Parents and Friends Association

Address: C/- Smeaton Grange Road, Narellan NSW 2567 Email:


7.00pm, 14February2017

  1. Prayer and Welcome
  2. Record of attendance and apologies
  • Attendees: Kelly O’Keefe (KO), Michelle Cornett (MC), Paul Harrington (PH), James McFarlane (JM), Sharyn Brooks (SB), Stephen Grabowski (SG), Catherine McDonald (CM), David Cornett (DC), Lisa DeMeio (LD), Michael Small (MS), Tessa Cuming (TC), Michael Triffet (MT), Matt McMahon (MM), Peiti Haines (PH), Michelle McCallum (MMc), Dave McCallum (DMc)
  • Apologies: Jenny Foldes (JF)
  1. Overview of P&F
  • Brief presentation on P&F Constitution, financial plan, commitments, and key projects

Notes: There were some questions about the commitments and key projects for 2017. DC clarified that the commitments and key projects were a combination of:
-Commitments that the P&F could not change (eg. $15,000 for the laser cutter)
-Commitments that the P&F may change based on priorities (eg. $25,000 for the hall fund, $15,000 for the bus replacement)
-Projects that had been flagged with the P&F, but for which there had been no commitment (eg. library furniture, Brewarrina Immersion).
DC clarified that the commitments were agreed to by the P&F in 2016. These can be confirmed by reviewing the minutes of the meeting.
DC also clarified that the absence of budget allocation for proposed installation of air-conditioning was due to there being insufficient information on the cost of the project.
The draft Annual Report 2016 (distributed at the meeting) provides more detail on the information covered in the presentation.
  1. Confirmation and acceptance of the Minutes of the previous meeting

Accepted without comment.
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as a true and accurate reflection of the meeting
Seconded: JM / Outcome: Carried
  1. Confirmation and acceptance of Treasurer’s Report

Notes: SG presented the Treasurer’s Report dated 14 February 2017 and advised that the current balance across all accounts is $209,053.90
The 7 year financial plan was also distributed at the meeting.
Motion: That the Treasurer’s Report be noted for the minutes.
Seconded: MC / Outcome: Carried
  1. Correspondence
  2. Australian Business Register – request to update ABN details as the contact details were out of date. DC updated contact details as requested.
  3. Geraldine Spencer (MCHS) – advice of refund of $2000 for Brewarrina Immersion Program. The school received a grant from the CEO, reducing the P&F contribution. Noted by the P&F.
  4. Business arising from minutes of previous meeting
  5. Brewarrina Immersion Program – Completed, invoiced and paid
  6. Shade Sails – Completed, invoiced and paid
  7. P&F Constitution – Completed, formatted into standard template, CEO approval not required
  8. Air-conditioning – Commenced, investigation of installation of air conditioning, working group established
  9. ITEM 1: Art prize sponsorship – Completed, $400 paid
  10. ITEM 2: Maintenance request for carpet replacement Block A – request declined, Principal to follow up with CEO.
  11. Principal’s Report
  12. Refer attached Principals Report
  13. General Business
  • Item 1:Air conditioning – proposal to install air-conditioning in Blocks A-D (Priority Areas)

Notes: JM gave update of current status regarding AC. Buildings A-D comprising 5 rooms per building, 20 rooms in total - quote approx. $80,000 initial establishment cost. Scope may be amended to include CAPA building.
Operational costs may be covered by changing over from current expensive heaters to reverse cycle air conditioning, installation of solar panels, and installation of energy efficient lighting. Further investigation is required.
There was also discussion about the possible reallocation of money set aside for various projects, such as the hall and bus replacement, to fund the installation. A change in priorities for funding would need to be agreed upon by the P&F.
It was proposed that a special P&F meeting be held in week 8 of term 1 to discuss the air conditioning project and the reallocation of funds. Further information on the cost of the project and the future of the school hall is expected in the next few weeks.
DC acknowledged the work of the AC Committee members – James, Joe, Daniel, and Darryl – for their work on the project to date.
Motion: That a special P&F meeting to discuss financial priorities to be held in Week 8, Tuesday 21 March 2017.
Seconded: PH / Outcome: Carried
  • Item 2: Update on proposed new hall and additional classrooms

Notes: The school is working on a submission for the new hall, upgrades to the hospitality area, and additional classrooms. The submission is due in two weeks and will help inform P&F priorities for the next 12-18 months, including funding for the proposed air conditioning.
Motion: Noted
Seconded: N/A / Outcome: N/A
  • Item 3: Student Welfare Fund – request for information on student/family welfare fund

Notes: Further information requested on the student/family welfare fund. General discussion around the role of the P&F in supporting this program.
Motion: That there be a presentation by the school at the next meeting on the operation of the welfare fund, including how the P&F may be able to assist the program.
Seconded: JM / Outcome: Carried
  • Item 4: School Publicity –promotion of the activities and successes of the school

Notes:To be held over to next agenda item in next meeting. DC to speak to Jenny Foldes about additional publicity for the great things done at the schooland how the P&F can assist.
Motion: N/A
Seconded: / Outcome:
  • Other business

-Welcome BBQ – seeking volunteers to assist with the Welcome BBQ. DC to send out email asking for volunteers.

-School hats and sport socks - a change of school hats and sport socks to be considered, with further research required to identify suitable options. Further discussions to be held at next P&F meeting (Action arising from the Principal’s Report)

  1. Parent Consultation Group
  2. Peiti Haines, Curriculum Coordinator, presented on the HSC reforms and the changes to the relevance of the Year 9 NAPLAN results.
  3. The HSC reforms, to be introduced for year 11 in 2018, include minimum literacy and numeracy standards for HSC students. These minimum standards must be achieved for students to the awarded the Higher School Certificate.
  4. Year 9 students not meeting these minimum standards will continue to be assessed to determine eligibility for the Higher School Certificate.
  5. Students who do not attain the minimum standard, but who sit the HSC exams, will be awarded with a Record of School Achievement.
  6. Students who obtain a Record of School Achievement will still qualify for an ATAR and are eligible for university entry.
  7. If you have any questions, please contact Peiti Haines.
  1. Next Meeting Tuesday, 3rd Week of Term 2, 2017