SUN Ruiyi


Address: Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law

University of Florida

3219 Turlington Hall


Educational Background

08/2016-until now University of Florida

Major: Sociology Degree: Ph.D.

09/2012-11/2013 School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Major: MASocial Anthropology Degree: Master of Arts

09/2008-07/2012 Shenyang Normal University

Major:Sociology Degree:Bachelor of Laws

Research interests

nationalism, gender, collective memory, sports, families


20/11/2012Expropriation of Body: A Study on Sports and Modernity (Published in Sociological Studies, 2012, Issue 06, CN: 11-1100/C, ISSN: 1002-5936)

·The journalisincluded in the databaseof CSSCI(Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index) (2012-2013)

·The study selects women’s weightlifting, a female sport with distinctive characteristicsof masculinity, and from this respect of body elaborates on how nations and countries make use of individuals’ body and especially of the bodies of marginalized females by combining family’s authorityandpower as well as the body’s eager for integration with modernity.

Academic Experience

07/2011“Welfare Mechanism for Athletes During the TransitionPeriod”, project funded by National Social Science Foundation of China

·Introduction: Participated in interview process and analysis some interviewsdata.

·The project aims at obtainingsome insight into living situations of athletes before and after retirement and explored the problems withthe welfare mechanism for China’s athletes through interviewsandsurveyswith significant numbers of retired athletes.

07/2010 “Rural Consumer Attitudes During the Transition Period”, project funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China

·Introduction: Got involved in collating some interviewsdata.

05/2010 “Online Chatting Group of Urban Communities in Shenyang City”, projectfunded by Scientific Research Fund for Undergraduates, Shenyang Normal University

·Introduction:By analyzing the process that residents in a new community organized together via online social website and their struggles with property management companies, this research mainly focused on the influence of Internet on emerging civil society and social action.

07/2009 Participation in Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in Shenyang

·Introduction: CGSS is a national wide social statistic survey project leaded by Renmin University of China. I took part inthe Shenyang University cooperated part of the work. The main work is sampling frame definition, interview with provided questionnaire.

11/2008 China Mobile Customers Satisfaction Survey

·Introduction: The survey aims atcollecting data on various servicesindicators from users of ChinaMobile in Liaoning Province in the form of random telephone survey. My work is tocollect data by phone call and input data into database.

Work and Internship Experiences

08/2016-until now University of Florida

·Teaching assistant

01/2015-07/2016 Shenyang Law Society

·Conferences organizing, daily office affairs etc.

01/2014-12/2014Beijing Academy of People Education Information Sciences

·Wrote monthly reports on analysis of monitoring public opinions on education held byPingluo County Bureau of Education, Ningxia Province

·Column writerfor journalNew Perspective on Non-Governmental Education, host by China Non-governmental education Association

·Took part incommercialpromotioncopywritingwhich aims to attract more governments to buy our research services

Extra-curricular and Social Activities

06/2013-01/2014 UK Estee Lauder Companies Inc.,Chineselanguage teacher

07/2013-11/2013ASKEW UK LTD.,market research interviewer

·Main duties: Conducted market researchprojectinLondonChinatown

10/2011-09/2012Beifang Social Survey Consulting Co., Ltd.

·Main duties: Conducted telephone surveys, questionnaires, data postprocessing andreport writing


07/2012 Attended 2012Annual Meeting of Chinese Sociological Association and the papersubmitted was awarded second prize by the Meeting

06/2012 Academic Achievement Prize for Outstanding Graduates of Sociology Department, Shenyang Normal University

06/2012 Outstanding Graduate of Sociology Department, Shenyang Normal University

09/2011 Prime Individual Award of Summer Social Practice of Shenyang University

2011-2008 Funded by Scholarship of Shenyang Normal University





