Phone: 530-378-7050

Hours: 7:00am – 4:00pm

Address: 1530 Spruce Street Anderson, CA 96007

Anderson Heights Website:

Fall, 2016

Dear Anderson Heights Stars and Families,

Welcome to the 2016-17 school year at Anderson Heights! We are so pleased that you have selected Anderson Heights Elementary School for your child’s education. We welcome youand hope that you will take the opportunity to become active participants in your child’s educational experiences this year. We are looking forward to a wonderful year together!

Cascade Union Elementary School District and Anderson Heights Elementary are devoted to providing each student with opportunities to pursue their dreams and passions. Our school strives to exceed your expectations! We value our parent partners - a partnership built on mutual respect, cooperation and responsibility. We are committed to educating each student to high levels of academic performance while developing their citizenship and independence.

Our entire staff stands ready to provide each student with a safe, welcoming and respectful environment in which to learn and thrive. We are counting on each of you, too. There are countless opportunities for you to be a strong supporter of your child and our school. Let us help by welcoming you to visit, observe and volunteer whenever your schedule allows. Our doors are open! Anderson Heights has many school activities, field trips and other events where your involvement is more than welcome. Please make sure you join the Anderson HeightsParent Club and watch for notes/fliers/newsletters/announcements/Facebook posts which announce and promote school events. We also welcome you to visit our school’s website at

We know accomplishing goals is easier when we work together and we are focused on reaching and exceeding individual, class and school goals this year. We take pride in positive recognition and celebrating our collective achievements – along with you! With diligent and dedicated effort, exemplary attendance, outstanding behavior and a determined focus; we’re confident that each student will have an extraordinary year. Join with me as we commit to excellence at Anderson Heights!

Thank you for choosing Anderson Heights Elementary!

Barbara Gaskin


Inspire – Believe - Achieve


Board of Education

The CUESDBoard members are: Les McMullen (President); Helen Ciaramella (Clerk); Jim Carroll (Trustee); Elizabeth Dewar (Trustee); Teri Quigley (Trustee). Meetings of the Cascade Union Elementary School District Board of Education are generally held on the second Wednesdaysof each month at 6:00 PM, in the District Office at 1645 West Mill Street, Anderson, CA .

District Administration

(530) 378-7000

Mr. Jason Provence, Superintendent


Barbara Gaskin, Principal

Grade Room TEACHER

3rd 3Sondra Tompkins

3rd 5 Patricia Astin

3rd 6 Karen Kirmeyer

3rd 7 Kathy Draper

3rd 12 Kathleen Haagenson

4th1 Bob Dumore

4th 2 Nicki Lafferty

4th 4 Beverly Belk

4th 8 Shirley Quibell

5th 11 Lana Doherty

5th 10 Ruth Copeland

5th 9 Heather Morphew

5th 17 Roya Rahimdel

RSP 13 Michelle Makeham

SDC 14 Sierra Hoffman

Psychologist Conference Room Josh Mello

Speech / LanguageOffice Patty Dauphinee

Counselor Office Kimi Ross


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Barbi AbersoldSecretary

CassieBowmanOffice Clerk

Maylynn Cummings Health Clerk

Valli HixLead Custodian

JamesPanosEvening Custodian

Susan Magladry Library

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Lanne ShallerFood Service Cook/ ManagerRobyn LeonhardtAssistant Cook

Heather Hayes Combo Cook



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8:00School begins

10:10 – 10:30Recess: 3rd grade

10:15 - 10:30 (15) Recess: 4th– 5th grade

11:30-12:25 Lunch: 3rd grade

11:55-12:35 Lunch: 4th grade

12:15–12:55 Lunch: 5th grade

1:30 – 1:40Recess: 3rd grade


8:00School begins

10:10 – 10:30Recess: 3rd grade

10:15 – 10:30Recess: 4th- 5th grade

11:30-12:25Lunch: 3rd grade

11:55-12:35Lunch: 4th grade

12:15-12:55Lunch: 5th grade

1:15Dismissal: ALL Classes

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2:15 Dismissal: All Classes


First Day of School

August 15th, 2016

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Report Cards Go Home

November 18th (Trimester 1)

March 10th (Trimester 2)

June 2nd (Trimester 3)

Minimum Days: DISMISSAL at 1:15pm

October 4th – 5th

November 14th – 18th

December 16th

March 7th – 8th

June 2nd

Welcome Back to School Celebration

August 12th 2:00 – 3:00pm

Conference Days, Minimum Day 1:15 dismissal August 11, 2015

October 4th – 5th

November 14th – 18th

March 7th – 8th

Back to School Night

August 25th 5:30 – 7:00pm

Open House

May 11th5:30 – 6:30pm

End of Trimesters Last Day of School

November 4

February 24

June 2

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The school DOES NOT provide accident or medical insurance.


The daily school experience provides students the opportunity to receive direct instruction, opportunities to ask questions, receive assistance, and benefit from the countless interactions with classmates in cooperative learning situations. Your child can only receive the benefits of these activities, and the best possible educational opportunity, when they are in school every day. All students should arrive on time and be in line no later than 8:00am to greet their teacher. We encourage our parents to schedule any appointments after school hours or during vacation periods.

California Compulsory Attendance Law states that every pupil must attend school punctually and regularly. Students are encouraged to maintain the best possible attendance, but not at the expense of their health or the health of others.

When your child is absent from school, we ask that you phone the school that day AND send a note from home or from the doctor upon their return. The note should contain the following information:


Excused Absences:

The California Education Code states that the only valid excuses for school absence or late arrivals are:

  • Illness
  • Quarantine directed by the Health Officer/ District Nurse
  • Personal medical, dental, optometric services rendered, with a note from the doctor.
  • Attending funeral services of a member of the pupil’s immediate family

Students must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before being readmitted to school. If you are in doubt about whether to send your child to school because of health concerns, please call the health office at 378-7050.

Absences – Unexcused:

A school absence or late arrival for reasons other than those listed under Excused Absences will be consideredunexcused. If we do not receive a note, an absence will be coded as unexcused. Unexcused absences are considered truancies from school. Excessive absences / late arrivals will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB)for action. If you have plans for your child to miss 5 or more school days in succession, please contact the school secretary to determine if an Independent Study Contract can be developed.

  • NOTE: Independent Study must be arranged at least five (5) school days prior to the unexpected absence.
  • Students must return all Independent Study work upon returning to school.

Truancy Policy:

Truancy is defined as an absence from school or tardy (30+ minutes) without a valid excuse. A student is considered a habitual truant when they reach their 4th unexcused absence or tardy (30+ minutes). Truancy Letter #1 (Pupil’s Initial Classification as a Truant) will be generated when a student reaches 3 days of unexcused absences or tardy arrivals. Parents are obligated to compel the attendance of the pupil at school. Parents who fail to meet this obligation may be subject to prosecution pursuant to Section 48290 of the Education Code.


Section 14263 of the regulations and laws relating to pupil transportation in California states:

"Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible to, the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted across a street, highway, or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver, shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation."

Students will be instructed in safety procedures for riding the bus and for waiting at the bus stop. These procedures will be strictly enforced, with repeated violators losing their bus privilege. Citations may be issued to elicit parental support to eliminate problems. Bus rules and bus violation procedures will be provided to each student. Parents are encouraged to review these rules and regulations with their child(ren) so they know what is expected.Students who regularly come to school on a bus, will be sent home on the busunless a direct request has been received from a parent.


We strive to increase our students’ abilities to see themselves as competent, successful students who make good choices and are able to “get back on track” when mistakes are made. We employ a positive approach to discipline. This approach focuses on recognizing, appreciating and expecting positive behaviors, while providing immediate consequences for inappropriate behaviors. Teachers and school personnel have both the right and responsibility to expect and support positive student behaviors. They also are responsible for assigning limits and consequences when a student’s behavior may distract from the classroom or school campus learning environment. We expect students to show good citizenship, be trustworthy, responsible, respectful, fair and caring in the classroom.


Our school’s discipline system is intended to protect the rights of our students to learn and thrive in a safe environment. It’s important for students to participate in positive activities and receive recognition for positive behaviors and for them to be able to reset their behavior when appropriate and remain in their classroom.

Positive Disciplinary consequences may include: (but are not limited to):

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  • Classroom privileges / Responsibilities
  • Recognition / Specific, powerful praise of positive choices and “what’s going right.”
  • Leadership roles / Responsibilities / Service Learning
  • Participation in school wide recognition events and celebrations
  • Students of the Month designation + more!

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Corrective Disciplinary consequences may include (but are not limited to):

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  • Immediate consequence when a rule is violated
  • Opportunity to reset and return to learning or playground activity
  • Out of class reset
  • Recess detention / Community Service
  • Teacher Conference / Implementation of Behavior Contract / Behavior Support Plan
  • Admin Referral
  • Suspension (E.C. 48900 - 48910)

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PLAYGROUND DISCIPLINE: (Also please review Playground/School Rules in the following section)

We expect standards of safe, responsible and respectful behavior while students are participating in activities outside of the classroom. Supervisory personnelon duty are responsible for the safety and supervision of all students before school, during recess / lunch and afterschool. We expect students to show good citizenship, be trustworthy, responsible, respectful, fair and caring in all areas outside of the classroom.

Positive Playground Disciplinary consequences may include: (but are not limited to)

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  • Playground privileges / Responsibilities
  • Recognition / Praise of positive behavioral choices
  • Leadership roles / Responsibilities / Service Learning
  • Appreciation of time-in behavioral choices

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Corrective Playground Disciplinary consequences may include (but are not limited to):

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  • Immediate consequence when a rule is violated
  • Opportunity to reset and return to learning or playground activity / temporary removal from particular game(s), locations or activities
  • Teacher Conference / Implementation of Behavior Contract / Behavior Support Plan
  • Service Learning
  • Recess Detention
  • Behavior Citation
  • Admin Referral
  • Suspension (E.C. 48910)

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We look forward to communicating with you when your child’s behaviors are good as well as when they may require correction. We have implemented recognitions and consequences that are designed to support positive behavior choices by our students. When it is necessary to communicate a concern to you, we will make contact with you and provide you with the important details regarding the specific nature of your child’s behavior concern as well as details regarding the consequence delivered. Our classroom and school wide expectations are taught to students and reinforced throughout the school day. When a behavior becomes chronic or serious, we will be working along with you to support your child’s positive choices.

Administrative Referral

A child may be referred to Administration for intervention or disciplinary action after the classroom teacher or playground supervisor has assessed the seriousness of the incident or action. Reasons for Administrative Referral include (but are not limited to):

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  • Bullying
  • Overt Defiance
  • Graffiti / Vandalism
  • Verbal / Physical Threat
  • Theft
  • Aggressive Language
  • Physical Injury / Assault / Fighting
  • Weapon Possession
  • Drugs / Alcohol (Possession, Use, Sale)
  • Harrassment (Verbal / Physical / Electronic)
  • Profanity / Vulgarity

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We expect students to be safe, responsible and respectful at all times. We have found it helpful to provide the following basic rules and expectations to identify specific expectations of conduct in all school areas and when on school sponsored field trips:

  1. No aggressive body contact: Hitting, kicking, pushing, play fighting, biting or spitting.
  2. No profanity, threats/abusive language, or vulgarity.
  3. No weapons of any kind are permitted on school grounds and/or in student possession at any time: (i.e. knives [plastic, metal, pocket knives], sharp instruments, toy guns [including air soft and paint ball guns], rocks)
  4. No personal property that is a distraction to the learning environment. (Examples: balls from home, toys, cards, marbles, electronic devices such as radios, iPods, iPads, music players, cameras, and personal gaming devices are not permitted. * NOTE: Cell phones are to be kept OFF and STORED in backpacks throughout the school day.)
  5. No gum
  6. No item that might pose a danger to others: ie medication, matches, animals.
  7. No throwing of any objects, such as dirt, sand, rocks, glass, etc.
  8. No body contact sports (i.e. tackle football, rugby)
  9. Balls are to be used appropriately on the playground. (No balls against buildings, in hallways; do not sit on balls.) No hard balls, footballs or balls from home are permitted on campus.
  10. Once a game is started with a ball, the person responsible for the ball may not remove the ball from the game. No closing the game to anyone who desires to play. (Exception: A 20-student limit may apply for soccer game.)
  11. No skateboards, scooters, roller blades/skates or skate shoes.
  12. Appropriate use of the slide and playground permanent equipment: No rocks on the slides; One person on the slide at a time; Students are to wait at the bottom of the ladder until the student sliding is moving down the slide, feet first. Do not walk up the slide. Students are not permitted to sit on bars that are normally used for movement.
  13. Students must use the swings in a safe manner at all times. No doubling up on swings, swinging empty seats, jumping off the swing and no twisting the chains.
  14. Students are to stay on school grounds throughout the school day. No student is to exit the school campus during the school day (including climbing over fences, entering any parking lot areas, walking beyond any classroom structures, playing in landscaping around school buildings and sidewalks.)
  15. All snack food items are to be eaten in designated snack areas.
  16. When the recess bell rings, students are to immediately freeze in a standing position and cease all play. When the “all clear” whistle is heard, students are to WALK directly to their line and wait for their classroom teacher. All balls and equipment are to be held by students while in line.
  17. Students will comply with all directives by school personnel in order to maintain their own safety and the safety of others.

SAFE AND DRUG FREE CAMPUS: (See final page of handbook for Ed Code Definitions)

Cascade Union Elementary School district is committed to safe and drug-free schools. California State law requiresexpulsion for students who violate Ed Code 48915.


A student shall not be disciplined, suspended, or recommended for expulsion unless the superintendent, a designee or the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled determines the student has violated one or more parts of the California Education Code. A student may be disciplined, suspended or expelled for acts enumerated in the California Education Code that are related to school activity or school attendance occurring at any district school or within any other school district, including, but not limited to, any of the following: while on school grounds; while going to or coming from school; during the lunch period whether on or off campus; during, while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity.

  • A superintendent of the school district or principal may use their discretion to provide alternatives to suspension or expulsion, for a pupil subject to discipline under this section California Education Code Section 48900(v).
  • Alternatives to suspension or expulsion should be imposed against any pupil who is truant, tardy, or otherwise absent from school activities California Education Code Section 48900(w).
  • Suspension shall be imposed only when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct. However, a pupil, including an individual with exceptional needs, as defined in Section 56026, may be suspended for any of the reasons enumerated in Section 48900 upon a first offense, if the principal or superintendent of schools determines that the pupil violated subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) of Section 48900 or that the pupil's presence is a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process California Education Code Section 48900(.5).


All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of the school. California Education Code Section 48908.

Alternatives to Suspension may include (but are not limited to):

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  • Parent conference
  • Writing a letter to victim/school/parent/guardian/self
  • Action plan for future
  • Behavior support plan
  • Social probation, Student conference
  • Counseling conference with school and parent/guardian
  • Campus beautification / community service
  • Helping the lunch and/or custodial staff during lunch period
  • Visit from law enforcement
  • Detention
  • Student mentor
  • Involuntary transfer (South County Community Day School)

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