA acknowledges that individuals working in the “helping professions,” especially child welfare workers, often experience negative effects stemming from their work with traumatized American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children and families. NICWA also recognizes that there are many different types of trauma that affect people’s lives in negatively traumatic ways. These traumas—with their varied symptoms and responses—can affect one’s daily spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental well-being.
NICWA wants to take appropriate measures to ensure that participants have a healthy experience in conference workshops, which requires a standard of sensitivity for the discussion of traumatic situations for AI/AN children and families be upheld. To ensure workshop consideration, workshop presenters wanting to present on topics that include the discussion of issues related to generational and/or historical traumas must also submit an action plan outlining how they plan to respond to the emotional and/or spiritual needs of participants when issues arise. If it is decided by reviewers that a workshop needs an action plan but one was not provided in the initial submission, the presenter will be called upon to provide one before a decision regarding the workshop’s acceptance is made.
[Place action plan here.]

Part II: Presenter Information

Presenters please note: Up to three presenters per workshop will be listed in the conference mobile app, printed agenda book, and eligible for a reduced conference registration rate.

Primary Presenter
Tribal Affiliation (If applicable)
Job Title
City, State, Zip
Photo for mobile App (.jpg, .gif, .tiff, or .png)
Presenter Biography
Biography of each presenter, 75 words or less, written in third person. If your bio exceeds 75 words, it will be edited to fit the word count at NICWA’s discretion.
Presenter #2
Tribal Affiliation (If applicable)
Job Title
City, State, Zip
Photo for mobile App (.jpg, .gif, .tiff, or .png)
Presenter Biography
Biography of each presenter, 75 words or less, written in third person. If your bio exceeds 75 words, it will be edited to fit the word count at NICWA’s discretion.
Presenter #3
Tribal Affiliation (If applicable)
Job Title
City, State, Zip
Photo for mobile App (.jpg, .gif, .tiff, or .png)
Presenter Biography
Biography of each presenter, 75 words or less, written in third person. If your bio exceeds 75 words, it will be edited to fit the word count at NICWA’s discretion.
Please indicate with an “x” any days during the conference period that you will notbe available.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Morning / Afternoon
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Should your proposal not be accepted, would you like to be considered as a backup presenter?
Yes or No?

Part III: A/V needs

Regarding audio/visual equipment, NICWA DOES provide:
NICWA will provide the following AV for participants in each workshop classroom: a screen for an LCD projector (aka PowerPoint projector), LCD projector with accompanying cords, flipchart and markers, and a microphone (in larger breakout rooms only).
Regarding audio/visual equipment, NICWA DOES NOT provide:
Submitting this proposal indicates an understanding that NICWA will NOT be providing workshop presenters or presentations withlaptop computers, speakers, or high speed internet (meeting space will have some limited connectivity). Participants should understand that it is the presenter(s) responsibility to provide pieces of equipment necessary to the presentation, and any associated costs will be covered at their own expense.
Animal-based therapy:
The 2018 conference facility may not have space that can accommodate the inclusion of live animals in a workshop presentation. Please check with Sarah Wittmann at if this is something you would like to consider. You are welcome to present without animals.

In submitting this proposal, I understand that NICWA is not offering to pay for travel, lodging, meals, or registration. If approved, I agree to present on the assigned dates and times during the conference, April 15–18, 2018. I also agree that I have read all of the above information.
[Type name of submitter to indicate you have read and agree to the above statement.]